• Can drug-related information reverse the effects of a local anesthetic cream? An investigation into the nocebo hyperalgesic response 

      Zwarg, Maria Lorentze; Hage Eilertsen, Hans-Ingvald (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-04-30)
      Objective: Verbal information accompanying administration of a drug has been shown to modulate treatment outcome, in both positive and negative directions. If drug effects alter as a function of verbal suggestions, negative information may potentially abolish or even reverse treatment effects. To test whether nocebo information can reverse the effect of a drug, we investigated how such information ...
    • Cerebrale volumetriske endringer hos jenter med anorexia nervosa 

      Eriksen, Mie-Susanne Høeg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-01)
      Tidligere studier som har undersøkt hjernens strukturelle og funksjonelle karakteristikker hos pasienter med Anorexia nervosa (AN), har vist korrelasjoner mellom AN og svekkelse i eksekutive funksjoner, og mellom AN og volumetriske mål av hjernen. I denne studien var hensikten å undersøke om det er volumetriske forskjeller i hjernen kortikalt og subkortikalt, mellom pasientgruppen (AN-pasienter) og ...
    • Children’s sensitivity to eyebrow flash as an ostensive stimulus: a pilot study 

      Suhr, Emilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-14)
      Ostensive signals are an integral part of normal everyday communication, a body of evidence indicates that some of them are innately recognizable to infants. The eyebrow flash has been suggested to be an ostensive signal by authors of human ethology studies. This have been shown little attention in the psychological field, this pilot study therefore has as goal of setting the basis for studying young ...
    • Circle of security – Effektivitet, virksomme mekanismer og implementering i barnehage og skole. 

      Kippe, Ida Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-30)
      Circle of security (COS) er et intervensjonsprogram med opprinnelse i USA, som er ment å fremme tilknytningskvaliteten mellom barn og omsorgsperson, og implementeres for tiden i stor grad i Norge. Denne oppgaven tok sikte på å gjennomgå den empiriske forskningslitteraturen som finnes på COS og undersøkte i tillegg om det finnes tilstrekkelig grunnlag for denne implementeringen. Oppgaven tok også for ...
    • Cognitive function in mild to moderately depressed and previously depressed individuals 

      Myrbakk, Ingvild Nordnes; Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      The present study explored differences between groups of Never Depressed (ND, n = 50), Previously Depressed (PD, n = 81) and Clinically Depressed (CD, n = 38) individuals with mild to moderate depression severity on tests of executive functions, working memory, memory, attention, and psychomotor speed and information processing. The most striking finding was the absence of significant differences ...
    • Contingency awareness and its effects on fear-potentiated startle and extinction 

      Sandvik, Rikke Pauline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-01)
      Fear-potentiated startle is defined as an increase in the magnitude of the startle reflex in the presence of a stimulus that has been paired with an aversive stimulus or event. It has been debated how much awareness of contingencies can affect fear-potentiated startle and the extinction of this. A conditional discrimination procedure was adapted to a human fear-potentiated startle paradigm in 33 ...
    • «Det er jo typisk at de skal drive på med krisereparasjon når du er nedenfor og har lyst til å ta livet ditt» - En kvalitativ studie av innsatte sine erfaringer med å ta i bruk selvhjelp i fengsel 

      Bakke, Tora Merete; Sivertsen, Line Fosse (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-12-08)
      Den psykiske helsen er dårligere blant innsatte i fengsel enn i den øvrige befolkningen. Selvhjelp kan være et tiltak for å bedre den psykiske helsen, men for at det skal fungere for innsatte må det være tilpasset fengselslivet. I 2019 startet SIFER Nord et prosjekt med mål om å utvikle et selvhjelpshefte for innsatte i fengsel (SELFI-heftet). I denne studien undersøker vi hvilke faktorer som ...
    • Det umulige prosjektet: hva er perfeksjonisme, hvordan kan det forklares og behandles? 

      Sevaldsen, Mette; Høier, Sabine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-02)
      Perfeksjonisme som psykologisk fenomen er kjent i faglitteratur fra begynnelsen av 1900- tallet. Det er forskjeller i hvordan perfeksjonisme defineres. Fellestrekk for definisjonene er at perfeksjonisme ses på som streben etter feilfrihet samt å sette ekstremt høye standarder for ytelse. Denne oppgaven forsøker å besvare tre problemstillinger: hva er perfeksjonisme, hvordan kommer det til uttrykk i ...
    • Dexterity and Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study 

      Almhaug, Heidi; Johansen, Ingvild (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-04-29)
      Previous research has demonstrated that age-related decline in cognitive and sensorimotor functions are related to dexterity and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Few studies have closely investigated the association between dexterity and cognitive functions. The purpose of this study was to explore possible differences in dexterity, cognition and IADL function across a group of mild ...
    • Diagnosing bipolar disorder with the diagnostic interview for psychoses (DIP) : a reliability study 

      Skorven, Caroline Spant; Mikalsen, Guro (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-03)
      A reliability study of the Norwegian translation of the Diagnostic Interview for Psychoses (DIP) was conducted, with a focus on its usefulness when diagnosing bipolar disorder. Emphasis is given to the severity and importance of correct diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. The DIP is a semi-structured interview that aims to assess low prevalent psychiatric disorders. It is based on the Operational ...
    • Discovering Jan Smedslund's psychologic. Challenging the assumptions of psychology 

      Pedersen, Fredrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2004-12-04)
      The current paper starts with a presentation of the metatheoretical landscape of current psychology. Jan Smedslund's psychologic is presented as a post-modern, or constructionalist, approach to psychology as a science. The key elements of psychologic are presented and explained. The system is then applied to two randomly chosen psychological articles: 1) a study of the predictive value of phonemic ...
    • Diskursen om diagnosen. Ein intervjustudie av kliniske psykologar 

      Norddal, Guri Annesdotter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-01)
      Fleire hevdar vi er kome i ei ”krise” i dagens psykiatriske praksis. Fagfolk begynner i større grad å bekymre seg for inflasjon i diagnosar og kome med alternative syn på handtering av psykiske lidingar. Er dagens psykiatriske diagnosesystem klar for utskifting? Denne oppgåvas hensikt er å skildre korleis psykologar tenkjer kring diagnosar og diagnostisering, samt diagnosars rolle i klinisk praksis ...
    • Dobbel/Duppal - En kvalitativ undersøkelse om identitetsutvikling og identitetsforståelse blant et utvalg samiske LHBTIS-personer 

      Halvorsen, Jørgen Tharaldsteen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-13)
      Det eksisterer lite kunnskap om samiske lesbiske, homofile, bifile, transpersoner, intersex og skeive (LHBTIS). Tidligere forskning har i mange tilfeller hatt fokus på psykisk helse i gruppen. Denne undersøkelser har hatt fokus på normalvariasjon i gruppen, og har derfor undersøkt hvordan samiske LHBTIS-personer skaper og forstår egen identitet. Ved bruk av kvalitative semi-strukturerte intervjuer ...
    • Does Gender Matter? Responsiveness to Authority Positions in the Norwegian Armed Forces Behavioral Intentions Towards Female Officers 

      Myrvoll, Hanna Solvang; Nilsen, Ingebjørg Bjørnenak (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-14)
      Based on the underrepresentation of women in the Norwegian Armed Forces, this thesis investigated whether there is a gender authority gap where female officers receive less authority compared to male officers. This was done by measuring behavioral intentions towards female officers. The study consisted of 198 participants from the Artillery Battalion and the Signal Battalion in the Norwegian Army. ...
    • Does Television Affect Our Job Satisfaction? A Moderated Mediation Model Investigating the Effects of TV Time on Next-Day Job Satisfaction 

      Hafnor, Trine Lise; Strand, Lena Cecilie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-12)
      People tend to spend much of their leisure time watching TV or videos on their smartphones. We were interested in looking at how this affects job satisfaction the next day. Using Affective Events Theory and sleep research as our theoretical background we hypothesized that TV time would have an indirect effect on job satisfaction. We argued that this effect would be mediated by sleep quality and ...
    • Dødsårsak, meningsskaping og komplisert sorg 

      Myrseth, Cecilie Terese; Veimæl, Lill-Tove (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-01-31)
      Sammendrag Denne hovedoppgaven har som formål å undersøke om dødsårsak spiller inn i utvikling av komplisert sorg og om dødsårsak påvirker prosessen med å skape en mening av dødsfallet. Oppgaven er basert på data fra en større studie om komplisert sorg;”sorg og selvbilde”, gjennomført av Jens Thimm ved Norges Arktiske Universitet i Tromsø. Deltakerne i studien ble spurt om sorg, personlighet og ...
    • The effect of symbolic threat and positive social emotions on Norwegian students' willingness to engage in collective action on behalf of immigrants 

      Andersen, Malin; Grøttveit, Marthe Kristina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-14)
      Migration numbers are steadily rising and inequality in immigrant receiving countries is a challenge that many are facing. Collective actions arranged by the advantaged group in a receiving country can be strategic tools in moving governments towards creating immigrantfriendly policies while managing to reduce inequality. Such collective actions include participation in demonstrations, signing ...
    • The Effect of Transcranial Temporal Interference Stimulation (tTIS) on Pavlovian Bias 

      Thommesen, Andreas; Ilvær, Jostein (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-12-13)
      In life, humans often approach the outcomes deemed valuable and avoid those that are harmful. This is known as the Pavlovian system. This default system is often adaptive, but it can also interfere with the more flexible instrumental system in pursuit of a goal. Research has indicated that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) plays a role in the arbitration process between these two systems. ...
    • Effects of Cognitive-behavioral and Psychodynamic-interpersonal Treatments for Eating Disorders: A Meta-analytic Inquiry Into the Role of Patient Characteristics, and Change in Eating Disorder-specific and General Psychopathology in Remission. 

      Solvang, Birgitte; Moberg, Leif Tore Ledaal (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-03)
      Background: Knowledge about the outcomes of different psychotherapeutic approaches for eating disorders in terms of remission is limited. Also, knowledge is limited about how therapies and patient characteristics interact to affect outcomes, and by which therapeutic processes. Method: Reports on the psychotherapeutic treatment of eating disorders by CBT and PIT were searched. Rates of remission and ...
    • The Effects of Perinatal Fluoxetine Exposure on Social and Non-Social Investigation Behaviors in a Novel Environment 

      Johansen, Jesper Solheim; Sylte, Ole Christian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-07-31)
      Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly prescribed as medication for various affective disorders during pregnancy. SSRIs cross the placenta and affect serotonergic neurotransmission in the fetus, but the neurobehavioral consequences for the offspring remain largely unclear. Recent research has linked perinatal SSRI exposure to alterations in both social and non-social ...