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dc.contributor.advisorWisborg, Torben
dc.contributor.authorPrydz, Katrine
dc.description.abstractNon-technical skills include important skills such as communication, decision making, situational awareness and teamwork. Together with medical knowledge, these constitute the basic competence that all doctors must possess. This thesis takes a closer look at Norwegian medical students' non-technical skills. This thesis consists of three articles. In the first article, the necessary non-technical skills for Norwegian medical students were defined. This was accomplished by conducting focus group interviews with experienced doctors, paramedics, user committee members and nurses in emergency departments. Based on these findings, literature and existing tools for assessing nontechnical skills, a tool was created to assess Norwegian medical students' non-technical skills. This tool is called NorMS-NTS In the second article, the tool was validated for use by raters with minimal training. that the tool was easy to use and required little training; thus, it can be used in the everyday clinical life of teachers. The tool was found to be satisfactory for such use. In the third article, the tool NorMS-NTS was used to compare medical students' non-technical skills. Students in Tromsø, Bodø and Finnmark, who all had the same learning goals and exams but somewhat different learning activities and learning arenas, were compared. This was accomplished by video recording the students during multi-professional simulation training. All the students had the same two scenarios. The medical students' non-technical skills were assessed by raters blinded to the training site. Statistics were carried out to determine whether there was a difference between the study locations. Finnmark, which offers a rural, decentralized education, had a significantly greater level of non-technical skills than did Bodø and Tromsø. This finding suggested that it is possible to achieve better non-technical skills for medical students in rural, decentralized education models.en_US
dc.description.abstractIkke-tekniske ferdigheter er viktige ferdigheter som kommunikasjon, beslutningstaking, situasjonsbevissthet og samarbeidsevne. Disse utgjør sammen med medisinsk fagkunnskap den grunnkompetansen alle leger må inneha. Denne avhandlingen har sett nærmere på norske medisinstudenters ikke-tekniske ferdigheter. Avhandlingen består av tre artikler. I første artikkel ble de nødvendige ikke-tekniske ferdigheter for norske medisinstudenter kartlagt. Dette ble gjort ved å gjennomføre fokusgruppeintervju med erfarne leger, ambulansepersonell, brukerutvalg og sykepleiere i akuttmottak og legevakt. På bakgrunn av dette og eksisterende verktøy for ikke-tekniske ferdigheter ble det laget et verktøy for å vurdere norske medisinstudenters ikke-tekniske ferdigheter. Dette verktøyet heter NorMS-NTS I andre artikkel ble verktøyet validert for bruk av bedømmere (ratere) med minimal opplæring. Det var viktig for oss at verktøyet var enkelt å bruke, og krevde lite opplæring, slik at det kan brukes i en travel klinisk hverdag av undervisere. Verktøyet ble funnet tilfredsstillende for slik bruk. I tredje artikkel ble verktøyet NorMS-NTS brukt til å sammenligne medisinstudenters ikke-tekniske ferdigheter. Studenter i Tromsø, Bodø og Finnmark, som alle hadde samme læringsmål og eksamen, men noe ulike læringsaktiviteter og læringsarenaer ble sammenlignet. Dette ble gjort ved å filme studentene under multi-profesjonelle simuleringsøvelser. Alle studentene hadde de samme to scenarier. Deretter ble medisinstudentenes ikke-tekniske ferdigheter vurdert av ratere blindet for studiested. Det ble utført statistiske beregninger for å se om det var forskjell på studiested. Finnmark som tilbyr en rural, desentralisert utdanning hadde signifikant høyere nivå av ikke-tekniske ferdigheter enn Bodø og Tromsø, som lå jevnt. Dette tyder på at det er mulig å oppnå bedre ikke-tekniske ferdigheter for medisinstudenter i rurale, desentralisert utdanningsmodeller.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractMedisinstudenter som studerer desentralisert kan oppnå bedre ikke-tekniske ferdigheter Ikke-tekniske ferdigheter er viktige for helsepersonell og består av kommunikasjon, beslutningstaking, evne til samarbeid og situasjonsbevissthet. Dette er ferdigheter som sammen med medisinsk fagkunnskap utgjør den kompetansen leger må ha. I avhandlingen From student to professional – mastering the necessary non-technical skills. Assessment tools and effects of multi-professional simulation training har Katrine Prydz utviklet et verktøy for å vurdere norske medisinstudenters ikke-tekniske ferdigheter, NorMS-NTS verktøyet. De har brukt verktøyet til å sammenligne studenters ikke-tekniske ferdigheter. De fant at medisinstudenter som studerte desentralisert på 5. og 6. studieår i Finnmark hadde signifikant høyere nivå av ikke-tekniske ferdigheter enn studenter i Bodø og Tromsø. Studien viser at det er mulig for medisinstudenter å oppnå bedre ikke-tekniske ferdigheter ved rural, desentralisert utdanning. Medical students can acquire better non-technical skills in a decentralized medical education setting Non-technical skills are important for healthcare professionals and consist of communication, decision making, ability to collaborate and situational awareness. These are skills that, together with medical knowledge, constitute the competence that doctors must have. In the thesis From student to professional – mastering the necessary non-technical skills. Assessment tools and effects of multi-professional simulation training Katrine Prydz has developed a tool to assess Norwegian medical students' non-technical skills, the NorMS-NTS tool. They have used the tool to compare students' non-technical skills. They found that medical students who studied decentralized in the 5th and 6th year of study in Finnmark had significantly higher level of non-technical skills than students in Bodø and Tromsø. The study shows that it is possible for medical students to achieve better non-technical skills through rural, decentralized education.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHelse Nord Ref: HNF1368-17en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper 1: Prydz K., Dieckmann P., Musson D. & Wisborg T. (2022). The development of a tool to assess medical students’ non-technical skills - the Norwegian Medical Students’ Non-Technical Skills (NorMS-NTS). <i>Medical Teacher, 45</i>(5), 516–523. Published version not available in Munin due to publisher’s restrictions. Published version available at <a href=></a>. Accepted manuscript version available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper 2: Prydz K., Dieckmann P., Fagertun H., Musson D. & Wisborg T. (2023). Collecting evidence of validity for an assessment tool for Norwegian medical students’ non-technical skills (NorMS-NTS): usability and reliability when used by novice raters. <i>BMC Medical Education, 23</i>(1), 865. Also available in Munin at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper 3: Prydz K., Dieckmann P., Fagertun H., Musson D. & Wisborg T. Non-technical skills of Norwegian medical students at different training sites: A comparative, observational cohort study. (Submitted manuscript).en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)
dc.titleFrom student to professional – mastering the necessary non-technical skills. Assessment tools and effects of multi-professional simulation trainingen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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