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dc.contributor.advisorHjelstuen, Ole Kristian
dc.contributor.authorSvadberg, Anders
dc.description.abstractClinical use of positron emission tomography (PET) is expanding from use of [18F]FDG to a wider spectrum of PET-tracers and proprietary PET radiopharmaceuticals. The development of new PET-tracers is however far from trivial and the radiochemistry is a major limiting factor. Nucleophilic substitution reactions with [18F]fluoride generally suffer from inconsistent labeling yields. There is a need to investigate the generic impurities causing such inconsistency in order to build more robust syntheses that also are in line with regulatory demands for approval of new PET radiopharmaceuticals. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how pharmaceutical-chemical impurities from a typical synthesis setup may influence labeling yields in nucleophilic substitution reactions with [18F]fluoride. Following areas were studied: Borosilicate glassware, Kryptofix based eluent solutions, anion-exchange cartridges, and irradiated [18O]water. Materials and methods The new commercial synthesizer, GE FASTlab™, was used as an investigational platform using three different benchmark reactions: [18F]FACBC, [18F]FDG and [18F]Flutemetamol. The importance of identified impurities was investigated with radiochemical yield as the measured response. Eluent solutions of K222, K2CO3 in aqueous acetonitrile extracted ppm levels of silicon, boron and aluminum if stored in borosilicate glass at room temperature (days). It was revealed that relevant levels of aluminum present in the eluent solution (0.4–2 ppm) could pass a polymer-based anion-exchange cartridge and cause detrimental effects on the RCY. Calcium, magnesium, zinc and aluminum were identified as potential impurities in irradiated [18O]water. Aluminum, if present in the [18O]water, was fully adsorbed on the anion-exchange cartridge and to a variable degree co-eluted with [18F]fluoride, causing detrimental effect on the RCY. Type of anion-exchange cartridge was a major determining factor for the amount of eluted aluminum. Eluent solutions containing K222 and K2CO3 in aqueous acetonitrile degraded relatively quickly when stored at room temperature or above. Acetate, one of the degradation products would negatively affect RCY if generated at sufficient levels (hundreds of ppm). A methanol-based eluent solution was successfully developed, showing no degradation after 6 months of storage at 50 oC.en
dc.description.popularabstractPET skanning er en medisinsk diagnostisk undersøkelse som ikke bare kan påvise sykdom i tidlig fase, men også se om en individuell behandling virker. PET brukes i dag hovedsaklig for kreftundersøkelser, men det finnes et stort potensial for å utvide bruken av PET til også andre sykdommer, som Alzheimers’ og Multippel Sklerose. For å nå dette målet er det viktig å forbedre kjemien som ligger til grunn for fremstilling av PET-legemidler. I denne avhandlingen har vi undersøkt det nødvendige trinnet av kjemien der PET-legemidler gjøres radioaktive. Målet var å bedre forstå hvorfor dette trinnet ofte gir uakseptable svingninger i merkingsutbyttet slik at dette kan forutses og kontrolleres. Vi har undersøkt nukleofile substitusjonsreaksjoner med radioakivt fluor-18. Radiomerkingen av tre ulike PET-legemidler med fluor-18 ble undersøkt i et typisk produksjonsoppsett. Bruken av glass, en mye brukt eluent-reagens og bestrålt oksygen-18-beriket vann ble funnet som kilder til ødeleggende urenheter. Gjennom eksperimentel design testing, ble det oppdaget at aluminium var en svært viktig urenhet. Bestrålt oksygen-18-anriket vann og glass ble identifisert som kilder til aluminium. Videre ble det oppdaget at type ionebytte kolonne hadde en avgjørende rolle i hvorvidt aluminium kunne ha en ødeleggende effekt eller ikke. Det ble også utviklet en ny eluent-reagens som ikke gav opphav til ødeleggende urenheter. Resultatene er almengyldige for ulike merkningsprosesser og bringer kunnskap til annen PET-forskning som skjer i Norge og globalt.en
dc.description.sponsorshipGE Healthcare Universitetet i Tromsøen
dc.descriptionThe papers of this thesis are not available in Munin: <br/>1. Hjelstuen, O. K., Svadberg A., Olberg, D. E. and Rosser, M.: 'Standardization of fluorine-18 manufacturing processes: New scientific challenges for PET', European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2011), 78, 307-313. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>2. Svadberg, A., Clarke, A., Dyrstad, K., Martinsen, I. and Hjelstuen, O. K.: 'A critical study on borosilicate glassware and silica-based QMA's in nucleophilic substitution with [18F]fluoride : influence of aluminum, boron and silicon on the reactivity of [18F]fluoride', Applied Radiation and Isotopes (2011), 69, 289-294. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>3. Svadberg, A., Wickstrøm, T. and Hjelstuen, O. K.: 'Degradation of acetonitrile in eluent solutions for [18F]fluoride PET chemistry : impact on radiosynthesis of [18F]FACBC and [18F]FDG', Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals (2012), vol. 55, no. 3:97–102. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>4. Svadberg, A., Dyrstad, K. and Hjelstuen, O. K.: 'Cationic contaminants in irradiated [18O]H2O and their effect on [18F]F- reactivity' (submitted paper to Applied Radiation and Isotopes)en
dc.publisherUniversity of Tromsøen
dc.publisherUniversitetet i Tromsøen
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2012 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Basale medisinske, odontologiske og veterinærmedisinske fag: 710::Biofarmasi: 736en
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Basic medical, dental and veterinary science disciplines: 710::Biopharmacy: 736en
dc.titleNucleophilic Substitution Reactions for Positron Emission Tomography; Factors Influencing the Reactivity of [18F]Fluorideen
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen

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