Now showing items 101-120 of 300

    • Zebrafish as a model system for safety pharmacology, using a glucocorticoid and an antimicrobial peptide as test substances 

      Albert, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-20)
      The zebrafish is an exciting model organism with a lot to offer and many possible areas of application. Toxicity assays using zebrafish embryos are becoming increasingly popular with the pharmaceutical industry as a tool to bridge the gap between conventional cell based screens and animal testing. The main aim of this project was to explore the zebrafish as a model system for use in safety pharmacology, ...
    • The regulation of steroid receptor coactivator-3 (SRC-3) activity by ERK3-MK5 signal pathway. A study in lung cancer cells 

      Almahi, Eslaem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-19)
      Background: Protein kinases and phosphatases persistently regulate various signal pathways that mediate many cellular processes. The mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are key components in the transduction of extracellular stimuli to biological responses. The dysregulation of MAPKs activity promotes the occurrence of diverse diseases, including cancer, making MAPKs signaling pathways attractive ...
    • Legemiddelsamstemming i UNN Tromsø. Kvalitet av legemiddellister i Universitetssykehuset Nord Norge Tromsø etter innføring av prosedyrer for legemiddelsamstemming 

      Muse, Ibrahim Moallin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-16)
      Bakgrunn: Uoverensstemmelser (UOr) mellom legemiddelopplysninger som registreres ved pasientinnleggelse og legemidler i bruk før innleggelse er velkjent, og kan føre til feil legemiddelbruk, svikt i behandling og i verste fall økt sykelighet og død. Legemiddelsamstemming (LMS) er ett av innsatsområdene i pasientsikkerhetsprogrammet” I trygge hender”, og har som mål å sikre at registrerte opplysninger ...
    • Isolation, characterization and chondrogenic differentiation of adult stem cell-derived MUSE-cells 

      Johansen, Lars-Arne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Articular cartilage is coating the layers of freely movable joints, enabling a smooth surface and acts resisting to forces. The tissue is aneural and avascular, and has a poor ability to selfrenew in cases of tissue damage. Therefore, cartilage lesions often lead to degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis (OA). OA is considered the most common form of arthritis affecting people worldwide, ...
    • Chitosan Lecithin Nanoparticles with New Chemical Entity. Antimicrobial Evaluation 

      Hemmingsen, Lisa Myrseth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-13)
      Chronic wounds are often colonized with biofilm-producing bacteria, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, and these wounds often have high degree of complexity and are often challenging to treat. There is a high resistance to the traditional antimicrobial treatments and that is why these infections sometimes are persistent. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is proposed as a potential solution to the problems ...
    • Collateral sensitivity in clinical Escherichia coli isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin 

      Lam, Chon Kit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      The increase in antimicrobial resistance in bacteria is a serious problem in public heath limiting the efficacy of available antimicrobials for treatment of infections. E. coli is the most frequent cause of uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Ciprofloxacin is an important antimicrobial for treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Unfortunately, resistance to ciprofloxacin is commonly ...
    • Karakteristika ved ulike behandlingskategorier av diabetes. Kvinner og kreft-studien 

      Sandvik, Line Anita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Overvekt og fedme øker i samfunnet og hånd i hånd går den nye folkesykdommen type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes er en alvorlig kronisk sykdom som rammer mange mennesker i hele verden. Det estimeres en fordobling av forekomsten av diabetes fra år 2000 og til år 2030. På grunnlag av dette er det viktigere enn noen gang å finne løsninger og metoder for å eventuelt forebygge eller utsette sykdommen. Det ...
    • Chitosan Lecithin Nanoparticles with New Chemical Entity. Nanotoxicity Evaluation 

      Kangu, Lloyd Mbugua (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Chronic skin wounds are an exponentially increasing problem on a world basis, and are often hard to treat due to bacterial biofilm formation and resistance to different antibiotic treatments. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aDPT) shows promise in resolving this issue, but clinical based treatments have yet to be established although photodynamic therapy is used for other conditions. A new ...
    • Hormonbehandling og hormonkonsentrasjon hos kvinner behandlet for eggstokkreft 

      Egeberg, Celine Victoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Epitelial eggstokkreft (EEK) er den 6. mest vanlige kreftformen blant norske kvinner. Det diagnostiseres ca. 450 nye tilfeller per år. Fem års overlevelse har økt og det har derfor vært viktig å se på langtidseffektene som påvirker kvinnene. Kvinnene kommer i en umiddelbar menopause etter kirurgisk fjerning av eggstokkene. Dette gjør også at de ofte opplever mer symptomer og plager enn kvinner som ...
    • Stability of analgesic admixtures. Degradation and compatibility of common compounds in singular and binary admixtures in use for palliative treatment 

      Koveland, Anne Christine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Analgesic admixtures are given subcutaneously using patient-controlled analgesia devices and are often used in palliative care. The admixtures contain in most cases several compounds to treat multiple conditions. Despite the wide use, there are few data on the physical and chemical stability of the different admixtures. In this preliminary study, we investigated the stability and compatibility of ...
    • Anti-osteoporotic drug use and quality of life in persons with osteoporosis – The Tromsø Study 

      Fouad, Mahmood (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Introduction: Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and is a risk factor for hip, wrist, and vertebral fractures. Fragility fractures lead to increased mortality, morbidity, pain, immobility, social isolation and depression, which all may affect the quality of life (QoL). Use of anti-osteoporotic drugs (AOD) reduces the risk of fractures and may influence QoL. Objective: ...
    • Avvik i legemiddelhåndtering ved sykehus, Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge. Sårbare områder, meldekultur og forslag til forbedringstiltak 

      Ademi, Adelina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      BAKGRUNN: Avvik i legemiddelhåndteringen kan assosieres med lengre sykehusopphold og høyere helsekostnader, noe som medfører høy belastning for pasient, pårørende og helsevesen. Avviksrapportering belyser hvor det er læringspotensial og behov for forbedringstiltak. Avvik i helsevesenet skal innrapporteres og brukes som et ledd for å forbedre pasientsikkerheten, forebygge kvalitetssvikt og hindre ...
    • In silico screening for GAT-3 inhibitors 

      Gebregazabhier, Reem Alem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      ϒ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system (CNS). GABA exert is function by binding to three different receptor subtypes, the GABAA, GABAB and GABAC receptor. The GABA level in different brain regions are regulated by four GABA transporters (GATs); GAT-1, GAT-2, GAT-3 and BGT-1. GAT-3 is located in glial cells that is controlling GABA function ...
    • A study of Fez1 and Fez2. Establishment of Fez1 and Fez2 knock out cells lines. Localization of Fez1 and Fez2 

      Nguyen, Jenny Thuy Tien (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-16)
      Autophagy is an essential cellular process that is important to maintain homeostasis by degrading proteins, lipids and organelles during critical times like cellular or environmental stress conditions. Autophagy plays a critical role in human pathologies, since defective autophagy can lead to diseases like cancer, neurodegenerative- and inflammatory diseases. Fez1 (Fasciculation and elongation protein ...
    • Collateral sensitivity in clinical Escherichia coli isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin and/or mecillinam 

      Hasund, Camilla Remøy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-16)
      The escalating emergence of AMR is a growing public health concern, and a result of the use and misuse of antibiotics since its introduction. To prevent the development of resistance and preserve the efficacy of antimicrobial agents, new treatment strategies is of utmost importance. One possible approach may be to take advantage of collateral sensitivity, a phenomenon where bacteria acquiring ...
    • De novo sequencing of disulphide rich peptides using tandem mass spectrometry 

      Chala, Regasa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-13)
      Peptide based drugs have been shown to have better target selectivity and thereby better safety profile than many small molecule drug candidates. This led many researchers and drug companies to show an increasing interest toward bioactive peptides. Developing an effective analytical method for peptide /protein structural identification is a cornerstone to meet this expanding area of research in this ...
    • Development of sample preparation methods for shotgun proteomic studies of white adipose tissue 

      Colnoe, Sayda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Due to the lack of sunlight during the winter, people living in the arctic are unable to produce vitamin D3; hence deficiency of such vitamin is common in this part of the world. Given the geographic location of Norway, development of vitamin D deficiency is a common phenomenon. As vitamin D deficiency has become a public health issue, understanding the effects is vital for clinical implications. ...
    • Utvikling og anvendelse av UPLC-MS baserte analyser av gentamicin i blodprøver 

      Bashir, Sabah Tabassum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Gentamicin blir brukt i behandling av alvorlige infeksjoner hos barn og voksne. For å unngå alvorlige bivirkninger må behandlingen følges opp med plasmakonsentrasjonsmålinger. I dag måles serumkonsentrasjon med immunoassay basert metode som krever 200-500 μL blod. Formålet med prosjektet var å utvikle en LC-MS basert metode for analyse av gentamicin i små prøvevolum, samt etablere en metode som ...
    • Karakterisering av legemiddelbruk, kvalitet av legemiddellister, symptom på biverknader og livskvalitet hos eldre pasientar. Ei pilotstudie gjennomført ved geriatrisk sengepost, Universitetssjukehuset Nord-Noreg 

      Sigmundsen, Åshild Hidle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Bakgrunn og formål: Det skal gjennomførast ei randomisert kontrollert studie ved geriatrisk sengepost ved Universitetssjukehuset Nord-Norge med oppstart hausten 2016 kor en strukturert modell for å auke kvalitet av legemiddelbehandling skal testast ut. Det er behov for baseline data i forhold til legemiddelbruk i pasientpopulasjonen samt pilotering av nokre verktøy. Denne studia er utført på geriatrisk ...