Now showing items 21-40 of 110

    • How do private corporations influence freedom of expression? The case study of private corporations and online censorship in Vietnam 

      Hoàng, Minh-Trang (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      This is a thesis about how private corporations in Vietnam influence the situation of the right to freedom of expression in the country. The aim of the research was to investigate how private companies in Vietnam handle their criticisms in cyberspace. Drawing on the old and new theory of censorship, the research hypothesized that both the state’s and the social media platform’s actions are parallel ...
    • A Decolonial African Feminist to Women's Political Participation in Zimbabwe 

      Chirawu, Danai Daisy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-25)
      The question of women’s political participation is loaded, and has in some aspects been articulated as a problem of representation, bringing about strategies such as proportional representation in the form of quotas. In Zimbabwe this electoral gender quota has been implemented through reserving seats for women in the Parliament. The dilemma with this conceptualization is that in Zimbabwe and other ...
    • Policy and Practice and the Right to Housing in Europe - How do activists in neoliberal urban environments frame and address the housing crisis? 

      Krauss, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-22)
      Cities all over the world are rising up against the neoliberal structures holding their living places captive. The struggles have been labelled cost of living crisis, taking back the right to our city or unaffordability of housing. According to David Harvey, creating a qualitatively different kind of urban sociality is one of the most precious of all human rights. But living in a city, the social ...
    • “Adolescent pregnancy in Tanzania: Exploring Women’s Realities and the intersection of Culture and Human Rights” 

      Fournaraki, Domna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      Adolescent pregnancy is one of the most challenging issues in Sub-Sahara countries and the United Republic of Tanzania is one of the countries with the highest rates worldwide, in the which is the reason why it is the geographic focus of the research. Even though the women’s perspective on adolescent pregnancy and their human rights at stake is a question of importance, findings indicate that it has ...
    • Intersecting perspectives: a critical thematic analysis of the feminist and trans debate in Colombia from a human rights lens 

      Morales Camacho, Emilia Alejandra (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      Abstract The debate around the inclusion of trans people within feminism and society in general has been gaining public attention over recent years, especially in the Colombian context with two established yet conflicting positions: trans and radical feminist movements. The discussion is characterized by its polarization, aggressivity, lack of understanding and challenges in establishing ...
    • Paving the Path to Peace: Unpacking Civil Society’s Role in Peacebuilding in Colombia through Rodeemos el Diálogo Case 

      Restrepo Rojas, Ingrid Tatiana (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      This dissertation analyses the contribution of civil society to peacebuilding in Colombia, focusing on the case study of Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD). Employing a qualitative method with a deductive approach, including interviews and analysis of organisational experiences, the research investigates ReD's local, national, and international peacebuilding strategies, considering different conflict phases ...
    • A Political Ecology of Injustice when Extracting Rights-holders from Nature: Analysis of the communications mechanism of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights 

      Abril Ortiz, Adriana Lorena (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      In a world of interconnected global value chains, regulating the conduct of transnational corporations is challenging. In international human rights law, only voluntary mechanisms regulate the responsibility of businesses to respect. In the United Nations, the Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights determine the international standards applicable: the duty of the State to protect, the ...
    • Women’s rights under threat: An analysis of the anti- “gender ideology” legislation in contemporary Romania 

      Neagu, Florina-Marieta (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-21)
      Over the last two decades, several countries in Europe have been witnessing the rise of the “anti-gender movement”. In this context, various conservative actors have been advocating against “gender ideology”, a term used to justify initiatives against issues such as gender studies, sex education, marriage equality or reproductive health. Similar to other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the ...
    • “We Will Protect Our Community Together”: A Qualitative Research on Pga K’nyau Indigenous Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in Huay Ee Khang Village in Thailand. 

      Thongyoojaroen, Tanyalak (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-25)
      In Thailand, there seems to have been an increase in indigenous peoples’ participation in politics and development. This raises questions about indigenous women’s roles in politics and public arenas, and how they shifted the traditional role and involved themselves in leadership positions. This research explores the role of Pga K’nyau (Karen) indigenous women in leadership and participation in ...
    • Access to Asylum in Melilla Analysing ‘What’s the problem represented to be’ in the Screening Proposal of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum 

      Wass Widinghoff, Alina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-19)
      This thesis deals with the ways in which the Screening Proposal in the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum might affect the access to asylum at the EU’s external border in Melilla. To this end, the analysis is divided into two main parts. Firstly, as a general framework, the thesis starts by mapping out the Screening Proposal presented by the European Commission in 2020, and how this can be understood ...
    • The Role of The Georgian Orthodox Church in Resistance to LGBTQ Equality: Examining Discourses and Geopolitical Implications 

      Rogava, Ketevan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-22)
      This thesis examines the discourses employed by the Georgian Orthodox Church's (GOC) regarding LGBTQ rights. It explores the geopolitical position of the GOC through the discourses utilised and inspects intersections with the discourses of the far-right groups in relation to LGBTQ equality. Through qualitative research using critical discourse analysis, the study uncovers the dynamics of the GOC’s ...
    • If we can see it, we can understand it. If we can understand it, we can fix it: The roots of the crisis of enforced disappearances in Mexico. 

      Murillo Domínguez, Francisco Javier (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-19)
      This project aimed to investigate the causes of the enforced disappearance crisis that Mexico is going through. Enforce disappearance is one of the most serious violations of human rights. The case of Mexico is of great relevance for a human rights study that seeks to provide recommendations for the improvement of public policies aimed at combating this crisis. The research questions are: 1) why has ...
    • HIV, Health and Migration: An Intersectional Analysis of Human Rights Vulnerabilities for People Living with HIV/AIDS During the Canadian Immigration Process 

      Kempe, Kevin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The intersection of health and migration has become a topic of particular interest in the field of human rights. This thesis will examine how people living with HIV experience particular vulnerabilities to human rights violations during the process of immigration and settlement in Canada. The relationship between international law and the responsibility of states to provide for the highest ...
    • Social Media Challenges and Opportunities for Human Rights: A Case of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan 

      Noor, Sanam (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-10)
      The social media has revolutionized communication and politics at different levels around the globe. Many social media platforms have epitomized the exercise of the freedom of expression and opinions without relying on traditional mass media intermediaries. At the same time, it has posed serious challenges for users and raised many questions about free speech and governance of the internet. The ...
    • Rethinking humanitarian space 

      Ahmad, Sana (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      This study looks at the humanitarian space in Myanmar which includes not just the humanitarian operations in the country, the access to volatile zones by the humanitarian organisations, the humanitarian principles, but also a space which permits a complementary arrangement of diverse actors holding different positions and skill sets and deliver to those in need. The study is based on the practical ...
    • After “Freedom”. The Right to Effective Remedy Through the Voices of Workers Subjected to Slave Labor in Brazil 

      De Oliveira, Regiane Cristina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-29)
      In the past two decades, the word slavery jumped out of the history books to the pages of the newspapers, putting in check the belief that the capitalist modern society abolished slavery. In the legal terms, slavery was indeed abolished. However, the enforcement of the regulations that was supposed to guarantee the end of this gross violation of human rights has failed. In 1995, Brazil became one ...
    • Asylum seekers in a fortified Europe: The case of Albania and the effects of structural violence on asylum seekers 

      Rexha, Senada (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-23)
      The plight of migrants and refugees has been generating a lot of debates and it has continuously attracted attention of scholars and policy makers. A wide range of studies have contributed to our understanding to the root causes of migration however, various approaches and perspectives offer different insights worth to be considered. In terms of human rights; asylum seekers coming from war-torn ...
    • A Human Rights Paradox? The Isolated Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon and the Non State Space 

      Matamoros Pineda, Jennifer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-23)
      The isolated condition in which many indigenous peoples live in the Amazon magnifies their vulnerability to human rights violations and abuses, and challenge the states, as duty bearers, to guarantee and protect fundamental human rights for peoples who do not want to be part of state zones. This dissertation pursues to analyse how the implementation of the existing human rights legal framework and ...
    • Refugees between EU policies and Human Rights Law. The case of Syrian refugees on Hungarian borders 

      Nasser, Suha (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-23)
      The number of refugees heading Europe looking for a safe place is increasing. The violations against those refugees are escalating as well. Thousands of refugees from different nationalities are fleeing their countries because of conflicts and violence. They are entering Europe through the border countries, on their way to apply for asylum in one of EU countries. The majority of those refugees are ...
    • Voices of Māori Sex Workers 

      Escaravage, Elise (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-23)
      Aotearoa (New Zealand) is the only country in the world to have decriminalized sex work. The Prostitution Reform Act (PRA henceforth) was enacted in 2003 with the aim to safeguard the human rights of sex workers, and create a framework that is conducive to public health. Skeptics of this policy argue that the law reform was targeting indoor workers while the livelihood of street-based sex workers ...