Viser treff 121-140 av 273

    • Befolkningsutvikling i Karasjok 1559-2001 

      Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2017)
      Innledning Finnmarkskommisjonen har bedt om en gjennomgang av befolkningsutviklingen, fortrinnsvis på krets/bygdenivå, i Karasjok. Utredningen gjennomgår befolkningsutviklingen i Karasjok fra 1559 til 2001. I løpet av disse nær 450 årene skjedde det en formidabel befolkningsvekst, fra 102 individer i 1559 til 2859 talte i 2001. Veksten kan forklares med fødselsoverskudd og innflytting. Sistnevnte ...
    • Materialanalyse av metallelementer på Skjoldehamndrakten 

      Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2017)
      I forbindelse med Asgeir Svestads (AHR) forskning på Skjoldehamndrakten (Ts3897) har det blitt gjennomført pXRF-analyser på metallknapper- og ringer for å avklare råstoff. Analysene ble gjort av undertegnede i magasinet på Tromsø Museum den 08.02.2017 med assistanse fra Asgeir Svestad og Dikka Storm (konservator ved TMU).
    • Scalar Effects in Ground Slate Technology and the Adaptive Consequences for Circumpolar Maritime Hunter-Gatherers 

      Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-23)
      Ground slate technology is a trademark of circumpolar hunter-gatherers occupying coastal ecotones. However, a causal framework for explaining what drives the apparent adaptive success of slate technology is lacking. Attempting to remedy this, the current paper provides the first palaeodemographic and environmentally informed review of a maritime slate complex. Employing what is arguably the best ...
    • Spiritual Activism. Saving Mother Earth in Sápmi 

      Kraft, Siv Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-09)
      Arctic Shaman Circle was founded in Oslo in November 2018. This article discusses what the Circle’s founding document refers to as “spiritual activism”, and how this was translated into action over the year that followed. I will follow one case in particular, which concerns plans for a power plant at the base of the mountain Aahkansnjurhtjie in the South Sámi area. Aahkansnjurhtjie is a sacred Sámi ...
    • How was Ibsen's modern drama possible? 

      Fulsås, Narve; Rem, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-01-01)
      One of the major renewals in the history of drama is Henrik Ibsen’s “modern tragedy” of the 1880s and 1890s. Since Ibsen’s own time, this renewal has been seen as an achievement accomplished in spite, rather than because, of Ibsen’s Norwegian and Scandinavian contexts of origin. His origins have consistently been associated with provinciality, backwardness and restrictions to be overcome, and his ...
    • Sacred Nature. Diverging Use and Understanding of Old Sámi Offering Sites in Alta, Northern Norway 

      Spangen, Marte; Äikäs, Tiina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-27)
      Abstract: This study focuses on the contemporary use of two well-known Sámi offering sites in Alta, Finnmark, Norway. Today, these are hiking destinations and sightseeing points for both the Sámi and the non-Sámi local population, as well as a few non-local visitors. Many of these visitors leave objects at the sites, such as parts of recently slaughtered reindeer, clothing, coins, toys, sweet wrappers ...
    • Russlands baser i Arktis 

      Mankova, Petia; Bones, Stian (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2020-06-12)
      Utbygginga av militære baser og stasjoner har pågått parallelt 13 ulike steder i det russiske Arktis – fra øst til vest – og har vakt internasjonal oppsikt.
    • Fremmede i forvaltningen. Rakkestad og Orknøyene 1424/25 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-02)
      Erik av Pommerns regjeringstid (1389–1442) var preget av øvrighetsmotstand i både Norge og de norrøne oversjøiske provinsene. Historikere har tradisjonelt betraktet bondeuroen på 1420- og 1430-tallet som en reaksjon på kongens bruk av utenlandske menn i lokalforvaltningen. To av de tidligste eksemplene stammer fra Rakkestad (Østfold) og Orknøyene i 1424/25. Antagonistene i begge tilfeller – Herman ...
    • Terje Tvedt og kontrakten med vitskapssamfunnet 

      Tjelmeland, Hallvard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-06)
      Boka <i>Det internasjonale gjennombruddet</i> (2017) av Terje Tvedt har vekt stor debatt, særleg etter at boka <i>Norsk hamskifte</i> av Jostein Gripsrud kom ut hausten 2018. Ein siste utløpar av den debatten er Helge Pharo sin skarpe kritikk i <i>Historisk tidsskrift</i> 2/2019 og Tvedt sitt tilsvar i nummeret etter. Denne debatten er viktig, ikkje bare fordi den dreiar seg om sterke omformingskrefter ...
    • Herrenes historie, igjen? 

      Tretvik, Aud Mikkelsen; Kieding, Vibeke; Bjørnhaug, Inger Leganger; Elstad, Åsa; Evjen, Bjørg; Ferrer, Marlen; Hemstad, Ruth; Hjeltnes, Guri; Hommerstad, Marte; Haavet, Inger Elisabeth; Johansen, Hanne Marie; Korsvik, Trine Rogg; Korsvold, Tora; Kvande, Lise; Lenz, Claudia; Lund, Ellen Cathrine; Løyland, Margit; Mellemsether, Hanna; Nielsen, May-Brith Ohman; Okkenhaug, Inger Marie; Ramskjær, liv; Roll-Hansen, Hege; Schwach, Vera; Slottemo, Hilde Gunn; Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Teige, Elisabeth; Wale, Astrid; Willumsen, Liv Helene; Wolff, Elisabetta Cassina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018)
      Når noen av dagens voksne, kvinnelige historikere møtes, hender det at vi mimrer om vår egen tid som hovedfagsstudenter. Vi tenker tilbake på et historiefag som var sterkt mannsdominert. Det fantes få fast ansatte kvinnelige historikere, selv om de som var der preget historiefaget positivt og ga verdifulle bidrag til forskning og fagutvikling. Som unge kvinner var vi forundret og rystet over den ...
    • Depictions of Laestadianism 1850-1950 

      Kristiansen, Roald E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-23)
      The issue to be discussed here is how society’s views of the Laestadian revival has changed over the course of the revival movement’s first 100 years. The article claims that society’s emerging view of the revival is characterized by two different positions. The first period is typical of the last part of the nineteenth century and is characterized by the fact that the evaluation of the revival took ...
    • Kulturminneplanen i Øksnes kommune. Alt handler om lokal forankring 

      Bertelsen, Reidar; Hansen, Hilde Johanne; Toften, Halvard Kristian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020)
      Kulturminneplanen for Øksnes kommune i Nordland ivaretar fleire hensyn: Et sjølstendig handlingsrom for egne prioriteringer, prioriteringer som er forankret i temaer som har preget kommunens fortid gjennom førhistorisk og historisk tid og planen har fleire grep for å forankre kulturminneforvaltning og kulturminnevern i lokalmiljøet. Planen støter også på utfordringer med kulturminner som har status ...
    • The neuropsychology of religious experience. A review of different scientific approaches to the phenomenon / Neuropsicología de la experiencia religiosa. Una revisión de distintas aproximaciones científicas al fenómeno 

      Apud, Ismael; Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-13)
      The current article is a critical review of the neuropsychological study of religious experience. First, we analyse the philosophical and theological roots of the term and its characterization as a sui generis and unique phenomenon. We subsequently describe the adoption of the concept in psychology, as well as the emergence of alternative approaches that emphasize the role of categorization of ...
    • Modes of indigenizing: remarks on indigenous religion as a method 

      Tafjord, Bjørn Ola (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-23)
      Romanticisms, not colonialisms, drive the indigenizing and the religionizing in the cases described and analyzed in this special issue. In what follows, I shall explain what I mean by this observation and suggest ways to think about it critically. The task of this essay is to highlight entangled methodological and political contexts for the discussion about “indigenizing” that Graham Harvey opened ...
    • Climatic changes cause synchronous population dynamics and adaptive strategies among coastal hunter-gatherers in Holocene northern Europe 

      Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng; Pesonen, Petro; Tallavaara, Miikka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-16)
      Synchronized demographic and behavioral patterns among distinct populations is a well-known, natural phenomenon. Intriguingly, similar patterns of synchrony occur among prehistoric human populations. However, the drivers of synchronous human ecodynamics are not well understood. Addressing this issue, we review the role of environmental variability in causing human demographic and adaptive responses. ...
    • Historisk arkeologi i Norge – en metadebatt 

      Spangen, Marte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In 1992, the constitution and future of Norwegian medieval and historical archaeology was debated in META. The discussion concerned the definition “historical archaeology” itself, and the potential need for this subfield to be established as a discipline in its own right. The aim was to strengthen a weak academic framework for this branch of archaeology. In the end, such a separate discipline was ...
    • Anticipated futures? Knowing the heritage of drift matter 

      Petursdottir, Thora (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-06)
      What might heritage in and of the Anthropocene look like? This article ponders this question by drawing on archaeological encounters with assemblages of drift matter (seaborne debris) in Norway and Iceland. Here, drift matter manifests evidence of both the relentlessly amassing material heritage of the Anthropocene and deep legacies of local engagement with this fluctuating resource. The tensions ...
    • Brodtkorbneset and Steintjørna: Two Hearth-Row Sites in Pasvik, Arctic Norway 

      Olsen, Bjørnar Julius (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      During the Viking Age and the early medieval period, hearth row sites became a distinct feature of Sámi settlements over the vast interior region of northern Fennoscandia. Consisting of large, rectangular hearths organized in a linear pattern, these sites represent a new way of organizing domestic space and also reflect new environmental preferences. In this paper, the author gives an overview ...
    • Convergent catastrophes and the termination of the Arctic Norwegian Stone Age: A multi-proxy assessment of the demographic and adaptive responses of mid-Holocene collectors to biophysical forcing 

      Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng; Riede, Felix (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-31)
      Using multiple archeological and paleoenvironmental proxies, this paper makes the case for a climate-induced convergent catastrophe among the human population of terminal Stone Age Arctic Norway. We show that climatic changes correlate with the termination of the so-called Gressbakken phase (4200–3500 cal BP), and unpack the middle-range mechanisms linking the Gressbakken termination to contemporaneous ...
    • Food and Cultural Traits in Coastal Northern Finnmark in the 14th-19th Centuries 

      Fjellström, Markus; Eriksson, Gunilla; Lidén, Kerstin Birgitta; Svestad, Asgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-06)
      In this study, we used stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating to study diet, mobility and chronology in two late medieval/historical coastal populations in northern Norway. We have shown that the individuals buried at Kirkegårdsøya date between 1331 and 1953 cal AD and had a homogenous marine diet, whereas the individuals buried at Gullholmen had a more heterogeneous diet, consisting of both ...