Mastergradsoppgaver i informatikk: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-112 of 112
Designing and evaluating the SCARF (Scalable CAching layered Recommendation and Feedback powered) system for multimedia content providers
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-15)This Master thesis covers the design and evaluation of a multimedia content provider service. The design is scalable, both by means of storage, bandwidth and user count. To make the system stand out compared to competitors, there has been added design elements like a recommendation engine and a user feedback system. The system has been named SCARF, which is an abbreviation for Scalable CAching ... -
A client for chain replication
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-12-02)This thesis describes the design and implementation of a proxy client for a chain replicated storage system. -
Improving the performance of the in-band byte stream file transfer XMPP extension
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-09-24)In looking at the XMPP protocol as an alternative to the ordinary way of transferring files within a health network setting, namely e-mail, performance and security are important factors to consider. For security reasons we preferred to use in-band over out-of-band file transfer. The tradeoff is that this method puts a higher strain on the XMPP server and is significantly slower than its counterpart, ... -
Super sensor network
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-15)This dissertation studies composing a super sensor network from the combination of three functional sensor networks; A Sensor data producing network, a sensor data computing network and a sensor controlling network. The target devices are today labeled as large sensor nodes. The communication are based on an IP network using HTTP as the main protocol. Bonjour is used for service discovery, with ... -
Objekt-adapter og programmeringsgrensesnitt for ANSAware applikasjoner
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1994)I denne hovedfagsavhandlinga undersøkes avbildningsmekanismer mellom ANSAware applikasjoner og en føderativ omgivelse. Dette gjøres innefor rammen av ODS-gruppas arbeid med samvirkende informasjonssystemer. For å få kunnskap om problemområdet og om hvordan avbildning effektivt kan utføres, utvikles et rammeverk for modellering, design og implementasjon av avbildningsmekanismer. Vi fokuserer spesielt ... -
M2S and CAIR. Image based information retrieval in mobile environments.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-05-01)Images are commonly used on a daily basis for research, information and entertainment. The introduction of digital cameras and especially the incorporation of cameras in mobile phones makes people able to snap photos almost everywhere at any time since their mobile phone is almost always brought with them. The fast evolution in hardware enables users to store large image collection without high ... -
Casual Resource Sharing with Shared Virtual Folders
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-15)Proliferation of wireless networks has been a major trigger behind increased mobility of computing devices. Along with increased mobility come requests for ad-hoc exchange of resources between computing devices as an extension of humans interacting. We termed it casual resource sharing where resources in this thesis have been narrowed down to files only. We have named our casual resource sharing ... -
Distributed OpenSceneGraph
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007)This thesis presents the design and implementation of Distributed OpenSceneGraph. Distributed OpenSceneGraph is a graphics visualization toolkit for distributed applications, in particular for tiled display wall systems. Distributed OpenSceneGraph allows for flexible and reasonably transparent development of distributed graphics applications by introducing the notion of distributed nodes into the ... -
SymboL. Et symbolspråk for Symbo
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-05)I dag er elektronisk post en naturlig måte å kommunisere på. Dessverre er det enkelte brukergrupper som ikke kan utnytte denne teknologien. Vårt fokus er barn i alderen 4-8 år. Symbo prosjektet tar sikte på å gi disse brukerne muligheten til nettopp dette. Målet med dette prosjektet er å lage et symbolbasert språk kalt SymboL. Dette er en samling symboler som gjennom bruk gir et begrenset ... -
A distributed and parallell robot environment for competitive search and rescue using a display wall for visualization
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-06-08)In this thesis we present the development of a distributed and parallel environment which offers functionality to robots to support them in their task performance. We want the environment to be a framework where students can experiment with robots, and in which we can arrange robot competitions. Our motivation for this thesis is an earlier developed robot system at our department. It was ... -
Bilder og stedsinformasjon
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-12-15)Enorme mengder informasjon er tilgjengelig på internett for browsing og søk for folk på jakt etter informasjon. En økende del av denne informasjonsmengden er bilder, video og audio. Disse media-typene er ikke så lette å kategorisere og beskrive som en tekstlig ressurs. Vi trenger derfor nye metoder for å takle utfordringene denne fremveksten av nye media gir oss. Digitalt fotografi har hatt ... -
Design and evaluation of a recommender system
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-02-05)In the recent years, the Web has undergone a tremendous growth regarding both content and users. This has lead to an information overload problem in which people are finding it increasingly difficult to locate the right information at the right time. Recommender systems have been developed to address this problem, by guiding users through the big ocean of information. Until now, recommender systems ...