Now showing items 601-620 of 739

    • Self-Reported Food Hypersensitivity: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Comorbidities in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study 

      Jakobsen, Monika Dybdahl; Braaten, Tonje; Obstfelder, Aud; Abelsen, Birgit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-16)
      <b>Background:</b> This study aims to investigate the prevalence of self-reported food hypersensitivity, (SFH), the characteristics of women with SFH, and whether SFH is associated with multiple health complaints among the participants of the Norwegian Women and Cancer study (NOWAC).<br> <b>Methods:</b> We conducted a cross-sectional study among 64,316 women aged 41–76 years. The women were ...
    • Service and boundary negotiations for children with complex care needs in Europe 

      Brenner, Maria; O' Shea, Miriam; Clancy, Anne; Lundstroem, Stine; Larkin, Philip; Lignou, Sapfo; Luzi, Daniela; Olaso, Elena Montanana; Alma, Manna; Pecoraro, Fabrizio; Satherley, Rose-Marie; Tamburis, Oscar; Taylor, Keishia; Warters, Austin; Wolfe, Ingrid; Berry, Jay; Noctor, Colman; Hilliard, Carol (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-05-06)
      Improvements in neonatal and paediatric care mean that many children with complex care needs (CCNs) now survive into adulthood. This cohort of children places great challenges on health and social care delivery in the community: they require dynamic and responsive health and social care over a long period of time; they require organisational and delivery coordination functions; and health issues ...
    • Several routes of cell death to secondary necrosis in the elasmobranch testis 

      McClusky, Leon Mendel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-07)
      The process of spermatogenesis features signifcant germ cell loss through apoptosis. Routine histology of the testes of wellstudied animal models hardly discloses any trace of their phagocytic clearance by the supporting Sertoli cells. This review highlights lessons learnt from the cystic, diametric testes of some seasonally migrating elasmobranchs (e.g., spiny dogfsh and blue sharks) that ofer ...
    • Shared decision making from the service users’ perspective. A narrative study from community mental health centers in Northern Norway. 

      Klausen, Rita Kristin; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Karlsson, Marie; Haugsgjerd, Svein; Lorem, Geir F (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-15)
      This article aims to contribute to the understanding of shared decision making as an important aspect of user involvement in mental health care from the perspectives of service users. A thematic analysis of interviews with 25 individual service users in three different community mental health centers in Norway identified different understandings of shared decision making. Shared decision making ...
    • The significance of cultural norms and clinical logics for the perception of possible relapse in rural Northern Norway – sensing symptoms of cancer 

      Skowronski, Magdalena; Risør, Mette Bech; Foss, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-31)
      Little is known about the process from experiencing indeterminate bodily sensations to perceiving them as possible symptoms of cancer relapse. We explore how such processes are related to local values and to clinical practice in rural Northern Norway. One-year ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in a coastal village involving ten key participants residing in the village who had undergone cancer ...
    • The Significance of Touch in Pediatric Physiotherapy 

      Sørvoll, Marit; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Girolami, Gay L (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-31)
      Change in theoretical framework over the last decades and recent research in pediatric physiotherapy, has created a debate surrounding therapeutic touch. What is the role of or is there a need for handling and hands-on facilitated guidance (facilitation)? Does it limit and/or interfere with children’s learning and development? It is frequently argued that therapeutic touch represents a passive ...
    • The Significance of Touch in Pediatric Physiotherapy 

      Sørvoll, Marit; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Girolami, Gay L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-31)
      Change in theoretical framework over the last decades and recent research in pediatric physiotherapy, has created a debate surrounding therapeutic touch. What is the role of or is there a need for handling and hands-on facilitated guidance (facilitation)? Does it limit and/or interfere with children's learning and development? It is frequently argued that therapeutic touch represents a passive and/or ...
    • Simple, once‐off mapping of various, recurrent immunostaining patterns of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in spermatogonia at the immature pole of the testis of adult wild‐caught blue shark, Prionace glauca: Correlations with changes in testicular status 

      McClusky, Leon Mendel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-26)
      This study was a single time-point mapping of various immunostaining patterns revealed with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) PC10 antibody in spermatogonia at the immature pole of the testis of the Blue shark (Prionace glauca). Scattered in the stroma of the germinal ridge that demarcates the immature pole's outer boundary were nests of variously immunoreactive A-spermatogonia, each ...
    • Simulering som pedagogisk metode i sykepleierutdanningen ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet studiested Narvik 

      Høgbakk, Mona Lahm (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      Ved sykepleierutdanninga i Narvik er det relativt få studenter per kull noe som gir mulighet for et åpent miljø, og tett oppfølging av den enkelte student. Vi som lærere ønsker å bidra til at studentene får både personlig og faglig vekst gjennom sykepleierstudentenes studie. UiT Narvik bruker ulike pedagogiske metoder slik som; studentaktiv læring, bruk av digitale verktøy og bruk av nye lærings- ...
    • Sjukehusa i Nord-Norge 

      Elstad, Ingunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2011)
    • Skadeforebygging i ungdomsidrett fra trenerperspektiv. En kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse 

      Strømholdt, Ingjerd; Ytreberg, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-13)
      <i>Hensikt: </i>Mange idrettsaktive ungdommer i håndball og fotball plages med skader og medfølgende negative konsekvenser. Skadeforebyggende tilbak har vist god effekt på skadeforekomsten, men bruk av slike tiltak i aldersbestemt breddeidrett varierer. Hensikten med studien er å bruke ungdomstreneres erfaringer til å øke kunnskapen om hvordan fysioterapeuter kan bidra i skadeforebyggende arbeid i ...
    • Skriftlig nettdiskusjon – en ny mulighet for faglig refleksjon 

      Norbye, Bente; Tøllefsen, Sissel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-02-11)
      Artikkelen ønsker å vise sykepleierstudenters erfaringer med å ha deltatt i en faglig nettdiskusjon innen temaet ernæring i eldreomsorgen gjennom forskningsspørsmålet: Hva fremmer nettbasert skriftlig, faglig refleksjon hos sykepleierstudenter i en desentralisert sykepleierutdanning? Dette er en kvalitativ undersøkelse med fokusgruppeintervju av to studentgrupper med henholdsvis 5 og 6 personer i ...
    • Smerte- og smertevurdering hos sykehjemspasienter - en litteraturgjennomgang 

      Knudsen, Liv-Berit; Larsen, Toril Agnete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Litteraturgjennomgangen omhandler forskningsbasert kunnskap som er utviklet om smerte- og smertevurdering hos pasienter med og uten demenssykdom i sykehjem. Søk i elektroniske databaser med søkeordene ”pain”, ”pain assessment”, ”dementia”, ”nursing homes” er gjennomført. 28 vitenskapelige artikler er analysert. Flest studier har kvantitativ tilnærming. Hovedtemaene er; smerte, smertevurdering og ...
    • Snubletråder og suksessfaktorer. En analyse av jobbspesialisters erfaringer med Utvidet oppfølging 

      Arntzen, Cathrine; Schönfelder, Walter; Munkejord, Mai Camilla (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Mange unge voksne erfarer utenforskap ved at de ikke er i jobb eller utdanning. Arbeid har stor betydning for medborgerskap, sosial deltakelse, tilhørighet, verdighet og identitet. I NAV satses det i økende grad på å ta i bruk ordinære arbeidsplasser som opplæringsarena for å få personer med større bistandsbehov ut i ordinært arbeid. Tiltaket Utvidet oppfølging innebærer å ansette jobbspesialister ...
    • Sociodemographic factors, health indicators and lifestyle factors among participants in BreastScreen Norway 2006-2016 – a cohort profile 

      Robsahm, Trude Eid; Sagstad, Silje; Thy, Jonas Evensen; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-12)
      Purpose: To collect information on sociodemographic factors, health indicators, and lifestyle factors in women who attended the nationwide breast cancer-screening program, BreastScreen Norway, with the aim of investigating how these factors influence the risk of breast cancer, other cancer types, and cancer-related outcomes. <p>Participants: The cohort data includes self-reported responses to ...
    • "Something Decent to Wear": Performances of Being an Insider and and Outsider in Indigenous Research 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • "Sometimes i walk and walk, hoping to get some peace." Dealing with hearing voices and sounds nobody else hears 

      Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Elstad, Ingunn; Talseth, Anne-Grethe (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Sosial omsorg − fra blind flekk til sentralt innsatsområde i hjemmebasert eldreomsorg? 

      Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Schönfelder, Walter; Eggebø, Helga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-21)
      I Norge har det over lang tid vært en tendens til å vektlegge helserelatert omsorg på bekostning av øvrige tjenester i den hjemmebaserte eldreomsorgen. Vi hevder at dette har ført til at so- siale omsorgsbehov langt på vei er blitt en blind flekk. Dette til tross for at vi vet at ensomhet og iso- lasjon kan føre til redusert velvære og skrantende helse, og til tross for at sosiale omsorgsbehov inn- ...
    • South African Healthcare Professionals’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare: A Mixed-Methods Study 

      Lister, Helga E; Mostert, Karien; Tanita, Botha; van der Linde, Simoné; van Wyk, Elaine; Rocher, Su-Ané; Laing, Richelle; Wu, Lucy; Müller, Selma; des Tombe, Alexander; Kganyago, Tebogo; Zwane, Nonhlanhla; Mphogo, Boitumelo; Maric (PhD), Filip (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-16)
      Climate change, biodiversity loss and large-scale environmental degradation are widely recognized as the biggest health threats of the 21st century, with the African continent already amongst the most severely affected and vulnerable to their further progression. The healthcare system’s contribution to climate change and environmental degradation requires healthcare professionals to address environmental ...
    • Specialist prescribing of psychotropic drugs to older persons in Sweden - a register-based study of 188 024 older persons 

      Wiklund-Gustin, Lena; Martinsson, Gunilla; Fagerberg, Ingegerd; Lindholm, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2012)