• Drug abuse and change readiness in prisoners : effect of motivational interviewing as measured by SOCRATES 

      Dahl, Helene M. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05)
      The effect of Motivational Interviewing (MI) was evaluated in a sample of incarcerated substance abusers, using the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES). The design was a pre-post between-groups design. To explore the importance of feedback in MI-training participants (N = 98) were randomized to two conditions that differed in terms of feedback or no feedback to the ...
    • Dysleksi: Tidlige risikomarkører for dysleksi 

      Riise, Sølvi Grønning (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-15)
      The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate whether or not students who were identified with poor literacy skills at 3rd grade, displayed poor literacy skills at the start of 1st grade and in 2nd grade. The theoretical framework for the master's thesis is the prevailing etiological model for dyslexia, namely the Multiple Deficit Model (MDM). It suggests that dyslexia (and other developmental ...
    • The effect of formal education on implicit social evaluation of immigrants 

      Sømhovd, Mikael Julius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      En negativ korrelasjon mellom nivå av formell utdannelse og fordomsfulle holdninger til innvandrere med annen etnisk opprinnelse, en utdanningseffekt, har blitt vist i en rekke rapporter. Hypotesen om at en slik korelasjon er resultat av sosial ønskelige responser og demand characteristics har tidligere blitt testet ved hjelp av forskjellige metoder for å omgå sosial ønskelighet. Denne tesen er ...
    • The Effect of Parents’ Integration and Acceptance of the Hosting Culture on Immigrant Adolescents’ Dual Identity 

      Soltanpanah, Jilwan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-02)
      Formålet med dette studiet var å undersøke forholdet mellom og prediktorer av innvandrer ungdoms tre kulturelle identiteter, etnisk identitet (dvs. identiteten knyttet til opprinnelseskulturen), nasjonal identitet (dvs. identiteten knyttet til verts kultur) og dual identitet (dvs. en integrert identitet kombinert av både etnisk og verts kultur). Vi gjennomførte en studie med 97 ungdommer med ...
    • Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on experimentally induced heat pain in healthy volunteers 

      Vasylenko, Olena (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-02)
      Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neuromodulatory technique that can reduce pain. Its side effects are milder than those of pharmacological treatments, and its analgesic effect on chronic pain has been demonstrated. In this study we investigated 1) the effects of anodal tDCS on pain intensity and threshold, 2) the placebo component of tDCS analgesic effect, and 3) ...
    • The effects of experiencing stereotype threat and internal attribution of failure among women’s intentions to drop out from university 

      Kofoed Eriksen, Tina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-10)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate why women drop out from university, with specific focus on female students from science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We developed three hypotheses based on stereotype threat theory (Steele & Aronson, 1995) and attribution theory (Heider, 1958). The hypotheses were as following: H1) The experience of stereotype threat is related to ...
    • Effects of Experimentally Induced Pain on Value-Based Decision-Making in Healthy Adults 

      Klakegg, Ina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Every day we make decisions that influence our well-being. Because of this, it is crucial that we make the most optimal decisions possible in order to minimize unnecessary loss or suffering. Some groups might be more vulnerable to making maladaptive choices, such as those suffering with chronic pain, which is associated with various cognitive impairments. As it currently stands there is not a clear ...
    • The effects of perceived dominance in persuasion 

      Stefansson, Jon Karl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      An experimental investigation of the relationship between communicator dominance and persuasion is reported. In the study, persuasion was examined as a function of experimental treatments that differed only in the perceived dominance of stimulus embedded within a text. Perceived dominance of the stimulus is operationally defined as the degree to which the stimulus makes the recipient feel ...
    • Eksplisitte og implisitte holdninger mot homofile og lesbiske 

      Andreassen, Kine Kjelstrup (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-10-03)
      Forskning på nordmenns holdninger mot homofile og lesbiske individer viser til funn i uoverensstemmelse. På den ene siden viser spørreundersøkelser gjort blant den norske befolkning til nøytrale eller positive holdninger mot denne menneskegruppen. På den annen side viser rapporter om homofile og lesbiske, så vel som studier gjort blant skoleungdom, til negative holdninger mot homofile og lesbiske. ...
    • The Emotional Impact of Video Games 

      Toreskaas, Jane Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-12-01)
      Abstract The thesis aimed to study the emotional impact of video games and how these emotions shape the experience of the gaming. Data are from a case study and comprise both automatic facial coding of emotional expression and qualitative interviews. The facially expressed emotions were analyzed by means of a computer program named FaceReader. The results indicate that video games elicit a wide and ...
    • Employees with Asperger syndrome - experiences and challenges 

      Pedersen, Kristina Nyvoll (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-02)
      Asperger syndrome (AS) is a pervasive developmental disorder which is characterized by restricted, stereotypical, and repetitive behavior and interests with an abnormal intensity (ICD-10, 2016). Unfortunately, the vocational outcome for this population is extremely variable (Howlin, 2000).The aim of the present study was to retrieve information about informant’s experiences and challenges in work-life ...
    • Enhancing Leadership effectiveness in Virtual Teams: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on Exhaustion and Job Satisfaction 

      Moe, Thea Victoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-28)
      Fremveksten av virtuelt arbeid og bruken av virtuelle teams i organisasjoner, ble intensivert av den nylige globale COVID-19-pandemien, og derved også behovet for å forstå hvordan en leders effektivitet kan bli påvirket i virtuelle arbeids kontekster. Denne studien undersøker den potensielt modererende rollen til transformasjonsledelse på forholdet mellom virtuelle teams og leder effektivitet, gjennom ...
    • Er aktive ansatte mindre sykemeldte? En longitudinell studie av sammenhengen mellom registrert fysisk aktivitet i mobilapplikasjonen SPOR og sykefravær ved Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge 

      Stensland, Eva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-04)
      Norsk sykefravær er høyt sammenlignet med andre land i Europa og hovedårsakene til fraværet er muskel og skjelettlidelser, samt lettere psykiske lidelser. Fysisk aktivitet er en faktor som kan forebygge disse lidelsene. Studiens hovedmål var å undersøke den potensielle sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og sykefravær. Studien har benyttet data for sykefravær til ansatte ved SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge ...
    • Evaluering av Familie-ART: En multimodal, familiebasert metode for utvikling av sosial kompetanse og forebygging av problematferd 

      Lie, Ane Eivor With (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-04-30)
      Family Aggression Replacement Training (Familie-ART) er en multimodal metode som har til hensikt å bedre sosial kompetanse og redusere problematferd. Den foreliggende studien har målt og evaluert effekten av en Familie-ART intervensjon gitt til 12 barn og deres familier. Sosial kompetanse og problematferd ble målt med Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) i et pre-test – posttest-design. SSRS sub-skalaer ...
    • Evaluering av kontrafaktisk positive utfall: Når det negative blir positivt 

      Gjerpe, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      Kontrafaktiske tanker viser til tenkte alternativer av hva som faktisk skjedde – hva som kunne skjedd. Hvis de kontrafaktiske tankene fokuserer på noe mer negativt enn det faktiske utfallet (nedoversammenligninger), vil dette medføre en mer positiv evaluering av det faktiske utfallet. På denne måten kan selv negative utfall oppleves positivt. En rekke vignettstudier har vist at der det nesten gikk ...
    • Exploring the Relationship Between Feeling of Rightness and Recall: A Study Challenging Dual Process Theory 

      Tveit, Nora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-28)
      Tidlig forskning på bedømming- og beslutningstaking antyder at vi har to systemer som tas i bruk når vi tenker: et raskt, intuitivt system (system 1) og et langsommere, mer overveiende system (system 2), referert til som toprosessteorien. Gjennom resonneringsoppgaver har denne forskningen vist at system 2 produserer normativt korrekte svar, og system 1 produserer feilaktige intuitive svar, og at ...
    • Fear of pain reduces the effect of a placebo intervention on pain 

      Forsberg, June Thorvaldsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      Placebo analgesia refers to a reduction in pain after a placebo treatment has been provided. Fear of pain has been shown reduce placebo analgesic response. The present study investigated if experimentally induced fear of pain reduces the efficacy of a placebo intervention on pain. A balanced within-group design (n = 45) with a natural history, a placebo, and a placebo+fear condition was employed. ...
    • Feedback Effects on Mind Wandering: A Series of Online Experiments 

      Karlsen, Krister (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-01)
      Replicating in-lab experiments online can ensure scientific progress when physical contact is discouraged, like during the covid-19 pandemic. In this thesis, we replicated the results from Boayue et al. (2021) in-lab Mind Wandering (MW) experiment online. The task uses the Finger-Tapping Random Sequence Generation Task, a sustained attention task, equating MW with Task Unrelated Thoughts (TUTs). In ...
    • Feeling the extreme : an exploratory study of experienced emotions during extreme sport 

      Hetland, Audun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-17)
      In the current study 13 BASE-jumpers and 18 skydivers reported their emotions immediately after a jump and after a 24 hours delay, using verbal (Likert-like scales) and visual (Feelometer) emotional report. Heart rate measures were also collected during, and 24 hours after the jump. The Feelometer is a newly developed tool enabling the participants to give a moment-to-moment report from a particular ...
    • Flow in Physical Activity and Exercise: Exploring the Relevance of Mindfulness and Exertion 

      Karlsen, Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-14)
      Experiencing flow in physical activity is associated with intrinsic motivation and has proven to be a highly rewarding state of mind (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008). Facilitating flow experiences among regular exercisers can be beneficial in terms of promoting long-term physical activity engagement. In a longitudinal study we explored possible factors predicting flow experiences in exercisers by measuring ...