Now showing items 201-220 of 299

    • Isolering og karakterisering av antibakterielle forbindelser i sjøstjernene: Urasterias linckii, Solaster endeca og Crossaster papposus 

      Ngo, Thong Huu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06)
      Antibakteriell aktivitet mot Gram positive og Gram negative bakterier er påvist i ekstrakter av celler og plasma fra Solaster endeca, Crossaster papposus og Urasterias Linckii. Det har også blitt påvist antibakteriell aktivitet mot Gram negative bakterier i ekstrakter av hel kropp fra Solaster endeca og Croassaster papposus. Materialet ble grovekstrahert med 60 % Acetonitril, videre ble vannfase og ...
    • Isolering og karakterisering av forbindelser med anticancereffekt fra tre ulike marine organismer 

      Jalal, Shwan Hiwa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-16)
      Marin bioprospektering er i hurtig fremmarsj både i Norge og på verdensbasis. Det kan defineres som en formålrettet og systematisk leting etter bestander, bioaktive forbindelser eller gener i marine organismer med sikte på utvikling av et produkt som er kommersielt eller samfunnsmessige viktige. Målet med denne oppgaven er å lete etter forbindelser med anticancereffekt i ekstrakter av tre ulike ...
    • Identifisering av en gruppe glykosyltransferaser som mulige målgener for transkripsjonsfaktoren Pax6 

      Nguyen, Huong-Lan Thi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-09)
      Det har vært stadig mer forskning på rollen av glykosylering i utvikling av sykdommer i de siste tiårene. Glykosylering av proteiner er en prosess hvor karbohydrat grupper overføres til et protein ved hjelp av glykosyltransferaser. Denne prosessen er nødvendig for riktig folding av proteiner som gir riktig funksjon til ulike proteiner. Endringer i glykosylering av proteiner har vist å ha sammenheng ...
    • Identifisering av PAX- og MMP-uttrykk i tre prostatakreft-cellelinjer 

      Weibust, Elisabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-20)
      Invasjon og metastasering er den vanligste årsaken til død hos kreftpasienter og dermed et alvorlig klinisk problem. Det er derfor viktig å forske på dette området for å finne mekanismene bak disse prosessene. Matriks metalloproteinaser (MMPer) er overuttrykt i flere kreftformer. PAX6 er en transkripsjonsfaktor som er vist å regulere matriks metalloproteinase 2 og 9 (MMP-2 og MMP-9) i henholdsvis ...
    • Isolation and characterization of antiviral compounds from marine organisms 

      Ammari, Yashar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-16)
      Metridium senile, Halocynthia pyriformis and ParaParastichopus tremulus were subjected to organic and aqueous extraction. The aqueous extract was made with water, while the organic was made with dichloromethane and methanol in 1:1 ratio. The aqueous and organic extracts were fractionated on reversed-phase HPLC and tested for antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus-1. All the three organisms ...
    • Isolation and characterization of antibacterial compounds from marine organisms 

      Thanki, Meera Satish (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-17)
      Marine bioprospecting is a promising field of research that has gained interest worldwide for the past few decades, and can be characterised as a systematic and purpose oriented search for bioactive compounds or genetic material from marine sources. Several compounds have been isolated and some have found their way into the commercial market. The main aim of this master thesis was to investigate the ...
    • Ampicillin resistance and bacterial diversity in colon content from grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) at the coast of Northern Norway 

      Kristiansen, Vibeke Fam (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-05)
      Very little is known on the gut microbial ecology in seals. Environmental populations of bacteria, like those found in the gut of wildlife presumably unexposed to human antibiotic use, may be a reservoir of clinically important resistance genes. The purpose of this study was to characterize the bacterial diversity in the colon of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) at ...
    • Lipidklasser og fettsyresammensetning i omega-3 produkter 

      Eriksen, Sureeporn Aemsangthum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-20)
      Nasjonalt råd for ernæring anbefaler å spise fisk og sjømat fordi de innholder de flerumettede omega-3 fettsyrene eikosapentaensyre (EPA: 20:5n-3) og dokosahekaensyre (DHA: 22: 6n-3). Mye forskning viser kobling mellom omega-3 fettsyrene og helsegevinster. Helsegevinstene er at disse fettsyrene er betennelsesdempende, de reduserer risiko for å utvikle sykdommer som revmatoid artritt, hjerte -kar ...
    • Isolation and characterization of anti-inflammatory compounds from marine organisms : Eucratea loricata and Echinus esculentus 

      Do, Minh-Anh Thuy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-19)
      In the last decade, the investigation of marine natural products has resulted in a remarkable number of compounds with promising biological activities. Marine natural products have been shown to display antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory activity and several other pharmacological activities of benefit to humankind. In this project, an investigation ...
    • Evaluation of a pharmacist-led cardiovascular risk clinic for patients with diabetes attending a hospital out-patient clinic 

      Majid Alwan, Ahmed (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06-11)
      Cardiovascular disease is strongly associated with diabetes; hypertension is prominent in diabetic patients. In 2003 a pharmacist-led cardiovascular risk reduction clinic was established to reduce cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of outcome measures to inform a future prospective study to evaluate the pharmacist-led clinic and to ...
    • Development of bioactive peptides from the parasitic hookworm as potential treatments for autoimmune diseases 

      Baumann, Markus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      Hookworms are parasitic nematodes that reside in the intestines of their host, where they feed on host blood. The large number of infected individuals and the long survival time inside the host makes it interesting to study the immunomodulatory activities of the hookworms. The excretory/secretory (ES) products are suspected to be responsible for these effects. One aim of this project was to fractionate ...
    • Review and development of referral criteria used to identify patients with diabetes who would benefit from attending a pharmacist-led cardiovascular out-patient clinic 

      Westerhus, Ingvild Risan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05)
      Abstract Development and validation of new referral criteria: a triangulation study at the Pharmacist-led Diabetes Cardiovascular risk Reduction Clinic, Edinburgh. The Pharmacist-led Diabetes Cardiovascular risk Reduction (DCVR) clinic has been running at the Western General Hospital (WGH), Edinburgh, for 8 years. It was decided to review the referral process of patients and the referral criteria. ...
    • LC-MS basert analysemetode av gentamicin i blodprøver 

      Haug, Marianne Helene Christiansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-20)
      Gentamicin er hyppig brukt til å behandle alvorlige infeksjoner, men kan ved langvarig behandling eller ved høy serumkonsentrasjon gi vevsskade i både nyrer og ører. Måling av serumkonsentrasjonen skjer rutinemessig med en immunologisk metode som krever et blodvolum på 500 µl. Hyppige målinger er i noen tilfeller nødvendig for å få god kontroll på behandlingen. Premature barn har lav kroppsvekt og ...
    • Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from the marine hydrozoans Halecium muricatum and Halecium beanii 

      Korsmo, Kim André (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05)
      In the marine environment there is a great potential for discovering new commercial drugs, and marine bioprospecting has previously led to the discovery of drugs available for clinical use, like Yondelis ® and cytosine arabinoside. In this work two hydroids were tested for anticancer and antibacterial activity. The organic extracts from the two hydroids, Halecium muricatum and Halecium beanii, ...
    • Fettsyresammensetning og kvalitetsaspekter og kommersielle krilloljeprodukter 

      Vu, Kim Anh Thi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      Krill er rik på omega-3 fettsyrene EPA og DHA, noe som forklarer den store kommersielle interesse for fangst og foredling av krill. I krillolje er det mye fosfolipider sammenliknet med fiskeoljer. Flere hevder at EPA og DHA utnyttes bedre når de er bundet i fosfolipider enn når de fins i triacylglyserol (Bunea et al, 2004; Werner, Havinga et al, 2004). Det er gjort lite forskning på krillolje og ...
    • Advanced delivery system for skin and burns therapy : mupirocin as an antibacterial model drug 

      Berg, Ole Aleksander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-20)
      Trauma to the skin in the form of severe wound, particularly burns, can facilitate colonization of potentially life threatening bacterial infections. To prevent infections of the wounded area, antimicrobial agents are recommended as standard treatment. Topical administration of antimicrobial agents, such as mupirocin, can provide local therapy, while avoiding the risks of systemic administration. ...
    • Isolation and characterization of wax esters from Calanus finmarchicus 

      Andersen, Toril (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-16)
      Calanus finmarchicus is a vast resource that until recently have been exploited to a minimal degree only. In the last few years harvesting and processing methods have been developed. There is a large market and great interest in products derived from marine oils. Most of the products today are derived from organisms at a high trophic level, i.e. products derived from cod liver oil. One disadvantage ...
    • Structure/activity relationship of alpha-conotoxins targeting GABAB receptor 

      Køller, Katrine Sperstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-16)
      Conotoxins are small disulfide rich peptides derived from the venom of Cone snails. They target different receptors in the nervous system with high selectivity and potency making them valuable as drug leads or drug themselves. One group of conotoxins, α-conotoxins have been shown to have potential as treatment for neuropathic pain.
    • Design, synthesis and structural studies of relaxin receptor modulators 

      Elvheim, Iselin Sørstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      The relaxin family of peptides consists of seven structurally related peptides, with a wide variety of biological functions, ranging from involvement in reproductive processes to functions as neuroendocrine modulators. Because of the complex, two-chained structure of the relaxins, and their lack of specificity for the various relaxin family receptors (RXFPs), design of simpler, more selective ...
    • Analyser av DKK3 som mulig målgen for Pax6 

      Mobasheri, Mina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-06)
      Pax6 og Pax6(5a) er to isoformer av den evolusjonært konserverte transkripsjonsfaktoren som blir uttrykt i blant annet hjernen, øyne, nese og pankreas hos virveldyr under embryoutvikling. Uttrykket av Pax6 vil vedvare hos voksne individer, blant annet i øyne, hjernen og pankreas. Den er viktig for vedlikehold av stamceller, men har også en stor betydning for celle differensiering i mange vev. Aniridia ...