Now showing items 21-26 of 26

    • Vitenskap og moralfilosofi. Et forsvar av Joshua Greenes kritikk av deontologisk etikk. 

      Lorentsen, Torjus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Joshua Greene argumenterer for at deontologisk etikk er uegnet som normativ teori fordi den har sitt opphav i nevrologiske- og psykologiske prosesser som er sensitive for faktorer som ikke er moralsk relevante. Jeg argumenterer for at normativ etikk, representert ved debatten mellom deontologi og konsekvensialisme, er en disiplin preget av stillstand, og at Greenes prosjekt har potensial til å bøte ...
    • Understanding the World and Ourselves in a Different Way: A study of Aesthetic Experience 

      Danielsen, Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The thesis issues the question of meaning in experience with art and aesthetics. Throughout the thesis I investigate whether or not we can acquire knowledge or/and experience something true in aesthetic experience. According to Kant it is not possible to gain knowledge through these kinds of experience. It follows from his system of philosophy that ties all knowledge to concepts. Aesthetics judgements ...
    • Justice for the LGBTQ+ community through Celebrating Pride. An examination of justice for sexual minorities in the light of recognition and redisribution, as presented by Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. 

      Kjærnes, Cornelia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-18)
      The LGBTQ+ community has over the past fifty years gone from being a severely oppressed group of people, where most people lived closeted lives, to become a well known minority group that many people associate with celebration, bravery and pride. This is not to say that the circumstances have completely changed for the LGBTQ+ community. They are still subjected to a high level of threat when it comes ...
    • Freedom of the dialogical self. A critical examination of Charles Taylor’s Political Philosophy 

      Asbøll, Emil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-02)
      This thesis is an investigation into the political philosophy of Charles Taylor considering his wider work on human nature and the distinctness of human agency. For Taylor, human beings are significant from other intelligent animals because we are motivated be the search for meaning in on our own lives, and in our relationship towards others. Taylor thinks that our dialogical identity, the fact that ...
    • Naturopplevelsen og kreativitetens pusterom: Vår altfor-menneskelige dialog med verden 

      Sørmo, Eirik Stenseth (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-06-02)
      Med utgangspunkt i personlige erfaringer og empiriske undersøkelser, tar jeg i denne oppgaven fatt på å gi et filosofisk svar på hvorfor naturopplevelsen ser ut til å stimulere til kreativitet. Jeg bruker spesifikke momenter fra Graham Harmans objektorienterte ontologi til å argumentere for at artefakter døyver opplevelser av verden som annen og fremmed fra vår egen 'livsverden', og dermed bidrar ...
    • Green Colonialism: Conceptualizing Contemporary Sami Struggles for Life and Land 

      Bjerklund, Hedda Smedheim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-01)
      The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the conceptualization of the contemporary Sami struggles for life and land. In doing so, I conduct a philosophical investigation of the emerging concept of “green colonialism.” The former president of the Sami parliament in Norway, Aili Keskitalo, has in multiple occasions invoked the term “green colonialism” to describe the contemporary implementation of ...