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dc.contributor.advisorKoposov, Roman
dc.contributor.authorStrøm, Henriette Kyrrestad
dc.description.abstractEarly onset of alcohol consumption and early drunkenness, in particular, represent a risk factor for adolescents. Policy-makers and school professionals prioritize preventive alcohol interventions in schools. At the same time, the effectiveness of such interventions has been questioned. The major aim of this dissertation was to evaluate the effectiveness of school-based alcohol preventive programs for adolescents. A key to preventing alcohol use is to explore factors associated with early drinking behavior. The first study examined risk and protective factors associated with early onset of drinking, both of which are important when planning prevention efforts in addition to investigate the prevalence of early drinking and identifying determinants predicting early drinking onset among adolescents. The second study, based on a quasi-experimental design including a comparison group, with a pre-test, post-test and one-year follow-up, attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, “Unge & Rus” [Youth & Alcohol]. This intervention is aimed at postponing alcohol debut, with a focus on adolescents’ attitudes and behavior in relation to alcohol use. The baseline sample consisted of 41 junior high schools, including students (N = 1,574), parents (N = 1,166) and teachers (N = 105). The intervention was evaluated according to its own goals as defined by the program owner, Knowledge Center for Drugs in North (KoRus). With the exception of increased alcohol-related knowledge among students in the intervention group, as compared to those of the control group, the results showed no significant differences in measured outcomes between the intervention and control groups at one-year follow-up. Finally, in the third study, a meta-analysis was conducted in order to estimate the general effectiveness of universal school-based interventions in preventing alcohol consumption. A total of 28 studies with high-quality designs were included in the analysis. Results varied significantly and showed small effects on adolescent alcohol consumption.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractDenne avhandlingen er en del av forskningsprosjektet W8 [wait] som har til hensikt å se på effekten av skolebasert alkoholforebygging. På oppdrag fra Helsedirektoratet ble det norske undervisningsprogrammet Unge & Rus, som er utviklet og driftes av KoRus-Nord, evaluert slik det brukes ved ungdomsskolene i Oslo kommune. Gjennom nettbaserte spørreskjema ble ungdomsskoleelever fra Oslo, sammenlignet med ungdommer fra Akershus som ikke benyttet programmet. Resultatene ved første måletidspunkt viste at en fjerdedel av alle elevene på 8.klassetrinn hadde begynt å drikke alkohol, hvilket gir støtte for bruk av alkoholforebyggende tiltak i ungdomsskolene. Videre viste resultatene at programmet Unge & Rus ivaretar de faktorer som bidrar til å forklare ungdoms alkoholforbruk, men slik det gjennomføres i skolene utgjør det en minimal forskjell. Avhandlingen viste at skolebaserte program har generelt liten til ingen effekt på å utsette ungdommers alkoholdebut, men viser seg å være virksomme blant de med høyt alkoholforbruk.en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper I: Adolfsen, F., Strøm, H. K., Martinussen M., Natvig, H., Eisemann, M., Handegård, B.H., & Koposov, R. (2014). Early drinking onset: a study of prevalence and determinants among 13-years old adolescents in Norway. <I>Scandinavian Journal of Psychology</i>, 55, 505-512. Available at <a href=></a>. Accepted manuscript available in Munin: <a href=></a>. <p> <p>Paper II: Strøm, H. K., Adolfsen, F., Handegård, B. H., Natvig, H., Eisemann, M., Martinussen, M., & Koposov, R. A. (2014). Preventing alcohol use with a universal school-based intervention: results from an effectiveness study. (Submitted manuscript). Now published in <i>BMC Public Health (2015), 15</i>(337). Also available in Munin: <a href=></a>. <p> <p>Paper III: Strøm, H. K., Adolfsen, F., Fossum, S., Kaiser, S., & Martinussen, M. (2014). Effectiveness of preventive alcohol interventions for adolescents: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. <i>Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 9</i> (48). Also available in Munin: <a href=></a>.en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2015 The Author(s)
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800en_US
dc.titleEffectiveness of school-based alcohol preventive interventions for adolescentsen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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