Viser treff 481-500 av 1283

    • «Hvor mange jobber i departementene? Ca. 75 %.» En beslutningsteoretisk analyse av hvordan prosessforløpet har vært av betydning for beslutningsutfallet om rom- og funksjonsprogrammet for det nye regjeringskvartalet, der det anbefales en arbeidsplassunderdekning på 25 %. 

      Hetland, Karianne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-29)
      Dette masterprosjektet studerer beslutningsprosessen tilknyttet arbeidet med rom- og funksjonsprogrammet i nytt regjeringskvartal. Gjennom en kvalitativ casestudie besvarer jeg ved hjelp av strømperspektivet og tre ulike beslutningsteoretiske linser hvordan beslutningsforløpet har vært av betydning for beslutningsutfallet for rom- og funksjonsprogrammet i nytt regjeringskvartal. 22. mai 2014 ...
    • Screening new PFAS compounds 2018 

      Hanssen, Linda; Herzke, Dorte; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Moe, Børge; Nygård, Torgeir; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Fuglei, Eva; Yeung, Leo; Vogelsang, Christian; Carlsson, Pernilla Marianne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      This screening project has focused on the occurrence of conventional andemerging PFASs in terrestrial and marine environments, including the Arctic. Conventional PFASs were found to be wide-spread in the environment and for the first time in Norway reported in wolf, a top predator from the terrestrial environment.Otters living in close proximity to human settlements and preying on the marine food ...
    • Drømmen om en ny stamnetthavn i Sør-Varanger kommune. Om forhandlinger, forviklinger og veien mot målet 

      Henriksen, Steinar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-16)
      I nordområdepolitikken har satsingen på skipsfart, næringsutvikling og naturressurser stått sentralt. Havet er bindeleddet mellom maritime aktiviteter og samarbeid på tvers av landegrensene. Utviklingen av sjønære havneområder blir viktig i denne sammenhengen. Kirkenes har naturlige forutsetninger med sine isfrie dypvannshavner, og sin nærhet til Russland og Finland. I en konkurranse mellom mange ...
    • De lojale offiserer, en studie av deres reaksjoner på multiple endringer. 

      Roland, Kjersti Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-13)
      Formålet med denne utredningen er å øke forståelsen for reaksjonen til den endringsvante militært ansatte i Forsvaret. Utredningen er en singelcase studie av en hæravdeling Forsvaret. Metodisk tilnærming i oppgaven er kvalitative intervjuer, dataen til analysen presenteres og drøftes i samme kapittel. Samtlige intervju er transkribert samt at relevante funn har blitt analysert og tolket opp mot ...
    • Debate: Corporatization in local government - the need for a comparative and multi-disciplinary research approach 

      Torsteinsen, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-28)
      During the past 20–30 years, scholars from different academic disciplines, as well as practitioners and local politicians, have observed a marked growth in the number of municipally-owned companies (MOCs) in local government service provision (Grossi & Reichard, 2008; Aars & Ringkjøb, 2011; Erlingsson, Fogelgren, Olsson, Thomasson, & Öhrvall, 2015; Ferry, Andrews, Skelcher, & Wegorowski, 2018). This ...
    • China's UN peacekeeping in Mali and comprehensive diplomacy 

      Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-03-04)
      China's increasing participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations reached a milestone in 2013 when Beijing agreed to send a large detachment of personnel, including combat forces for the first time, to support UN peacekeeping operations in Mali after that country fell into civil war. This commitment was also distinct in that unlike other African countries where Beijing has supplied peacekeepers, ...
    • China's New Roles and Behaviour in Conflict-Affected Regions: Reconsidering Non-Interference and Non-Intervention 

      Hirono, Miwa; Jiang, Yang; Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-03-07)
      China's view on the sanctity of state sovereignty has slowly but inexorably been transformed, and the country has found it difficult to continue to adhere to the principles of non-interference and non-intervention with the same degree of rigour as during the Cold War era. This special section will explore what the principles mean to China today; why and how Beijing has become active in peacebuilding ...
    • Historisk læring som struktur for dialog om det fremtidige forhold mellem Danmark og Nordatlanten 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Danmark har været statsretsligt knyttet til Nordatlanten siden unionen med Norge i 1380. Den kontinentaleuropæiske småstat Danmarks forhold til Nordatlanten drives frem af eksterne chok fra stormagtsrelationer og nationalliberale uafhængighedsidéer, der peger mod stadigt større og fuld selvstændighed for Færøerne og Grønland. Denne udvikling fortsætter ubønhørligt i et internationalt system præget ...
    • The China–Switzerland Free Trade Agreement and Economic Identity-Building 

      Lanteigne, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-01-25)
      The free trade agreement signed between China and Switzerland in 2013 was a watershed event in the economic policies of both states,a successful identity-building exercise for both actors in addition to an economic endeavour. In the case of Beijing, the Switzerland free trade agreement (FTA) was a crucial step not only in promoting its trade interests in Europe, including the European Union, but ...
    • Sysselmannen på Svalbard - fra tradisjonell politimester til moderne miljøvokter. En studie av endringsforløpet i denne statsetaten 

      Riise, Elisabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2000)
      Longyearbyen ligger tolv grader sør for Nordpolen, noe som i seg selv gjør området spesielt. Byen utgjør imidlertid bare en brøkdel av det enorme landområdet Norge har suverenitet over i nord. De juridiske forholdene rundt det norske herredømme over øygruppen er også av en slik karakter at administrasjonen på stedet skiller seg fra det som er vanlig på fastlandet. Oppgavens tema er Sysselmannen ...
    • The Body as Situation: A Darwinian Reading of The Second Sex 

      Bleie, Tone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-04)
      Challenging the influential view that the chapter on biology in the first volume of <i>The Second Sex</i> is exposing scientific myths in severe prose, in the view of this paper, the chapter is as much about scientific facts as it is an intriguingly open-ended dialogue between phenomenology and science. Beauvoir’s consuming epistemological and scientific preoccupation with the category of biology ...
    • Historic settlements and pastoralism in the Arctic and Tibetan Plateau: towards a comparison 

      Bleie, Tone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-12)
      Historic settlement processes of, respectively, the Northern Sámi and Western Tibetan pastoralists have so far not been subjected to any comparative social science analyses. This study contributes to such a conceptual platform, drawing on the constructs dwelling, settlement, herding unit, pastoral landscape and the labour–animal–pasture triangle. Ethnographic and archival evidence of transitions ...
    • Refugees on Film: Assessing the Political Strengths and Weaknesses of the Documentary Style 

      Robinson, P. Stuart (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The article considers one dominant tendency of independent filmmaking, and its impact on the treatment of the refugee (broadly conceived): the application of contemporary documentary methods to both fiction and nonfiction works. The goal is a preliminary exploration of the complex, context-sensitive political effects of the approach, sometimes dubbed the “documentary style”, as resistance of ...
    • Tamed Monsters and Human Problems in Cinema's Interview with the Vampire (1994) 

      Robinson, P. Stuart (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-11)
      What can the taming of the monster reveal about its construction and the potential and limits of change? Modernist, individualist qualities of Western culture and society have shaped the construction and deconstruction of the monster in popular culture in general and film in particular. The idea of an historically emergent human nature and its associated norms is key to the construction of the monster ...
    • In the same boat? A comparative analysis of the approaches of Russia and Canada in the negotiation of the IMO's mandatory polar code 

      Bognar-Lahr, Dorottya (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-06)
      In the field of Arctic shipping, Canada and the Russian Federation have enacted extensive unilateral national regulations cognizant of Article 234, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. On the global level, both states have been important actors in negotiating the International Maritime Organization’s mandatory Polar Code, a legal instrument with implications for regulations at the national level. ...
    • Sjømilitært lederskap: En kvantitativ studie av utøvd lederskap, teamets effektivitet og sammenhengen mellom disse på Sjøforsvarets fregatter 

      Vågenes, Bjarte; Myhre, Sondre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-29)
      Hensikten med denne studien har vært å undersøke teamlederne og teamene i 1.Fregattskvadron, i den hensikt å belyse hvordan en teamleder kan påvirke sitt teams effektivitet, i en hierarkisk organisasjon preget av rutiner og prosedyrer. Studien omfatter fagfeltet organisasjon og ledelse og har følgende tredelte problemstilling: 1 - Hvilke typer lederatferder finner vi hos teamlederne på Sjøforsvarets ...
    • Dealing with difference: Contested place identities in two northern Scandinavian cities 

      Hudson, Christine; Nyseth, Torill; Pedersen, Paul (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-05)
      In an era of culturally driven growth, urban identities are of central importance for the branding of cities. However, urban identities are under constant re-negotiation as cities’ populations become more diverse. In northern Scandinavia, some cities have developed on what were traditionally Indigenous lands but have failed to acknowledge the role these roots and histories have played in shaping the ...
    • China’s Arctic policy: present and future 

      Kobzeva, Mariia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-04)
      The article examines China’s Arctic policy features and the meaning of the first published White Paper of 2018 for the future behaviours of the PRC. The author reviews the interests of the PRC in the High North, and the political objectives and means. The article pays special attention to the origins of Chinese policy in the Arctic, including the national strategy, expert discourse and regional ...
    • Policy Transfer of Branding and Reputation Management: Motivations, Challenges, and Opportunities for a Small Rural Municipality 

      Lockert, Åshild Skjegstad; Bjørnå, Hilde; Krane, Martin Sollund (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-23)
      This paper seeks to convey a broader understanding of policy transfers between different sectors, focusing on transfers from the for-profit sector to local government. Specifically, we study the reasoning in a transfer process of branding and reputation management policy. Our case is a rural Norwegian municipality struggling to combat depopulation. This study is longitudinal. We discover that some ...
    • Bioenergy potential of russia: Method of evaluating costs 

      An, Jaehyung; Mikhaylov, Alexey; Lopatin, Evgeny; Moiseev, Nikita; Richter, Ulf H.; Varyash, Igor; Dooyum, Uyeh Daniel; Oganov, Artem; Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Paper proposes the method of evaluating costs for bioenergy supply in Russia based on energy analysis. The main deterrent factor is not as much limited resources as the marginal cost of production biofuels and the possibility of using cost-effective ways reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including capturing and carbon storage, alternative forms of renewable energy and energy efficiency and energy ...