Viser treff 21-40 av 280

    • NAVs brukermøter med flyktninger og unge voksne 

      Douglas, Marcela; Kane, Aina Aune (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Flyktninger og unge voksne er to ulike og sammensatte grupper, som til tross for ulikheter innad og på tvers har fellestrekk i sin livssituasjon. Et hovedfunn i dette arbeidet er at flyktninger og unge voksne til tross for ulikheter har noen av de samme utfordringene knyttet til utenforskap som gir ekstra utfordringer i møte med arbeidslivet. I dette kapitlet tar vi utgangspunkt i at det å være i ...
    • Introduction and rationale: An overview of refugee education Europe 

      Gunntorsdottir, Hermina; Douglas, Marcela; Saus, Merete; Paulgaard, Gry (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      According to the UNHCR’s report Global Trends - Forced Displacement in 2018 (UNHCR, 2019) on changes in UNHCR’s population of concern related to ongoing crises, the number of refugees under UNHCR’s care is almost double that of 2012, with two thirds coming from just 5 countries. Furthermore it is stated that the total global refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate is now at the highest level ever ...
    • RE approaches and strategies in Northern Europe 

      Gunntorsdottir, Hermina; Douglas, Marcela; Saus, Merete; Paulgaard, Gry (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      In the UNHCR data base on refugees, Northern Europe consists of eight countries, the Nordic countries: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland, and the Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with a total population of 33,121,044. At the end of year 2017, the total number of refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons in Northern Europe was 788,717 (UNHCR, 2019, table 1).
    • Fremmer ettervern selvstendighet eller avhengighet? (Kronikk) 

      Skoglund, Jeanette; Thørnblad, Renee (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2018)
      Å forstå unge med barnevernsbakgrunn som en ressurssvak gruppe med særskilte behov er en grov generalisering av en svært sammensatt gruppe.
    • Efficacy of Aggression Replacement Training among Children from North-West Russia 

      Koposov, Roman A; Gundersen, Knut; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-11)
      The aim of the study was to assess whether the Aggression Replacement Training (ART) programme is effective in increasing social skills and decreasing problem behaviour. The sample consisted of 232 children (mean age 10.9 yrs, SD = 2.32), their parents and teachers. The study had a quasi-experimental design with intervention and control groups. Children were recruited from six schools and four social ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social and Emotional, ASQ:SE 

      Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Beskrivelse. Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social and Emotional (ASQ:SE) er et screeningverktøy for å kartlegge sped- og småbarn i risikosonen for å utvikle sosiale eller emosjonelle vansker (Squires, Bricker & Twombly, 2003). I 2007 ble instrumentet oversatt av Harald Janson, Torill Ueland og Vibeke Kennair Ottesen ved Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse (RBUP), Helseregion Øst og Sør. ...
    • Neuroticism as an antecedent of abusive supervision and laissez-faire leadership in emergent leaders: The role of facets and agreeableness as a moderator 

      Fosse, Thomas Hol; Martinussen, Monica; Sørlie, Henrik; Skogstad, Anders; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-17)
      Academic interest in the relationship between leaders' personality and subordinates’ perception of destructive leadership behavior is increasing. However, results so far have been weak, contradictory, and inconsistent to theory. Here, we examine if using facets of neuroticism, rather than the broader trait, can be more informative and increases the predictive power. Next, we explore the interplay ...
    • Hearing Children in Mediation (HBIM) 

      Thørnblad, Renee; Strandbu, Astrid; Grape, Lovise (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      In Norway, it is mandatory for all spouses and co-habiting partners with children under the age of 16 to attend a mediation session in the case of relationship breakdown. Traditionally, this has been an arena for parents only. In the recent years children’s participation rate has increased. This project aims to understand the contributions from participating children as well as identify possible ...
    • Hva påvirker beslutningen om å undersøke en bekymringsmelding? 

      Rustad, Kirsten Buck; Christiansen, Øivin; Fossum, Sturla; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Lauritzen, Camilla; Vis, Svein Arild (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
      Beslutningen om å henlegge eller undersøke en bekymringsmelding kan sees på som første trinn i en sorteringsprosess hvor formålet er å unngå unødvendig inngripen i en familie, men også unødvendig bruk av barneverntjenestens ressurser. Det er store forskjeller i undersøkelsesrater mellom kommuner. Forskning har vist ulikheter i hvordan barneverntjenestene behandler meldinger og undersøkelser. Samtidig ...
    • Gaps in risk perceptions are barriers to doctor-patient communication about CAM 

      Salamonsen, Anita; Wiesener, Solveig (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
      Studies have revealed differing perceptions of risk associated with use of conventional and alternative treatments among medical doctors and CAM users. This pilot study explored such differing risk perceptions and their possible influence on doctor CAM user communication.
    • How can use of virtual reality technology help improve an intervention for children with emotional problems? 

      Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Patras, Joshua; Martinsen, Kristin Dagmar; Adolfsen, Frode; Ingul, Jo Magne; Sund, Anne Mari; Holen, Solveig (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      <p>Exposure training and behavioral experiments are common and well-supported mechanisms in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression in children. Virtual reality (VR) technology applies computer-generated, three-dimensional virtual environments, which have the potential to create realistic situations that can be repeated and rehearsed several times. Virtual environments, therefore, ...
    • Slektsfosterhjem: Tiltak eller familie? 

      Skoglund, Jeanette (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
    • User satisfaction with antenatal care in Norway 

      Sætrum, Ane; Kaiser, Sabine; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-31)
      Background - In Norway, antenatal care is delivered free of charge in the municipality. Satisfaction with care is considered to be an important predictor of utilization of health care. The aim of this study was to examine women's satisfaction with antenatal care, and to identify factors that predict overall satisfaction with the service.<p> <p>Methods - A total of 611 women completed a survey ...
    • Samene i Norge: Hvordan kan barnevernet ta hensyn til samenes rettigheter som urfolk? 

      Saus, Merete (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      Dette kapittelet handler om den samiske befolkningen i Norge og barnevernet. Formålet er å vise hvordan barnevernet kan ta hensyn til samenes rettigheter som urfolk. Samene er et urfolk i Norge. Gjennom norske og internasjonale lover har samene særlige rettigheter til å bevare sin kultur, identitet og språk. Disse rettighetene gjelder også når barn og familier mottar offentlige tjenester, slik som ...
    • Frequency of Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization and Associated Factors Among Norwegian Adolescents 

      Kyrrestad, Henriette; Kaiser, Sabine; Fossum, Sturla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-05)
      The aim of the present study is to identify frequency and psychosocial factors associated with being exposed to traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimization among junior high-school students in Norway. Additionally, the aim was to explore the specific types of bullying and cyberbullying victimization adolescents’ experience. This cross-sectional study is conducted among 2049 adolescents aged ...
    • Service Provision by Child Protection Services — Exploring Variability at Case and Agency Levels in a Norwegian Sample 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Lauritzen, Camilla; Fluke, John; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Christiansen, Øivin; Fossum, Sturla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-09)
      In this study, we look at the decision to provide services following a child protection investigation in Norway. More specifically, we want to look at variability at the case level and at the agency level in order to identify factors that may impact a decision to provide services. The study was designed as a cross-sectional archive study that was carried out retrospectively. Included predictors ...
    • Usability of the IDDEAS prototype in child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study for clinical decision support system development 

      Clausen, Carolyn Elizabeth; Leventhal, Bennett; Nytrø, Øystein; Koposov, Roman A; Røst, Thomas Brox; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Koochakpour, Kaban; Frodl, Thomas; Stien, Ulrika Line; Skokauskas, Norbert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-23)
      Introduction: Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) clinical decision support system (CDSS) provides clinicians with real-time support as they assess and treat patients. CDSS can integrate diverse clinical data for identifying child and adolescent mental health needs earlier and more comprehensively. Individualized Digital Decision Assist System (IDDEAS) has the potential to improve ...
    • Development and Psychometric Testing of the Student Learning in Emergencies Checklist (SLEC): Measuring Promotors of Academic Functioning and Wellbeing in Palestinian Youth Affected by War and Conflict 

      Forsberg, June Thorvaldsen; Dolan, Carly Tubbs; Schultz, Jon Håkon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-27)
      Youth living with war and ongoing conflict are frequently exposed to potentially traumatic events and cumulative stress which can result in temporarily impaired academic functioning and reduced wellbeing in school. In Palestine, the Ministry of Education has included psychosocial support programmes in the schools for the purpose of reducing stress reactions and improving school functioning ...
    • Contact with parents from childhood to adulthood – a longitudinal study of children in kinship care and non-kinship care 

      Skoglund, Jeanette; Mabille, Geraldine; Thørnblad, Renee (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-12)
      Previous research on parental contact for children in foster care shows that contact frequency is significantly related to parent’s gender and placement type. Yet very few studies have explored the impact of gender and type of placement on parental contact over time. Based on longitudinal quantitative data from kinship care and non-kinship care placements in Norway, we analyse contact between children ...
    • Parents with a mental illness and their sense of parenting competence 

      Kristensen, Kjersti Bergum; Lauritzen, Camilla; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Reedtz, Charlotte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-14)
      Objective - Research provides evidence that parental mental illness affects child development through parenting behaviour. This study investigates how parents with a mental illness report on their parenting sense of competence.<p> <p>Method - A sample of 141 parents receiving treatment at a clinic for mental health and substance use disorders participated. The Parenting Sense of Competence scale ...