Viser treff 4407-4426 av 7093

    • Naboskap, oppfatningar og delelinjeforhandlingar 1985–1992 : ei framstilling av delelinjeforhandlingane i Barentshavet slik dei blei sett i norske og sovjetiske/russiske aviser 

      Myklestad, Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      Oppgåva er ei framstilling av delelinjeforhandlingane i Barentshavet mellom 1985 og 1992 slik dei blei oppfatta i norske og sovjetiske/russiske aviser. Fram til drøftingane bryt saman i 1992, må perioden i grove trekk sjåast som ei tid med stor optimisme i delelinjeforhandlingane. Dette viser seg og i avisene, men på svært ulike måtar i Noreg og Sovjetunionen/Russland. Dei sentrale avisene i Moskva ...
    • Name-calling: The Russian 'new Vocative' and its status 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-06-18)
      Henning Andersen (2012) points out that the Russian “new Vocative” (e.g., мам! ‘mama!’, Саш! ‘Sasha!’) presents a series of unusual behaviors that set it apart from ordinary case marking. Andersen argues that the Vocative should not be considered a declensional word form of nouns. The Russian Vocative is certainly an uncommon linguistic category, but does this entail setting up a new tran- scategorial ...
    • Name-calling: The Russian ‘new Vocative’ and its status 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Henning Andersen (2012) points out that the Russian “new Vocative” (e.g., мам! ‘mama!’, Саш! ‘Sasha!’) presents a series of unusual behaviors that set it apart from ordinary case marking. Andersen argues that the Vocative should not be considered a declensional word form of nouns. The Russian Vocative is certainly an uncommon linguistic category, but does this entail setting up a new transcategorial ...
    • Nanook of the North (1922) – Zur Rolle paratextueller Elemente für das Verständnis des Films 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In film history Robert Flaherty’s Nanook of the North (1922) is usually considered the first documentary and possibly one of the best known documentaries of the silent era. It has also been called the first ethnographic film, as well as the first art film. However, this paper will not discuss the question of whether Nanook is a documentary, rather it will focus on the fact that there is not only ...
    • Nanook of the North (USA 1922, Robert J. Flaherty): Repertoiremusik und Neukomposition 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Nanook of the North (USA, 1922/1947/1976/1998) and film exhibition in the classical silent era: A document unbounded? 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      <b>Purpose</b> – The purpose of this paper is to provide a discussion on whether more traditional documents like a film of the classical silent era can be discussed as an unbounded document. <b>Design/methodology/approach</b> – By taking Gérard Genette ’ s concept of the paratext as point of departure and focussing on the exhibition of Nanook of the North during the silent era, the ...
    • Nanook of the North: Fra Broadway i New York til Storgata i Tromsø 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-08)
      <p>Verdensteatret åpnet sine dører sommeren 1916 og er i dag Norges eldste kinobygg som fortsatt brukes for å vise film. Vi vet om åpningsforestillingen den 4. juni 1916 at det svenske melodramaet Madame de Thebes Spaadom fra 1915, med norsk tittel Skjæbnens Søn, står på programmet og at Bladet Tromsø kunne fortelle om lange køer. Likevel vet vi svært lite om enkelte elementer av filmfremvisningen ...
    • Nanosyntax : A short primer to a new approach to language 

      Starke, Michal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2009)
      Nanosyntax is a novel approach to the architecture of language, designed to make (better) sense of the new empirical picture emerging from recent years of syntactic research. It is a large-scale project, addressing a wide array of issues, ranging from big issues such as the modularity of language, to fine details, such as the derivation of allomorphy in irregular patterns of given languages and its ...
    • Nanosyntax and syncretism in multidimensional paradigms 

      Taraldsen, Knut Tarald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-11)
      This article discusses certain problems that arise when the basic tenets of Nansyntax are employed in an analysis of syncretism patterns in multidimensional paradigms and presents and evaluate different solutions to these problems. The article is intended as a follow-up to my article an introduction to Nanosyntax.
    • The nanosyntax of case 

      Caha, Pavel (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2009-10-02)
      This dissertation proposes a new approach to case. It unifies its syntax, morphology and semantics in a simple, fine-grained and restrictive picture. One of the assumptions frequently made in works on case is that cases such as nominative and accusative are not primitive entities, but they are each composed of various features. The central hypothesis of this dissertation is that these features are ...
    • The Nanosyntax of Hungarian postpositions 

      Dekany, Eva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2009)
    • Nansen og Russland 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      3. oktober 1913 satt Fridtjof Nansen på den transsibirske jernbanen ett døgn fra Vladivostok og skrev brev hjem til sin nære venn og kollega Bjørn Helland-Hansen: «Jeg har hatt en interessant reise på mange måter, og har nu hodet fullt av helt nye inntrykk av den mest forskjellige slags fra Ishavet og hit til det Himmelske Rike, som vi nu har reist gjennom, […] Hvad jeg skal gjøre med alt det nye ...
    • Nansens "På ski over Grønland" 

      Sundby, Hanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2006)
    • Narrating the Migration Experience. How can the use of young adult migrant narratives and authentic experience in the EFL classroom increase both knowledge and understanding regarding society, history and adolescent migrant identity? 

      Tamnes, Bodil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-04-11)
      This thesis explores how Said’s idea of Orientalism; how the Self mirrors the Other and recognizes otherness, and how these terms and processes influence and interfere with the establishment of personal identity. However, considerable examples in YA migration narrative demonstrate how Orientalism and othering are outdated and archaic mechanisms of identification, although they still intervene with ...
    • Narrativ tilnærming til undervisning i samfunnsfag. Hvordan bruke narrativ tilnærming til undervisning i samfunnsfag for å skape engasjement og faglig interesse hos elever? 

      Eriksen, Karin Bersvendsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-16)
      Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på narrative tilnærmingsmetoder for å se om det kan skape engasjement og interesse for fagstoffet og på denne måten gjøre undervisningen mer meningsfull for elever. Teksten handler om hvordan man kan bruke narrative tilnærmingsmetoder i undervisning og elevers og læreres erfaringer med dem. Det ble utformet ei undervisningsøkt der partisanenes historie i Finnmark under ...
    • Narrative and Ambiguity in the Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner 

      Mandal, Børge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-01)
      The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner has been the subject of critical discussion for a long period of time. The discussions mainly revolve around the inconsistencies and ambiguity of the two narratives in the novel: the Editor’s and Robert Wringhim’s. This paper shows how some of this ambiguity is warranted, and how some of it is possible to diminish by perceiving the narratives ...
    • Narrative empathy in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Home. An approach to teaching these works in upper secondary school in Norway 

      Rindstad, Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-14)
      The following thesis uses Toni Morrison’s two novels Beloved and Home to demonstrate how multiple narrative perspectives can be used to prevent as well as evoke reader’s empathy. Furthermore, the thesis suggests using her work in upper secondary school to teach students about how narrative perspectives might manipulate empathy, which can enable them to reflect upon how different perspectives affect ...
    • A narratological approach to witchcraft trial records: creating experience 

      Toivo, Raisa Maria; Willumsen, Liv Helene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-20)
      The article uses narratology as a tool to examine the seventeenth-century witchcraft trials in Finland and the area of Finnmark, Northern Norway, to analyse how experience as a category of knowledge and expression surfaces in original court records. This article focuses on courtroom discourse in witchcraft trials: the interrogation, what the accused confessed to in terms of ideas about witchcraft, ...
    • Nasal consonants, sonority, and syllable phonotactics: the dual nasal hypothesis 

      Krämer, Martin; Zec, Draga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-28)
      We investigate the phonotactic behaviour of nasal consonants in a database of over 200 languages. Our findings challenge the common classification of nasals as intermediate between obstruents and liquids on the sonority hierarchy. Instead, we propose that there are two types of nasal consonants, one group with lower sonority than liquids and one with higher sonority. We propose that these two types ...
    • Nasjonal identitetsskaping i skolen : en regional og etnisk problematisering 

      Folkenborg, Håkon Rune (Book; Bok, 2008-06)
      Skolen er, og har vært, en viktig premissgiver for forestillingene om vår nasjonale identitet. Samfunnsfaget har som en særlig oppgave å fortelle oss hvem nordmenn er og hva Norge er. Denne boka problematiserer regionale og etniske aspekter ved den norske nasjonale identiteten slik disse framstår i et utvalg lærebøker i norgeshistorie. – Beskrives regionen Nord-Norge som en integrert del av ...