Now showing items 1-20 of 212

    • The 25-hour Moment: How Pathologic 2 Facilitates Presentness and Constructs Its Ludonarrative 

      Skancke, Kristian Terje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis investigates how interactivity, one of digital games’ most prominent and productive aspects, can be leveraged to produce particular experiences within games. I demonstrate how Pathologic 2 is designed to leverage interactivity in order to immerse the player within its fiction and world, primarily by the player’s own continuous interaction with the game system as represented in the game’s ...
    • Alice in Wonderland : development of Alice’s identity within adaptations 

      Johannessen, Finn-Henning (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-15)
      In this master thesis, I have analyzed the development of Alice’s identity in selected adaptations of Lewis Carroll’s (1832-1898) "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) and compared them to the original book. I chose three adaptations, Tim Burton’s "Alice in Wonderland" (2010), the videogame inspired by this movie (2010), and the videogame "American McGee’s Alice" (2000). I have applied discourse ...
    • Amplified Love in Sarah Kane's Cleansed: A Jar of Nuances 

      Christoffersen, Helle Ovedie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-15)
      Sarah Kane’s play Cleansed created headlines in 1995 due to its violent and shocking content. While the theme of love has been acknowledged in the discourse on the play since its original staging, the emphasis has been on the grotesque nature of the play. This thesis aims to bring attention the theme of love in Cleansed and argues that the violence is merely a tool in amplifying the experience of ...
    • Analyse av kystkvinnemotivet i De usynlige, Kjærestebåten og Huset med den blinde glassveranda 

      Markussen, Vanja Louise (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-01)
      Kvinneliv og kvinneperspektiv har lenge blitt utelatt i historieforskningen og historienedskrivningen. Først ut over 1990-tallet ble kystkvinners liv satt i fokus og forsket på. I dag finnes det flere etnologiske og historiske verk som synliggjør kystkvinnenes posisjon i samfunnet og fremhever deres historie, men hvordan fremstilles kystkvinner i skjønnlitteraturen? Skjønnlitterære tekster er ...
    • Andvake-trilogien – en etisk tolkning. Det uklare skillet mellom godt og ondt i Jon Fosses Andvake-trilogi 

      Skyum, Hedda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Masteroppgaven er en etisk perspektivert tolkning av Jon Fosses Andvake-trilogi. Jeg har sett på forholdet mellom det gode og det onde i trilogien, og hvordan trilogiens personer er fremstilt. Dette har jeg gjort ved å gi sentrale personer karakteranalyser forløpende i analysekapitlene. Masteroppgaven inneholder fire analysekapittel: Det første analysekapitlet handler om hvem som er gode og onde i ...
    • The Apocalypse and its Aftermath. Society, Survival and Accountability in The Road and Oryx and Crake 

      Joakimsen, Alice Solhaug (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-28)
      This is a two-part thesis: a literary analysis and a didactical examination of the novels chosen. The literary analysis explores the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic worlds in The Road by Cormac McCarthy, and Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, by examining the novels with three keywords: society, survival and accountability. Humanity is seemingly lost in both novels, and the main characters fight ...
    • “Ariadne and the rest”: Metamorphoses and transformations in A.E. Stallings' early poetry 

      Tangen, Elise Gjerdalen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-15)
      The main focus in this thesis is metamorphoses and transformations in A.E. Stallings’ early poetry, where I explicate poems from her two volumes of poetry, Archaic Smile (1999) and Hapax (2006). The volumes share similarities, such as thematic use, however, the volumes are different on many terms as well. I argue that a shift has happened from volume one and volume two, and argue my case that Stallings ...
    • Being at the Centre of a Scandal – Exploring the Complexities of the Sexual Deviant. Queer Counterspaces and their Effect on Character Development and Self-Actualisation in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Giovanni’s Room 

      Kristensen, Cathrine Sofie Ekløv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      This thesis addresses literary representations of queerness in public and private places. Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner’s 1998 essay ‘Sex in Public’ addresses the public’s association with sexuality and the idea of counterpublics. This thesis aims to use this idea of counterpublics in association with queer spacing, Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopias, and the concept of the deviant. I ...
    • Bestialitetens genealogi : en lesning av Bestialitetens historie av Jens Bjørneboe med hovedvekt på fortellerens prosjekt 

      Birkeland, Kenneth Steidel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-11-01)
      Lesning av Frihetens øyeblikk (1966), Kruttårnet (1969), og Stillheten (1973) av Jens Bjørneboe med spesielt henblikk på fortellerens prosjekt. Paul Ricoeurs Time and Narrative brukes fortrinnsvis som teoretisk grunnlag for lesningen.
    • Bestseljarar i bokhandel og bibliotek. Ein analyse av Mors gaver (2013) og De usynlige (2013) i eit litteratursosiologisk perspektiv. 

      Nesse, Guro (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      I Noreg har me nokre av verdas beste litteraturpolitiske støtteordningar som skal fremje ein mangfaldig norsk litteratur. Likevel ser me at litteraturen me les blir meir underhaldningsretta og meir einsretta. I oppgåva har eg sett på dei mest selde og utlånte bøkene i 2014. Listene over desse bøkene er i stor grad prega av populærlitteratur innanfor sjangrane krim og melodrama. To bøker skil seg ut, ...
    • Beyond imagination : the moral versus the aesthetic : philosophical and literary influences in John Banville's Frames trilogy 

      Monsen, Maria Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-26)
      The main focus for my thesis will be on John Banville’s Frames trilogy (2001) and the author's rendering of the limitations and possibilities of the aesthetic individual. In order to show how the tension between the aesthetic and the moral existence is illustrated by Banville’s protagonists, I have also included in my analysis certain literary and philosophical influences that I have found relevant. ...
    • The "Blackness of Blackness". The city and identity in Toni Morrison’s Jazz and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man 

      Næss, Patrick (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis aims to explore identity and individuality when entering and living in the city for African Americans in the 1920s. More specifically I aim to explore how migrating North from the South caused a crisis of identity for many African Americans and why this happened. Principally through looking at the novels Invisible Man and Jazz, but also through using essays on the city and identity from ...
    • Border Theory: A New Point of Access into Literature. A border-theoretical reading of China Miéville’s Un Lun Dun, The City and the City and Embassytown 

      Johansen, Cathrine Olea (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      “Border Theory: A New Point of Access into Literature” seeks to explore the use of a border-theoretical approach to literature. Border theories by Johan Schimanski, Stephen Wolfe, David Newman, Homi Bhabha, and a set of different border planes – the symbolic, epistemological, topographic, temporal and textual border plane – provide the scholarly framework for this thesis. Border theory studies the ...
    • Bortenfor blånene : kanonisk utvikling innen samisk lyrikk i det 20. århundre 

      Skåden, Sigbjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2004-05)
      Avhandlinga tar for seg de folkelig aksepterte hovedpillarene innen samisk lyrikk, og også samisk litteratur som helhet, i tre forskjellige perioder i det 20. århundre. Den tidlige oppblomstringa av samisk skriftkultur tidlig i århundret, representert ved Pedar Jalvi. Kampen for anerkjennelse av samiske rettigheter på 60- og 70-tallet, representert ved Paulus Utsi. Inngangen til det post-moderne mot ...
    • "Brannen" og det mystiske erfaringspotensialet 

      Balsnæs, Kristoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-03)
      I min avhandling om Tarjei Vesaas’ Brannen (1961) utforsker jeg mystikken i verkets visjonære grunnlag. Hovedfokuset for mitt tolkningsarbeid ligger på symbolbruken i åpnings- og avslutningssekvensen. Gjennom et utvalg av religiøse, filosofiske og psykologiske tekster viser jeg hvordan Brannens billedmettete symbolspråk uttrykker de uutgrunnelige, transcendentale «sannheter» om menneskets sjeleliv. ...
    • Breaking the Silence: The Influence of Class,Culture and Colonisation on African Women's Fight for Emancipation and Equality in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions and Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus 

      Corneliussen, Eva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-10-19)
      This thesis will examine how colonisation has influenced the African women’s fight for emancipation and equality as depicted in Nervous Conditions (1988) by Tsitsi Dangarembga and Purple Hibiscus (2003) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Dangarembga and Adichie individually are contemporary African post-colonial writers who have drawn worldwide attention with their novels about young women’s fight to be ...
    • “Bures boahtin sámi stáhtii”. Sámi ráppa almmolaš digaštallanbáikin. Mo ovddiduvvo dat lyrihkkan ja kollektiiva jietnan? 

      Stueng, Saia Marilena (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Sámi ráppárat Áivan, SlinCraze, Ailu Valle ja Duolva Duottar leat maid gohčoduvvon davvisámegiela váldoráppárin. UiT Árktalaš Universitehta vuosttašamanueansa Sin jietna ja ságastallan leat sihke siskkobeale ja olggobeale Sámi. Sii leat ovdavázzit ja sin ráppa lea dehálaš jietna sámi almmolaš digaštallamis ja dekoloniseremis (vrd. Kuokkanen 2009: 35). Teorehtalaš lahkonanvugiid válljemii lean válljen ...
    • "But you can't get me out of the story". Feminist Revision of Fairy Tales in Short Stories by Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter 

      Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-29)
      Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter are but two of many authors who have appropriated the fairy tale genre and used its plethora of tales as intertext and playground for their artistic vision. This thesis will look selected stories from The Bloody Chamber (1979), Bluebeard’s Egg (1983) and Good Bones (1992). These collections engage with the fairy-tale canon, in both form, content and intertext, and ...
    • "Bøyer seg til jorda, men brekker ikke” : Alf Nilsen-Børsskogs roman Kuosuvaaran takana som kvensk motfortelling 

      Kristiansen, Merethe Eidstø (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-11-15)
      Alf-Nilsen Børsskogs Elämän jatko 1. Kuosuvaaran takana (2004) er den første kvenskspråklige romanen. Boken har blitt presentert som et bevis på det kvenske språkets eksistens og kulturens livskraft. Av analysen fremkommer romanens fortellerstrategier og fremstillinga av kvener sett i forhold til tidligere kvenskildringer og den historisk-kulturelle konteksten. Verket kan leses som ei motfortelling ...
    • Challenging normality and breaking boundaries of prejudice 

      Myrland, Camilla (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      This thesis seeks to investigate how the protagonists with disabilities in John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars and Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time challenge society’s normative views of taboos and break the boundaries of prejudice and to underline the importance for young adult readers to read such literature. Additionally, I will seek to answer how teachers can utilize ...