Now showing items 221-240 of 294

    • Associations of pulmonary parameters with accelerometer data 

      Dias, André (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-03-25)
      In Europe it is estimated that the number of elderly people aged above 65 will have doubled by 2060. In several chronic pulmonary diseases patients can suffer recurrent exacerbation episodes that can lead to severe breathing or death. In this thesis we explore the association of physical activity to lung health parameters, focusing on cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
    • Sub-seabed fluid-flow systems and gas hydrates of the SW Barents Sea and North Sea margins 

      Vadakkepuliyambatta, Sunil (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-04-25)
      Denne avhandlingen omfatter studier av utbredelse og evolusjon av fluid migrasjonssystemer og gasshydrater i SV Barentshavet og nordlige Nordsjøen. Avhandlingen er basert på tolkning av seismiske og brønndata og numerisk modelling av hydratstabiliteten. Store fluid lekkasjestrukturer forekommer i SV Barentshavet og viser kobling mot de store tektoniske forkastningssytemene. Det er trolig istidene ...
    • Real-space all-electron Density Functional Theory with Multiwavelets 

      Jensen, Stig Rune (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-03-20)
      This thesis presents the implementation of a numerical real-space method for the calculation of the electronic structure of molecular systems within the self-consistent field approximations of quantum chemistry. The code is based on the multi-resolution multiwavelet basis which provide sparse representations of functions and operators, in particular integral operators with Green's function convolution ...
    • The Omni-Kernel Architecture: Scheduler Control Over All Resource Consumption in Multi-Core Computing Systems 

      Kvalnes, Åge Andre (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-03-13)
      Clouds commonly employ virtual machine technology to leverage and efficiently utilize computational resources in data centers. The workloads encapsulated by virtual machines contend for the resources of their hosting machines and interference from resource sharing can cause unpredictable performance. Despite the use of virtual machine technology, the role of the operating system as an arbiter of ...
    • Studying usage and experiences of mHealth technology for its improved usability - Mixed methods research for understanding users’ long-term engagement with the Few Touch application for self-management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus - 

      Tatara, Naoe (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-02-28)
      In spite of a number of mHealth (use of mobile computing for health care) studies targeting people with diabetes, there has not yet been any clear evidence of its effect. Due to obscurity regarding subjects’ engagement with each component of the provided technology, it is not clear which factors are important and why. Considering that behavior change is a path of improvement in self-management of ...
    • Circulation and Exchanges at High-latitude Ocean Margins: Dynamical models and Observations from Instrumented Seals 

      Zhou, Qin (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-01-14)
      Circulation and exchange processes at high-latitude ocean margins are investigated in this thesis, by using analytical models, numerical simulations and hydrographic data. In the Northern Hemisphere, the establishment of Atlantic Water transport as a topographically steered slope current has been investigated. A simplified analytical model based on geostrophic balance predicts that buoyancy loss ...
    • Time-frequency characterization of harmonizable random processes 

      Hindberg, Heidi (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2009)
      In this thesis we study how to characterize nonstationary harmonizable random processes simultaneously in time and frequency. Unlike stationary random processes, harmonizable processes can have a frequency content that changes with time. Rather than working directly with the process itself, we analyze the second-order moment functions of the process and characterize the process from these moments. ...
    • Statistical Analysis of Medical Shapes and Directional Data 

      Schulz, Jörn (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-12-18)
      The use of statistical shape analysis in medical settings has increased during the last decades. This thesis presents contributions to three major topics of statistical shape analysis with application to medical problems. These topics are: the modeling of the shape by a geometrical model, the study of rotational shape deformations and the comparison of shapes between populations. Paper I presents ...
    • Permian depositional and environmental development in Svalbard 

      Dustira, Anna Marie (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-10-31)
      The main objective of this thesis is to improve the knowledge on the depositional and environmental development of Svalbard during the Permian (299–252 Ma), with a primary focus on the Early to Late Permian Kapp Starostin Formation (Tempelfjorden Group). Thirteen localities of Permian sedimentary strata were investigated with respect to their sedimentological and geochemical properties. Sediments ...
    • Multiscale Methods for Statistical Inference on Regular Lattice Data 

      Thon, Kevin Otto (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-12-13)
      This thesis presents methods for multiscale statistical inference on random fields on a regular two-dimensional lattice. There are two distinct concepts of scale that are used in the thesis. The first one is connected to the computer vision community's understanding of scale-space as a family of smooths of a digital image, with fine structure being revealed at low levels of smoothing and the coarser ...
    • What are the characteristics of mathematical creativity? An empirical and theoretical investigation of mathematical creativity. 

      Haavold, Per Øystein (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-12-17)
      The main research question in this research project was "what are the characteristics of mathematical creativity?" It was investigated both qualitatively and quantitatively and the findings are presented in four articles. In the first article, three high achieving students were given an unfamiliar trigonometric problem. The findings indicate strongly that the student’s way of thinking is strongly ...
    • Recursive calculation of high-order molecular response properties 

      Ringholm, Magnus (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-12-06)
      This thesis presents the implementation and application of a computer program for the open-ended calculation of response properties of molecular systems. Using recursive programming techniques, a recently published formulation of response theory can be implemented in a manner that allows the calculation of response properties to arbitrary order. The limitations of the code are dictated by the ...
    • Benthic foraminifera as indicators of natural variability and anthropogenic impact 

      Dijkstra, Noortje (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-11-28)
      Benthic foraminifera (micro-organism living on the sea-floor) were studied in the southwestern Barents Sea and Hammerfest harbor. The study focused on the response of the micro-organisms to natural and man made environmental changes. The study shows that the southwestern Barents sea is relatively clean, and the foraminifera are only impacted by natural changes. However, in the Hammerfest harbor, ...
    • Model-Driven Software Development for Continuity of Care Information Systems - Toolchain design and evaluation 

      Walderhaug, Ståle (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-03-13)
      This thesis summarizes six years of design, development and evaluation of a model- driven development toolchain and design of software services for continuity of care. The overall research method has been design science, with a strong focus on creating and evaluating the core artefact: the ModelHealth Toolchain. Three iterations with toolchain design and assessments were deemed necessary to be able ...
    • Strength and rheological evolution of the lower continental crust: an experimental study of the deformation behavior of feldspar and quartz at high pressure and temperature 

      Negrini, Marianne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-09-10)
      Models representing the strength of the lithosphere (i.e. strength-depth profiles) are mainly based on the rheological properties of the minerals quartz and feldspar that, to a large extent, are determined in laboratory-based rock deformation studies. The study of the deformation behavior of quartz and feldspar is of fundamental importance for the understanding and modeling of plate tectonics and ...
    • From being interrupted by mobile devices to CallMeSmart: A context-sensitive communication system for mobile communication in hospitals 

      Solvoll, Terje Geir (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-08-22)
      Wireless communication infrastructure in hospitals represents a core for information sharing between health care workers. Medical staff’s work situation is highly mobile, and important information is constantly shared between co-workers to provide high quality services to the patients. To be able to communicate at any place and at any time during shifts, physicians carry mobile communication devices, ...
    • Mass-movements on the continental slope offshore Lofoten, Northern Norway 

      Baeten, Nicole Jeanne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-09-20)
      Swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler and seismic data from the continental slope offshore the Lofoten Islands, northern Norway reveal smaller-scale mass movements in water depths between 1100 and 2500 m. These mass movements have volumes of 0.061 to 8.7 km3 and are interpreted as translational slides involving spreading and multi-phase retrogression. The spatial variation in failure ...
    • Distribution, depositional environment and post-depositional deformation of Cenozoic gravity-induced deposits along the western Barents Sea continental margin 

      Safronova, Polina (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-10-01)
      Arktis er en av de få gjenværende, geologisk minst undersøkte, områdene i verden, hvor den norske kontinentalmarginen i Barentshavet nå blir undersøkt og har både vitenskapelig og industriell interesse. Formålet med doktorgradsavhandlingen er å få en bedre forståelse av interne og eksterne karakteristikker, utbredelse i rom og tid, sedimentasjonsmiljø og deformasjonsgrad av kenozoiske dypmarine ...
    • Statistical Analysis of Lattice Data with Wavelet Variance Methods and Spatiotemporal Modeling of Infectious Disease Spread 

      Geilhufe, Marc (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-06-26)
      The focus of this thesis is the analysis of both regular and irregular lattice data, described in three papers. Paper I presents an extension of the pyramid algorithm for efficient Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform coefficient calculation. As opposed to common usage of two-dimensional wavelet decomposition, it here also allows for different scales in the vertical and horizontal direction. ...
    • Development of novel renin inhibitors and interaction of antimicrobial and cytotoxic peptides with plasma proteins. A drug discovery study 

      Sivertsen, Annfrid (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2013-06-14)
      In this study we have explored the structure activity relationship of molecules with potential as novel drug classes toward current medical challenges as hypertension, cancer and infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Direct renin inhibitors have for a long time been an interesting group of potential anti-hypertension drugs, as they inhibit the first and rate-limiting step in the signal ...