• Betingelser for kreativitet og implementering av nye ideer : en studie av ansattes innovative potensial 

      Woll, Kristin (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-04-15)
    • Between constitutive absence and subversive presence : self and other in the Contemporary War Film. 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2012-04-19)
      Through the combination of a discourse-theoretical framework and advances in cognitive film theory, this dissertation aims at conceptualizing the ways through which film and other audio-visual media impact on the spectator and on political discourse. In close readings of a variety of contemporary war films and games, I describe the formal representational conventions through which the genre frames ...
    • Between sports and subjective spirituality: Nordic yoga practitioners' perspectives on yoga, religion, and spirituality 

      Tøllefsen, Inga Bårdsen (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-12-09)
      The topic of this dissertation is Nordic yoga practitioners’ perspectives on yoga, religion, and spirituality, based on a questionnaire and interviews. In the monograph I explore who the Nordic yoga respondents are, why they have started (and continued) a yoga practice, and their attitudes and alignment to traditional religion, non-religion and subjective spiritualities. In the contemporary popular ...
    • Bevegelig handlingskunnskap. En studie i sykepleiens praksis 

      Lykkeslet, Else (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2003-12-16)
      Avhandlingen bygger på en studie i sykepleiens praksis. Hensikten med studien var å sette fokus på daglig praksiskunnskap i sykepleien. Dette på bakgrunn av at sykepleierutdanningen siden 1970 tallet har gjennomgått flere reformer som kort sagt kan sies å ha resultert i kortere praksisperioder og innføring av et mer vitenskapelig kunnskapsparadigme. Det som her løftes frem er sykepleiekunnskap slik ...
    • The birth of mathematical physics : Kepler's proof of the planets' elliptical orbits from causal hypotheses 

      Tønnessen, Sigurd (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2012-06-07)
      Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was an iconographic scientist and one of the forefathers of the scientific revolution. His groundbreaking work on astronomy has been extensively used in the study of scientific progress. I have continued this tradition in this thesis, and have studied Kepler’s original work in order to understand his theory development. More specifically, I have studied Kepler’s analysis ...
    • Bissie dajve : relasjoner mellom folk og landskap i Voengel-Njaarke sïjte 

      Jernsletten, Jorunn L. (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-06-15)
      Analysen er basert på feltarbeid og intervjuer, samt skriftlige beskrivelser fra 1800- og 1900-tallet. Geografisk er hovedvekten på Voengel-Njaarke sïjte (Kappfjell/Bindal reinbeitedistrikt) helt sør i Nordland fylke. Fokuset er på hvordan fortellinger og erfaringer preger sørsamers forståelse av deres relasjon til slektas landskap. Informantene har vært oppdratt til å se landskaper som bebodde. ...
    • Boarding School Education of the Sami People in Soviet Union (1935–1989): Experiences of Three Generations. 

      Afanasyeva, Anna (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2019-05-03)
      This monograph examines boarding school policies introduced on the Sami people in the Soviet Union from 1935 to 1989. On the basis of field and archival research on the Kola Peninsula and in Moscow, conducted over the course of 2014 and 2015, the study offers historical accounts and experiences of residential schooling among three generations of the Sami people in Russia. Through Sami oral accounts, ...
    • Border Performances: Politics, art and tourism where Norway meets Russia 

      Fors, Bjarge Schwenke (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2019-02-25)
      This thesis deals with political, artistic and touristic performances on Norway’s border with Russia. Based on ethnographic research in and around the town of Kirkenes, the thesis demonstrates how the state border and the borderland are staged through these performances. On a more general level, it aims to identify, explore and increase our knowledge about the role of performances in the construction ...
    • Borealisme og kulturnasjonalisme : bilder av nord i norsk og russisk folkeminnegransking 1830-1920 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-11-26)
      Nord som kulturelt avvik og kulturell essens: 1800-tallets kulturelle forestillinger om nordlig geografi og nordlige folk er svært mangetydige, og spenner fra nedlatende forakt via romantisk eksotisering til sterk idealisering. Avhandlinga Borealisme og kulturnasjonalisme. Bilder av nord i norsk og russisk folkeminnegransking 1830-1920 ble levert i mars 2010, og forsvares for graden ph.d. 26. ...
    • The bridge-building role of political procedures : indigenous rights and citizenship rights within and across the borders of the nation-state 

      Broderstad, Else Grete (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008-06-26)
      Abstract for chapter 3: The subject of chapter three is the treatment of the so-called Finnmark Act in the Norwegian Parliament (Storting) from 2003 to 2005. A distinct aspect of the process was the invitation from the Norwegian Parliament for the Finnmark County Council and the Saami Parliament to participate in consultations relating to the law, a process for which no provision is made in the ...
    • Brytninger mellom lokal og akademisk kulturminnekunnskap. En analyse av fortidsforestillinger i Nord-Troms og Lofoten 

      Nilsen, Gørill (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2003-09-27)
      Undersøkelsens geografiske ramme er Lofotkommunene Vestvågøy og Vågan samt Nord-Troms kommunene Lyngen, Storfjord, Kåfjord, Nordreisa, Skjervøy og Kvænangen. Kildemateriale fra disse områdene, lokalhistoriske og vitenskapelige artikler og bøker, lovverk og arkivmateriale, kulturstier samt museer er gjort til gjenstand for analyse. I tillegg ble det foretatt en serie med dybdeintervjuer. ...
    • Career maturity : contributions to its construct validity 

      Dybwad, Tom-Erik (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2009-05-26)
    • Category-effects and stimulus characteristics in visual perception 

      Låg, Torstein (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2006-12-01)
      This thesis describes a number of experiments that aimed to investigate the role of relatively low-level visual input factors in category-specific effects in object identification and colour perception. In the object recognition experiments, using picture-name or name-picture verification tasks, as well as object-naming tasks, clues to the causal factors contributing to such effects were obtained. ...
    • Change and continuity : the bildungsroman in English 

      Iversen, Anniken Telnes (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-02-22)
      ”Change and Continuity: The Bildungsroman in English.” Begrepet bildungsroman har vært brukt i litteraturvitenskapen i nesten 100 år, men det har hersket voldsom uenighet om hva det betyr, om genren finnes utenfor opphavslandet Tyskland og om den fortsatt skrives i dag. Avhandlingen erstatter mer tradisjonelle genredefinisjoner med The Bildungsroman Index (BRI), som består av 96 typiske trekk. ...
    • Christa Wolfs "Was bleibt" : Kontext – Paratext – Text 

      Skare, Roswitha (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008-06-04)
      Christa Wolfs "Was bleibt" (i svensk oversettelse 1991 under tittelen "Vad blir kvar") står i sentrum av denne avhandlingen som undersøker dens kontekst, paratekst og tekst. Utgangspunktet for avhandlingen er observasjonen at den så kalte tysk-tyske litteraturstriden – som startet i juni 1990 i de store vesttyske avisene Die Zeit og Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – egentlig ikke handler om teksten, ...
    • The Claims of Freedom: Habermas' Deliberative Multiculturalism and the Right to Free Speech 

      Jakobsen, Jonas (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2017-04-21)
      The thesis analyzes and discusses Jürgen Habermas’ political philosophy, focusing on his theories of multiculturalism and deliberative democracy. This implies an assesment of strengths and weaknesses in Habermas' theory, and an attempt to overcome the weaknesses through some revisions and reinterpretations. More specifically, I apply Habermas' framework to a particular question to which he himself ...
    • Concrete Matters: Towards an Archaeology of Things 

      Pétursdóttir, Þóra (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-11-01)
      The thesis is both part of and a critical response to the turn to things or the “new materialisms” developing within the humanities and social sciences during the last two decades. Based on the archaeological exploration of two recently abandoned herring stations in Iceland’s Northwest and their rich assemblages of decaying matter, the thesis seeks to scrutinize the fate of archaeological things ...
    • Conflict and order in Svalbard waters 

      Pedersen, Torbjørn (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2008-06-17)
      This dissertation examines processes that induce conflict and order in the maritime areas adjacent to the Svalbard archipelago, where Norway’s sovereign rights as coastal state are contested. The first process is the ambiguous causal interplay of international politics and international law: After decades of debate, the parties to it remain reluctant to involve disinterested international third ...
    • Constraining Operations : A Phase-based Account of Improper Movement and Anaphoric Binding 

      Bader, Monika (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-15)
      The goal of this dissertation is to offer a novel way of relating locality restrictions on movement and binding dependencies to a common set of syntactic factors. The starting point is the long noted observation that movement operations must apply in a particular order to yield a licit result (Chomsky 1973). The question of how the restrictions on ordering of movement operations might be derived in ...
    • Constructing Perfectivity in Russian 

      Romanova, Eugenia (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2007-04-16)
      The thesis deals with one particular way of deriving perfective verbs in Russian, namely, prefixation. Prefixes are interesting not only because they turn imperfective verbs into perfectives, but also because they reveal dependencies between two different types of predicational structure, on the one hand, and the connection of event quantification with the event and argument shape, on the ...