Viser treff 261-280 av 286

    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Eating Disorder Inventory, versjon 3 (EDI-3) 

      Kaiser, Sabine; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-22)
      Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) ble utviklet av Garner, Olmstead og Polivy i 1983. Den ble oversatt til norsk av Øyvind Rø og Jan H. Rosenvinge. Den tredje versjonen av EDI ble publisert i 2004 og er en revidert utgave av EDI-2. EDI-3 er et selvrapporteringsinstrument for ungdom fra 13 år til voksen alder, som måler symptomer og psykologiske trekk som er relatert til spiseforstyrrelser og består av ...
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) 

      Halvorsen, Marianne; Myrbakk, Even; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-05-07)
      Description. The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is suitable for individuals with an intellectual disability and was developed by Aman and Singh in 1986. The latest ABC-version (Community) was published in 1994, and translated (and back translated) to Norwegian by the Mapi Research Institute. The copyright ownership is held by Slosson Educational Publications Inc. The ABC is a 58-item checklist ...
    • Knowledge transfer in the field of parental mental illness: objectives, effective strategies, indicators of success, and sustainability 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Reedtz, Charlotte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-28)
      <p>Background: Mental health problems are often transmitted from one generation to the next. However, transferring knowledge about interventions that reduce intergenerational transmission of disease to the field of parental mental illness has been very difficult. One of the most critical issues in mental health services research is the gap between what is generally known about effective treatment ...
    • Fra 15 til 22 elever i klassen: Hvordan påvirker større klasse elevenes læringsmiljø og trivsel? 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Adolfsen, Frode; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Strandbu, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-12)
      Vår studie viser at klassestørrelse ikke nødvendigvis spiller noen rolle for elevenes trivsel på skolen, i klassen og i friminuttene. Læringsmiljøet ble imidlertid mer preget av uro og bråk, skriver Camilla Lauritzen og kolleger.
    • Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) 

      Martinussen, Monica; Valla, Lisbeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-01)
      Beskrivelse. Ages & Stages Questionnaires ble utviklet på 80-tallet i USA som et screeningsverktøy for sped- og småbarn for å kartlegge utviklingsnivå (Squires, Bricker & Potter, 1997). Instrumentet ble oversatt til norsk i 2001-2002 av Harald Janson, Beathe Enoksen og Kristin Furuholmen ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO. Ulike versjoner av spørreskjemaet (til sammen 19) finnes for aldersgruppene 4 mnd ...
    • Samhandling mellom barnevern og psykisk helsevern for barn og unge – en litteraturgjennomgang 

      Fossum, Sturla; Lauritzen, Camilla; Vis, Svein Arild; Ottosen, Agnetha; Rustad, Kirsten Buck (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Hensikten med kunnskapsoversikten var å lære mer om samhandlingen mellom barnevernet og psykisk helsevern for barn og unge (PHBU) i Norge. Det ble gjort litteratursøk sommeren 2014 i rapporter og artikler som var publisert i tiden 2004 til 2014. Kriterier for inklusjon var at barnevern og/eller PHBU sto i tittelen. Totalt var 78 publikasjoner relevante for en grundigere gjennomgang, og av disse ...
    • Preventing Alcohol Use with a Universal School-Based Intervention: Results from an Effectiveness Study 

      Strøm, Henriette Kyrrestad; Adolfsen, Frode; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Natvig, Henrik; Eisemann, Martin; Martinussen, Monica; Koposov, Roman A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-09)
      Background: The effectiveness of the universal school-based alcohol prevention program “Unge & Rus” [Youth & Alcohol] was tested by an independent research group. The program aims to prevent alcohol use and to change adolescents’ alcohol-related attitudes. The main outcome measure was frequency of monthly alcohol use, favorable alcohol attitudes, perceived behavioral control (PBC), positive alcohol ...
    • Social functioning and mental health among children who have been living in kinship and non-kinship foster care: results from an 8-year follow-up with a Norwegian sample 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Holtan, Amy; Thørnblad, Renee; Fossum, Sturla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Pro-bullying attitudes among incarcerated juvenile delinquents: Antisocial behavior, psychopathic tendencies and violent crime 

      Wiklund, Gunnar; Ruchkin, Vladislav; Koposov, Roman A; Klinteberg, BA (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Early drinking onset: A study of prevalence and determinants among 13-year-old adolescents in Norway 

      Adolfsen, Frode; Strøm, Henriette Kyrrestad; Martinussen, Monica; Natvig, Henrik; Eisemann, Martin; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Koposov, Roman A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Loneliness and health risk behaviours among Russian and U.S. adolescents: a cross-sectional study 

      Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Koposov, Roman A; Schwab-Stone, Mary; Ruchkin, Vladislav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Peer victimisation and its association with psychological and somatic health problems among adolescents in northern Russia. 

      Stickley, Andrew; Koyanagi, Ai; Koposov, Roman A; McKee, Martin; Roberts, Bayard; Ruchkin, Vladislav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Background: A growing body of evidence from countries around the world suggests that school-based peer victimisation is associated with worse health outcomes among adolescents. So far, however, there has been little systematic research on this phenomenon in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between peer victimisation at school and a range ...
    • Factors that may Facilitate or Hinder a Family-focus in the Treatment of Parents With a Mental Illness 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Reedtz, Charlotte; van Doesum, Karin; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Children with mentally ill parents are at risk of developing mental health problems themselves. To enhance early support for these children may prevent mental health problems from being transmitted from one generation to the next. The sample (N = 219) included health professionals in a large university hospital, who responded to a web-based survey on the routines of the mental health services, ...
    • Remote population-based intervention for disruptive behavior at age four: study protocol for a randomized trial of Internet-assisted parent training (Strongest Families Finland-Canada) 

      McGrath, Patrick J.; Sourander, Andre; Lingley-Pottie, Patricia; Ristkari, Terja; Cunningham, Charles; Huttunen, Jukka; Filbert, Katharine; Aromaa, Minna; Corkum, Penny; Hinkka-Yli-Salomaki, Susanna; Kinnunen, Malin; Lampi, Katja; Penttinen, Anne; Sinokki, Atte; Unruh, Anita; Vuorio, Jenni; Watters, Carolyn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Background: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is characterized by angry and noncompliant behaviour. It is the most common disruptive behaviour disorder (DBD), with prevalence estimates of 6-9% for preschoolers and is closely linked to several long-term difficulties, including disorders of conduct, mood, anxiety, impulse-control, and substance abuse. ODD in children is related to parental ...
    • Implementing new routines in adult mental health care to identify and support children of mentally ill parents 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Reedtz, Charlotte; van Doesum, Karin; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Background: Mental health problems are often transmitted from one generation to the next. This knowledge has led to changes in Norwegian legislation, making it mandatory to assess whether or not patients have children, and to provide necessary support for the children of mentally ill patients. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the process of implementing new routines in adult mental ...
    • Representation of children’s views in court hearings about custody and parental visitations – a comparison between what children wanted and what the courts ruled 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Fossum, Sturla (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Purpose: Following the UN convention on the rights of children, a shift in policy towards greater emphasis on child participation in child protection case processing has occurred. A growing body of research has emerged concerning participation processes in child protection cases and the experiences of children in child protection cases. Very few studies have looked into if and when children get what ...
    • Placement disruption in long-term kinship and nonkinship foster care 

      Holtan, Amy; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Thørnblad, Renee; Vis, Svein Arild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The purpose of this study was to explore factors related to placement disruption in long-term kinship and nonkinship foster care in a Nordic country. The study included 136 children aged 4–13 years in kinship and nonkinship foster care in Norway in the year 2000, with updates for the year 2008. Placement and demographic information and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) were collected from foster ...
    • Samtale med barn i barnevernet- Utprøving og evaluering av implementeringsstrategier 

      Vis, Svein Arild (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2006)
      I prosjekt ”Samtale med barn i barnevernet” kombineres forskning, utvikling og implementering av arbeidsmetoder i barnevernet. Prosjektet gjennom føres i fire faser i perioden 2003-2007. Det rapporteres her for Fase 3 ”Samtale med barn i barnevernet - utprøving og evaluering av implementeringsstrategier”. Dette delprosjektet er finansiert av stiftelsen Wøyen.
    • Samtaler med barn i barnevernet 

      Vis, Svein Arild (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2004)
      Dette prosjektet er gjennomført med finansiering fra Stiftelsen Wøyen. Vi takker stiftelsen for deres interesse og engasjement for å gjøre barns stemmer hørt. Vi takker også de som har stilt opp på intervju og som gjennom sine fortellinger bidrar til kunnskapsutvikling i barnevernet.
    • Psychosocial factors associated with becoming a young father in Finland: a nationwide longitudinal study 

      Lehti, Venla; Sourander, Andre; Sillanmaki, Lauri; Helenius, Hans; Tamminen, Tuula; Kumpulainen, Kirsti; Almqvist, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Little is known about the characteristics of boys who become fathers at young age. Some studies have suggested that antisocial adolescents are more likely to be young fathers. The aim of this study was to examine the associations of psychosocial factors in childhood with becoming a young father, and to assess if they are independent of criminal behavior in adolescence. The baseline assessment in ...