Now showing items 141-160 of 850

    • Social media interventions for autistic individuals: systematic review 

      Gabarron, Elia; Skafle, Ingjerd; Nordahl-Hansen, Anders; Wynn, Rolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-01)
      Background: Research on the use of digital technologies for delivering behavioral interventions has shown mixed evidence on their efficacy for improving both autistic symptoms and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Little knowledge exists on the specific use or efficacy of using social media in interventions aimed at autistic individuals. <p><p>Objective: To review and describe the current existing ...
    • Can Difficult Lectures be Interesting AND Pleasant? Hedonic and Eudaimonic Feelings as a Function of Perceived Difficulty 

      Ivan, Håvard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-12-01)
      What is it that makes challenge and complexity so appealing to humans? Research derived from positive psychology have tried to answer this question, and in the process found evidence suggesting that people experience different feelings as the perception of difficulty rises. In this study, using Gudrun Eckblad’s scheme theory as premise, we predicted that reported feelings of pleasure would be most ...
    • Feedback Effects on Mind Wandering: A Series of Online Experiments 

      Karlsen, Krister (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-01)
      Replicating in-lab experiments online can ensure scientific progress when physical contact is discouraged, like during the covid-19 pandemic. In this thesis, we replicated the results from Boayue et al. (2021) in-lab Mind Wandering (MW) experiment online. The task uses the Finger-Tapping Random Sequence Generation Task, a sustained attention task, equating MW with Task Unrelated Thoughts (TUTs). In ...
    • Birthday Celebrations Social Impact. What Can We Lear From Children’s Experiences? 

      Smeds, Amanda (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-01)
      Children’s birthday celebrations are a social event including different social activities and birthday rituals. As previous research show rituals to enhance cohesion amongst its ritual participants, we assumed in-group and out-group memberships could be established at birthday celebrations between children in an already constituted group. With this study we aim to gain a better understanding of ...
    • Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries 

      Olsson, Maria Ingrid Teresa; van Grootel, Sanne; Block, Katharina; Schuster, Carolin; Meeussen, Loes; Van Laar, Colette; Schmader, Toni; Croft, Alyssa; Sun, Molly Shuyi; ainsaar, Mare; Aarntzen, Lianne; Adamus, Magdalena; Anderson, Joel; Atkinson, Ciara; Avicenna, Mohamad; Bąbel, Przemysław; Barth, Markus; Benson-Greenwald, Tessa; Maloku, Edona; Berent, Jacques; Bergsieker, Hilary; Biernat, Monica; Birneanu, Andreea, Georgiana; Bodinaku, Blerta; Bosak, Janine; Bosson, Jennifer K.; Branković, Marija; Burkauskas, Julius; Čavojová, Vladimíra; Cheryan, Sapna; Choi, Eunsoo; Choi, Incheol; Contreras-Ibáñez, Carlos C.; Coogan, Andrew; Danyliuk, Ivan; Dar-Nimrod, Ilan; Dasgupta, Nilanjana; de Lemus, Soledad; Devos, Thierry; Diab, Marwan; Diekman, Amanda; Efremova, Maria; Eisner, Léïla; Eller, Anja; Erentaite, Rasa; Fedáková, Denisa; Franc, Renata; Gartzia, Leire; Gavreliuc, Alin; Gavreliuc, Dana; Gecaite-Stonciene, Julija; Germano, Adriana; Giovannelli, Ilaria; Gismondi Diaz, Renzo; Gitikhmayeva, Lyudmila; Menkir Gizaw, Abiy; Gjoneska, Biljana; Martínez González, Omar; González, Roberto; David Grijalva, Isaac; Güngör, Derya; Gustafsson Sendén, Marie; Hall, William W.; Harb, Charles; Hassan, Bushra; Hässler, Tabea; R. Hawi, Diala; Henningsen, Levke; Hoppe, Annedore; Ishii, Keiko; Jakšić, Ivana; Jasini, Alba; Jurkevičienė, Jurgita; Kelmendi, Kaltrina; Kirby, Teri A.; Kitakaji, Yoko; Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza; Kozytska, Inna; Kulich, Clara; Kundtová-Klocová, Eva; Kunuroglu, Filiz; Lapytskaia Aidy, Christina; Lee, Albert; Lindqvist, Anna; LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, WILSON; Luzvinda, Liany; Maricchiolo, Fridanna; Martinot, Delphine; McNamara, Rita Anne; Meister, Alyson; Lemma Melka, Tizita; Mickuviene, Narseta; Miranda-Orrego, María Isabel; Mkamwa, Thadeus; Morandini, James; Morton, Thomas; Mrisho, David; Nikitin, Jana; Otten, Sabine; Giuseppina Pacilli, Maria; Page-Gould, Elizabeth; Perandrés, Ana; Pizarro, Jon; Pop-Jordanova, Nada; Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Joanna; Quta, Sameir; Ramis, TamilSelvan; Rani, Nitya; Redersdorff, Sandrine; Régner, Isabelle; Renström, Emma A.; Rivera-Rodriguez, Adrian; Tania Esmeralda Rocha, Sánchez; Ryabichenko, Tatiana; Saab, Rim; Sakata, Kiriko; Samekin, Adil; Sánchez-Pachecho, Tracy; Scheifele, Carolin; Schulmeyer, Marion K.; Sczesny, Sabine; Sirlopú, David; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Soo, Kadri; Spaccatini, Federica; Steele, Jennifer R.; Steffens, Melanie C.; Sucic, Ines; Vandello, Joseph A.; Velásquez-Díaz, Laura Maria; Vink, Melissa; Vives, Eva; Warkineh, Turuwark Zalalam; Žeželj, Iris L.; Zhang, Xiaoxiao; Zhao, Xian; Martiny, Sarah E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)
      Despite global commitments and efforts, a gender-based division of paid and unpaid work persists. To identify how psychological factors, national policies, and the broader sociocultural context contribute to this inequality, we assessed parental-leave intentions in young adults (18–30 years old) planning to have children (N = 13,942; 8,880 identified as women; 5,062 identified as men) across 37 ...
    • ‘Where to ski?’: an ethnography of how guides make sense while planning 

      Løland, Stig; Markus, Hällgren (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-10)
      A ski guide’s job is to take recreational skiers into avalanche terrain. In this paper, we explore how ski guides make sense of complex social and ecological contexts while planning. Our data arises out of a one-year participant ethnography of ski guiding in Norway, and shows that guides work towards becoming socio-ecologically embedded by making sense of who the clients and what the mountain ...
    • A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Legate, Nicole; Nguyen, Thuy-vy; Weinstein, Netta; Lund, Maria Louise; Klevjer, Kristoffer; Kunst, Jonas R.; Pfuhl, Gerit; Schei, Vidar; Korbmacher, Max; Tamnes, Christian Krog; Bundt, Carsten; Askelund, Adrian Dahl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-27)
      Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an ...
    • The Sexual Incentive Motivation Model and Its Clinical Applications 

      Ågmo, Anders j; Laan, Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-15)
      Sexual motivation (desire) requires the simultaneous presence of an active central motive state and a stimulus with sexual significance. Once activated, sexual motivation leads to visceral responses and approach behaviors directed toward the emitter of the sexual stimulus. In humans, such behaviors follow cognitive evaluation of the context, including predictions of the approached individual’s ...
    • Autonomous or controlled self-regulation, that is the question: A self-determination perspective on the impact of commuting on employees’ domain-specific functioning 

      Gerpott, Fabiola H.; Rivkin, Wladislaw; Unger, Dana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-01)
      The few studies that have considered psychological processes during the commute have drawn an ambiguous picture, with some emphasizing the negative and others the positive consequences of commuting. Drawing on self-determination theory, we develop a framework that expands on the costs and benefits of commuting for employees’ subsequent domain-related functioning at work and home. Specifically, we ...
    • What if becoming information literate were an adventure? 

      Dahl, Tove I. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-17)
      What if becoming information literate were an adventure? This question was posed in a keynote for the Creating Knowledge Conference 2021. It was answered in a thought piece by examining adventure-based ways to prepare students to be information literate adults through the principles and mechanisms that people find arousing and pleasurable and that are not classically a part of university pedagogy. ...
    • Do parental cognitions during pregnancy predict bonding after birth in a low-risk sample? 

      Bohne, Agnes; Nordahl, Dag; Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen; Moe, Vibeke; Landsem, Inger Pauline; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-14)
      Parental bonding to their infant is important for healthy parent-infant interaction and infant development. Characteristics in the parents affect how they bond to their newborn. Parental cognitions such as repetitive negative thinking, a thinking style associated with mental health issues, and cognitive dispositions, e.g., mood-congruent attentional bias or negative implicit attitudes to infants, ...
    • The impact of diagnosed fetal anomaly, diagnostic severity and prognostic ambiguity on parental depression and traumatic stress: a prospective longitudinal cohort study 

      Bekkhus, Mona; Haugen, Guttorm Nils; Czajkowski, Nikolai Olavi; Kaasen, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-14)
      Introduction - The detection of a fetal anomaly during routine obstetric ultrasound is a potentially traumatic experience. The aim of this study is to examine longitudinally the impact of diagnosis of fetal anomaly on symptoms of depression and traumatic stress among mothers and fathers, and to examine how variations in psychological adjustment relate to diagnostic severity and prognostic ...
    • Association of Klotho protein levels and KL-VS heterozygosity with Alzheimer disease and amyloid and tau burden 

      Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Sando, Sigrid Botne; Lauridsen, Camilla; Bråthen, Geir; White, Linda Rosemary; Salvesen, Øyvind; Aarsland, Dag; Hessen, Erik; Fladby, Tormod; Waterloo, Knut K; Scheffler, Katja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-22)
      Importance Identification of proteins and genetic factors that reduce Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology is of importance when searching for novel AD treatments. Heterozygosity of the KL-VS haplotype has been associated with reduced amyloid and tau burden. Whether this association is mediated by the Klotho protein remains unclear. Objectives To assess concentrations of Klotho in cerebrospinal ...
    • Back 2 School - Våger vi å la være? 

      Sørheim Nilsen, Toril; Ingul, Jo Magne; Askeland, Kristin Gärtner; Haugland, Bente Storm Mowatt; Adolfsen, Frode; Havik, Trude; Neumer, Simon-Peter; Rye, Marte; Bania, Elisabeth Valmyr; Kyrrestad, Henriette; Walmsness, Kari (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2022-12-07)
      Pilotprosjektet «Back2chool» er ikke svaret på alt. et finnes ingen quick-fix på uønsket skolefravær.
    • Opplevelsen av å være pårørende til partner med fødselsdepresjon: En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang og tematisk syntese 

      Karlsen, Maja Liljebakk; Søvde, Ingrid Margareta Ahlin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-14)
      Hensikten med studien er å undersøke opplevelsen av å være partner til mor med fødselsdepresjon. Inklusjonskriteriene var kvalitative studier publisert fra januar 1990 til oktober 2021, med fokus på pårørendes opplevelse til partner med fødselsdepresjon, skrevet på engelsk eller et skandinavisk språk og vurdert til adekvat kvalitet i følge CASP. Vi gjennomførte systematisk litteratursøk i databasene ...
    • Parents’ hyper-pitch and low vowel category variability in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary 

      Rosslund, Audun; Mayor, Julien; Óturai, Gabriella; Kartushina, Natalia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-31)
      The present study examines the acoustic properties of infant-directed speech (IDS) as compared to adult-directed speech (ADS) in Norwegian parents of 18-month-old toddlers, and whether these properties relate to toddlers’ expressive vocabulary size. Twenty-one parent-toddler dyads from Tromsø, Northern Norway participated in the study. Parents (16 mothers, 5 fathers), speaking a Northern Norwegian ...
    • Early Maladaptive Schemas and Mental Disorders in Adulthood: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

      Thimm, Jens; Chang, Michelle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-21)
      Early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) are broad and pervasive themes regarding oneself and one’s relationships with others originating from adverse childhood experiences. Although the concept of EMSs was initially developed for the treatment of personality disorders, the associations of EMSs with a variety of other mental disorders have been investigated. The goal of the present study was to summarize ...
    • Protein preference and elevated plasma FGF21 induced by dietary protein restriction is similar in both male and female mice 

      Volcko, Karin Linnea; McCutcheon, James Edgar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-19)
      Animals that are moderately protein restricted respond to this dietary stress by increasing consumption of protein-containing foods. This is true in many species, including rodents. Rodent models of protein restriction have typically relied on only male subjects, and there are plausible reasons why female rodents may respond differently to dietary protein restriction. To address this gap in ...
    • Regression‐based normative data for the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test in Norwegian and Swedish adults aged 49–79 and comparison with published norms 

      Espenes, Jacob; Eliassen, Ingvild Vøllo; Öhman, Fredrik; Hessen, Erik; Waterloo, Knut K; Eckerström, Marie; Lorentzen, Ingrid Myrvoll; Øien-Bergland, Cecilie; Niska, Madelene Halvari; Reina, Santiago Timon; Wallin, Anders; Fladby, Tormod; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-13)
      Objective: The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a widely used measure of episodic verbal memory. To our knowledge, culturally adapted and demographically adjusted norms for the RAVLT are currently not available for Norwegian and Swedish adults, and imported North American norms are often used. We here develop regression-based norms for Norwegian and Swedish adults and compare our ...
    • Psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) in Norwegian patients admitted to elective coronary angiography and possible percutaneous coronary intervention 

      Myrbakk, Ingvild Nordnes; Friborg, Oddgeir; Høye, Anne; Bergvik, Svein; Steigen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-05)
      Background: The Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) measures health-related quality of life and outcome of invasive revascularization procedures such as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The CROQ has not been properly validated in Norwegian patient populations. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties ...