Now showing items 261-275 of 275

    • Ungdoms opplevelse av informasjon som gis om koronaviruset (Covid-19): En foreløpig rapport 

      Kyrrestad, Henriette; Kaiser, Sabine; Martinussen, Monica (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra en nettbasert spørreskjemaundersøkelse blant ungdom. Formålet var å undersøke hvordan ungdom opplever informasjonen som gis rundt koronaviruset, hva de opplever de mangler informasjon om og hvordan situasjonen med koronaviruspandemien påvirker dem. Denne rapporten inneholder resultater fra perioden 16.03.2020 til 26.03.2020 i undersøkelsen og er ment som ...
    • A Universal Mental Health–Promoting Mobile App for Adolescents: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Kaiser, Sabine; Rye, Marte; Jakobsen, Reidar; Martinussen, Monica; Høgsdal, Helene; Kyrrestad, Henriette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-11)
      Background: In times of increasing mental health problems among young people, strengthening efforts to improve mental health through mental health promotion and prevention becomes increasingly important. Effective measures that support young people in coping with negative thoughts, feelings, and stress are essential, not just for the individual but also for society. Objective: The aim of this ...
    • Usability of the IDDEAS prototype in child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study for clinical decision support system development 

      Clausen, Carolyn Elizabeth; Leventhal, Bennett; Nytrø, Øystein; Koposov, Roman A; Røst, Thomas Brox; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Koochakpour, Kaban; Frodl, Thomas; Stien, Ulrika Line; Skokauskas, Norbert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-23)
      Introduction: Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) clinical decision support system (CDSS) provides clinicians with real-time support as they assess and treat patients. CDSS can integrate diverse clinical data for identifying child and adolescent mental health needs earlier and more comprehensively. Individualized Digital Decision Assist System (IDDEAS) has the potential to improve ...
    • User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: a systematic review 

      Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-05)
      More than one out of ten adolescents suffer from mental illness at any given time. Still, there is limited knowledge about their involvement in mental healthcare. Adolescents have the right to be involved in decisions affecting their healthcare, but limited research focuses on their engagement and decision-making. Therefore, this systematic review aims to explore the existing experiences with, the ...
    • User satisfaction with antenatal care in Norway 

      Sætrum, Ane; Kaiser, Sabine; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-31)
      Background - In Norway, antenatal care is delivered free of charge in the municipality. Satisfaction with care is considered to be an important predictor of utilization of health care. The aim of this study was to examine women's satisfaction with antenatal care, and to identify factors that predict overall satisfaction with the service.<p> <p>Methods - A total of 611 women completed a survey ...
    • Using the Job Demands–Resources Model to Evaluate Work-Related Outcomes Among Norwegian Health Care Workers 

      Kaiser, Sabine; Patras, Joshua; Adolfsen, Frode; Richardsen, Astrid Marie; Martinussen, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-01)
      The job demands-resources (JD-R) model was used to evaluate work-related outcomes among 489 health care professionals working in public health services for children and their families in Norway. In accordance with the JD-R model, the relationship of job demands and job resources with different outcomes (turnover intention, job satisfaction, and service quality) should be mediated through burnout and ...
    • Validering av den norske foreldreversjonen av Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC-P) 

      Halvorsen, Marianne Berg; Kaiser, Sabine; Hansen, Ida Lyngaard; Sandal, Ida Rakel Blichfeldt; Helverschou, Sissel Berge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-11)
      This study examined the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Developmental Behavior Checklist – Parent (DBC-P) in an intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) sample of children and adolescents (N = 168). Internal consistency was adequate to excellent for all scales (Cronbach’s alpha ranged between .70–.96). The DBC-P showed meaningful overlap with and differentiation from ...
    • Variations in Elite Female Soccer Players' Sleep, and Associations With Perceived Fatigue and Soccer Games 

      Moen, Frode; Olsen, Maja Gunhild; Halmøy, Gunvor; Hrozanova, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-25)
      The current study investigated the associations between female perceived fatigue of elite soccer players and their sleep, and the associations between the sleep of players and soccer games. The sample included 29 female elite soccer players from the Norwegian national soccer team with a mean age of ~26 years. Perceived fatigue and sleep were monitored over a period of 124 consecutive days. In this ...
    • Veiledning for nyansatte i barnevernet 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Aas, Benedikte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-04)
      Myndighetene ønsker å innføre veiledet førsteår for nyansatte i barnevernet, med hensikt om å redusere frafall, samt å bidra til profesjonell utvikling av nyansatte. Dette prosjektet hadde som formål å undersøke hvor langt man har kommet med å innføre veiledning for nyansatte og øvrige ansatte i det kommunale barnevernet. Deltakerne i studien besto av ansatte i det kommunale barnevernet (N = ...
    • Victimization by traditional bullying and cyberbullying and the combination of these among adolescents in 13 European and Asian countries 

      Chudal, Roshan; Tiiri, Elina; Brunstein Klomek, Anat; Say How, Ong; Fossum, Sturla; Kaneko, Hitoshi; Kolaitis, Gerasimos; Lesinskiene, Sigita; Li, Liping; Nguyen Huong, Mai; Kumar Praharaj, Samir; Sillanmaki, Lauri; Slobodskaya, Helena; Srabstein, Jorge; Wiguna, Thjin; Zamani, Zahra; Sourander, Andre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-21)
      There has been a lack of studies on bullying in non-western low-income and middle-income countries. This study reported the prevalence of traditional victimization, cybervictimization, and the combination of these, in 13 European and Asian countries, and explored how psychiatric symptoms were associated with victimization. The data for this cross-sectional, school-based study of 21,688 adolescents ...
    • Videreutdanning i barnevernfaglig veiledning – hvorfor, hvordan og hva videre? 

      Lauritzen, Camilla; Nordstoga, Sigrid; Østby, Lene Gunhild; Broman, Åse; Haugs, Tone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Store belastninger, spesielt for nyansatte, er en kjent utfordring for barneverntjenesten. Svært mange ansatte velger å slutte i barnevernet, og dette er et problem for tjenestene som mister kompetanse og kontinuitet. For å styrke tjenestene iverksatte den forrige regjeringen satsingen barnevernløftet (Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet, 2012–2013). Barnevernløftet innebærer blant ...
    • Viktigheten av søvn og utfordringer med stress hos idrettsutøvere 

      Hrozanova, Maria; Moen, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020)
    • “When I sleep poorly, it impacts everything”: An exploratory qualitative investigation of stress and sleep in junior endurance athletes 

      Hrozanova, Maria; Firing, Kristian; Moen, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-15)
      On their journeys toward senior athletic status, junior endurance athletes are faced with a multitude of stressors. How athletes react to stressors plays a vital part in effective adaptation to the demanding, ever-changing athletic environment. Sleep, the most valued recovery strategy available to athletes, has the potential to influence and balance athletic stress, and enable optimal functioning. ...
    • Young Sami men on the move: actors, activities, and aims for the future 

      Saus, Merete; Boine, Else Målfrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-11)
      In this study, we have been interviewing eight young Sámi men about experience with rural-urban and majority-minority transition. The analyses revealed that the transition affected three dimensions in their life: actors, activities, and aims for the futures. The important actors transformed from relatives to friends. Desirable duties transformed to leisure and sports activities. The transformation ...
    • Youth blogging and serious illness 

      Nesby, Linda; Salamonsen, Anita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-15)
      In recent years, a growing number of young people who experience illness tend to blog about it. In this paper, we question whether and how illness blogs illustrate the intercommunicative aspect of blogging by bringing forth both the literary concept of the implied reader and the sociological concepts of empowerment and agency in the analysis. We argue that young people blogging about serious illness ...