Mastergradsoppgaver i farmasi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 300
Analyser av DKK3 som mulig målgen for Pax6
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-06)Pax6 og Pax6(5a) er to isoformer av den evolusjonært konserverte transkripsjonsfaktoren som blir uttrykt i blant annet hjernen, øyne, nese og pankreas hos virveldyr under embryoutvikling. Uttrykket av Pax6 vil vedvare hos voksne individer, blant annet i øyne, hjernen og pankreas. Den er viktig for vedlikehold av stamceller, men har også en stor betydning for celle differensiering i mange vev. Aniridia ... -
Evaluation of antiviral prophylaxis of cytomegalovirus in patients receiving liver, kidney or pancreas transplantation
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-20)Abstract Background– All solid organ transplanted patients are treated with immuno suppression medications to keep the immune system from rejecting the transplanted organ. Unfortunately the suppressed immune system makes the body more exposed for cancer and opportunistic infections. Among the most important viruses that causes one of these opportunistic infections is cytomegalovirus (CMV). A local ... -
Karakterisering av modifiserte antistoffer innen radioimmunoterapi
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-20)Den prekliniske forskningen i farmasiselskapet Algeta har fokus på utvikling av nye behandlingsmetoder mot kreft ved bruk av målrettet alfa-terapi. I denne problemstillingen inngår bruk av modifiserte antistoffer merket med alfa-emitteren Thorium-227. Modifiseringen innebærer at en kjelator konjugeres til aminosyrene til antistoffet. Dette vil resultere i en heterogen fordeling av antall kjelatorer ... -
A study of the prescribing and administration of immuno-suppressant medication in patients receiving liver, kidney and pancreas transplantation
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-20)Introduction There is little data on immuno-suppressant administration and prescribing to transplant patients. It was considered a high risk area because errors in prescribing and administration of immuno-suppressants can potentially have serious consequences like graft loss, side effects and even death. The reality was however that the lack of data meant that no one knew whether this was an area ... -
Lipidklasser og fettsyresammensetning i brunpølse (Cucumaria frondosa)
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-20)Different species of the sea cucumber are a well utilized resource in eastern parts of Asia, but not much used in western parts of the world. The annual harvest of sea cucumbers in Asian waters has been estimated to be over 100,000 tons. This has led to overfishing and decreasing catches. As a result, a demand for new fishing areas has occurred. Different species of sea cucumbers are observed in ... -
Investigation and optimization of liposome formulation for use as drug carrier for the anticancer agent Camptothecin
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-09)In this thesis, the method development and investigation of different liposomal formulations to incorporate and retain Camptothecin (CPT) is described. CPT is a potent anticancer drug that has shown to be active against a broad spectrum of cancers. However, due to its challenging physicochemical properties, like poor water solubility, severe toxic effects to normal tissues and instability, its ... -
Effect of tumor microenvironment-derived factors on melanoma cell growth and drug-response : an in vitro study in three-dimensional cultures.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-07)The incidence rate of malignant melanoma is increasing in Norwegian population as well as worldwide. It’s one of the most aggressive human cancers showing exceptional abilities to metastasize and develop resistance to therapy, and ccurrently there are no effective treatments against metastatic melanoma. Traditionally, melanoma aggressiveness was linked to intrinsic properties of the malignant cells ... -
Development of muds for improved vaginal therapy
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)Bacterial vaginosis is a common cause of vaginitis, condition often treated with oral metronidazole. However, due to unpleasant side effects, patient compliance is often reduced. Vaginal tablet with bioadhesive properties could enable a prolonged residence time and a sustained release of a drug at the site of infection. Vagina as a drug administration site is attractive due to high surface area, ... -
User of ordered mixtures to obtain high dose homogeneity in mini-tablets : studies of orally disintegrating systems for children
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)Studies have shown that homogeneity is higher in ordered mixtures compared to random mixtures. Based on this ordered mixtures should be particularly suitable for the preparation of mini-tablets. The overall aim of the study was to compare the homogeneity of ordered mixtures prepared using different particle size of carrier particles, and test their suitability for preparation of mini-tablets. The ... -
Carbopol hydrogels for topical administration: treatment of wounds
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-07)The very positive effect of hydrogels on wounds and enhanced wound healing process has been proven. Hydrogels provide a warm, moist environment for wound that makes it heal faster in addition to their useful mucoadhesive properties. Moreover, hydrogels can be used as carriers for liposomes containing variety of drugs, such as antimicrobial drugs. This will provide a depot release of drug to the wound ... -
Farmasøytisk oppfølging av pasienter med hjertesykdom : en kvalitativ studie av pasientenes erfaringer.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-21)This thesis is part of a randomized controlled trial at the University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN). The aim of the thesis was to get a deeper understanding of how patients experience pharmaceutical follow-up and to examine the factors that the patient perspective is of importance in the follow-up. This study included 4 patients with cardiovascular disease, and was based on qualitative research ... -
Distinct composition and pharmakokinetic profiles of smoke and smokeless tobacco products : development of an analytical method to highlight nicotine consumption as a doping agent
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)Nicotine is a pharmacological active compound found in the tobacco plant, and works as a a stimulant of the central nervous system. Evidence is presented that use of nicotine may have beneficial effects on athletes’ performance. Nicotine is known to cause weight loss and to improve mental capacity by enhancing concentration and relieving anxiety. Additionally, improved exercise endurance after ... -
Aminoglycoside resistance mechanisms in Enterobacteriaceae: an experimental study based on human clinical isolates from western Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)Escherichia coli(E.coli) belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family of gram negative rods. It is the most common cause for bacterial sepsis. According to NORM (Norwegian system for surveillance of antibiotic resistance in microbes); E.coli is the main pathogen found in blood samples from humans submitted to Norwegian microbial laboratories (page 49 NORM report 2008)(1). E.coli is also the most common ... -
Bruk av anxiolytika og hypnotika hos barn og ungdom 0-17 år : reseptregisteret 2004-2007
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-12-16)SAMMENDRAG BAKGRUNN Mange vestlige land rapporterer om økende bruk av psykofarmaka hos barn og ungdom. Kunnskap om bruk av anxiolytika og hypnotika/sedativa i Norge har frem til 2004 i all hovedsak basert seg på salgsstatistikk fra grossister til apotek. Slik statistikk gir imidlertid ingen informasjon om legemiddelbruk på individnivå. Ved hjelp av Reseptregisteret (opprettet i 2004) kan man ... -
Validering og bruk av et verktøy for å vurdere kvalitet i sekundærprofylaktisk behandling ved hjerte- kar sykdom
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06)Bakgrunn: Masteroppgaven er en del av et doktorgradsprosjekt for utvikling av en klinisk farmasøytisk service for pasienter med etablert CHD. Legemiddelrelaterte problemer kan gi økte kostnader og redusert klinisk effekt av medisinsk behandling, og gode verktøy for vurdering av kvalitet i legemiddelbehandling er mangelvare. Forekomsten av CHD er økende i den vestlige verden, og en økende andel av ... -
Legemiddelgjennomganger på sykehjem
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06)Beboere på sykehjem ofte flere og kompliserte medisinske problemer. Dette skyldes at de bruker i gjennomsnitt fem legemidler fast daglig og at alder, organfunksjon, mentalsvikt og ernæringstilstand kan gjøre dem mer følsomme for bivirkninger og interaksjoner. Legemiddelbehandlingen blir derfor kompleks og medfører stor risiko for legemiddelrelaterte problemer. Legemiddelgjennomganger kan være et ... -
Development of an analytical method for detection and quantification of cannabis and cannabinoid analogues in urine
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)Cannabis is a drug mainly consumed for its euphoric effects; users may become happy, careless and relaxed. The direct effects of cannabis in sports are performance decreasing, but cannabis can be used as a doping agent due to its relaxing properties. For these reasons, cannabinoids are prohibited in sports during competition by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). In the context of the fight ... -
Development of liposomal curcumin for vaginal drug delivery
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-16)Curcumin (I), demethoxy curcumin (II) and bisdemethoxy curcumin (III) are commonly called curcuminoids, and derived products from the spice, turmeric. It has reported numerous of therapeutic activities including, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. The aim of the current study was to develop a formulation which can overcome the limitation of curcumin being so poorly soluble in aqueous ... -
Hydrogels of natural origin in wound healing : formulation devolopment
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)Hydrogels made of chitosan has a well-established place in drug delivery for the skin. Our particular interest were hydrogels for wound healing. Hydrogels from low, medium and high molecular weight were prepared in different concentrations for texture and release characterization incorporating liposomes and chloramphenicol as a model drug. A method for comparing viscosity between gels was established ... -
Finnes det et potensiale for at apotekfarmasøyter kan bidra til bedre kunnskap om statiner - og derved bidra til en større grad av måloppnåelse med forebyggende statinbehandling?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)Masteroppgaven har som mål å kartlegge kunnskap om kolesterolsenkende behandling (statiner)blant kundene på apotek. Oppgaven er gjennomført på tre sykehusapotek: i Tromsø, Bodø og Trondheim.