Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum og akademi for kunstfag: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 572
Opparbeiding av en kysthage: Et designforslag forankret i tradisjonelle økologiske verdier
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)Vi ønsker å sette et lyst på de globale utfordringene knyttet til import og eksport i matproduksjon-for eksempel: fiskeoppdrett, taretråling og overimport av soya. Dette er næringer som er svært arealkrevende, og som skaper store anstrengelser for klima, miljø og artsmangfold. Vi ønsker å lage et strategisk designforslag som bunner i, og ivaretar UNESCO verdensarvsverdier på Vega, som samtidig ... -
Forvitring, Forandring - en fortelling om fiskevær i endring og menneskene som bor der
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)Nyksund står som et eksempel på fraflyttede fiskevær langs norskekysten, da spesielt i nordnorsk sammenheng, men også som et individ med egne problemstillinger innenfor videre utvikling av været. Jeg ønsker å se videre på disse individuelle utfordringene været står ovenfor i et fremtidsperspektiv og hvordan dette gir utrykk gjennom stedsutvikling og i landskapet? Hvordan kan en tidligere fraflyttet ... -
Energibyparken: En utforskning av arealnøytralitet med fokus på kraftutvikling i Hammerfest
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)I Nord-Norge er spørsmålet om kraft et stort problem . Både historisk og i dag. Regionen er preget av begrenset nettkapasitet og alle ønsker tilgang på kortreiste elektroner. Når nye nett- og kraftproduksjonsanlegg håndteres gjennom konsesjonssaker istedenfor kommunale planer, kan det ofte fremstå som en “første mann til mølla” situasjon. Konsekvensen av dette, er en befolkning som ikke føler seg ... -
Dissensus og subjektivering: Refleksjoner rundt kvalitet i kunstnerutdanning
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-24)Denne teksten reflekterer over kvalitet i høyere utdanning av kunstnere. I kjernen av utforskningen bruker forfatteren sine egne erfaringer fra undervisning av kunststudenter. Ved å koble egne erfaringer med ulike kontekster og teorier om utdanning og læring, historisk så vel som samtidig, hevder forfatteren at en kunstnerutdanning må forberede studentene på det uforutsigbare og uforutsette. Derfor ... -
«Tore Hunds čehporis» – en samifiseringsfortelling i «Nasjonaljubileet 2030 – Norge i tusen år»
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-14)Det samiske senteret Várdobáiki sámi guovddáš har i jubileet «Nasjonaljubileet 2030 – Norge i tusen år» som mål å fremme kunnskap om samenes rolle og posisjon i middelalderen. I denne artikkelen presenterer jeg hvordan de gjennom prosjektet «Tore Hunds čehporis» og ved aktivering av duodji (samisk håndverkstradisjon) åpner for nye blikk på nasjonale fortellinger. Jeg diskuterer hvordan «Tore Hunds ... -
A New Diving Pliocene Ardenna Shearwater (Aves: Procellariidae) from New Zealand
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-06)We report a new species of shearwater, Ardenna buchananbrowni sp. nov., from the Pliocene of New Zealand. It is both the smallest and oldest known diving member of the genus, demonstrating that this now abundant form of shearwater has had a long presence in southern oceans. Ardenna buchananbrowni sp. nov. is among the few extinct shearwaters described from the Southern Hemisphere and adds to an ... -
Maj7 arpeggioer over ulike akkordtyper
(Book; Bok, 2024) -
Northern Norway paleofire records reveal two distinct phases of early human impacts on fire activity
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-31)Paleofire records document fire’s response to climate, ecosystem changes, and human-activity, offering insights into climate-fire-human relationships and the potential response of fire to anthropogenic climate change. We present three new lake sediment PAH records and a charcoal record from the Lofoten Islands, Norway to evaluate the Holocene fire history of northern Norway and examine human impacts ... -
The process of recording the Sámi place names at Stuorgieddi in the region of southern Troms, Northern Norway
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)Studies from a Sámi settlement on the island of Iinnasuolu in the region of Southern Troms, Northern Norway, where a large number of traces in the outlying fields from earlier settlements are localised, were the point of departure for several studies on the past and present of the composite history of this settlement. A study of how the local Sámi place names were established locally, and on the ... -
Fotografisk samtidsdokumentasjon i museene: behov for nye praksiser?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)The starting point for this paper is the practice, in Norwegian cultural historical museums, of documenting contemporary daily life: more specifically, through photography. We outline various reasons for and methods of such documentation, focusing on three specific case studies, dating from 1999 to the present day, and particularly on the various collection management practices in these cases. Our ... -
Why avoid naming diseases after animals? The case of “Molluscum contagiosum”
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-06)For over 200 years, the name molluscum contagiosum—a dermatological disease—has unfairly associated molluscs (the second largest group of animals on the planet) with this highly contagious infectious disease. Herein, arguments are presented demonstrating the serious problem of continuing to use this name, including animal welfare concerns. Thus, to minimize any unnecessary impacts on the biodiversity ... -
The sedimentary ancient DNA workflow
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) is continuing to revolutionise our understanding of past biological and geological processes by retrieving and analysing the ancient DNA preserved in lake, cave, open terrestrial, midden, permafrozen, and marine environments (Crump, 2021). The study of sedaDNA began in the late 1990s (Coolen and Overmann, 1998) with the first reports of extinct animal sedaDNA in ... -
Phylogenetic position of Canaridiscus and reestablishment of Gonyodiscus (Gastropoda, Discidae)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)The genus Canaridiscus M. R. Alonso & Ibáñez, 2011, endemic to the Canary Islands, has a curious taxonomic history and is currently defined based only on the peculiar anatomy of its genital organs. Its relationship to European Discus species and other members of the family Discidae is unclear and its status as a distinct genus remains tentative. In the present study we include a species of Canaridiscus, ... -
How many species of Mollusca are there in Brazil? A collective taxonomic effort to reveal this still unknown diversity
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-11)The expression ‘you need to know to conserve’ is a well-known cliche among biologists. Documenting the richness of a group of organisms is the first step towards understanding biodiversity and preparing efficient conservation plans. In this context, many efforts have been made to quantify the number of species on Earth and estimate the number of species still unknown to science. A few countries have ... -
The snails of Super Mario Bros
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-11)Nintendo has recently released a new Mario game, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, a multiplayer platformer involving a good dose of mushrooms, both in-game and presumably during development. But psychedelic trips aside, in the first few stages of the game we are introduced to a completely new (and arguably the best) “enemy” in Mario games: a snail with a fabulous pink shell. Figure 1. Snail (©Nintendo, ... -
Major 7 arpeggios over different chord types
(Book; Bok, 2024) -
Exotic pollen in sediments from the high Arctic Lake Tenndammen, Svalbard archipelago: diversity, sources, and transport pathways
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-18)We analysed the pollen and spores extracted from 73 samples of lacustrine sediments from Colesdalen in Svalbard (Lake Tenndammen) as well as 10 soil samples collected from the lake’s shores. In total, 56 pollen taxa were recorded from the sediments spanning the last 800 years, whilst 35 pollen types were found in the soil samples. Pollen was categorised as (i) regional (from Svalbard); (ii) ... -
A FLexible musical instrument Augmentation that is Programmable, Integrated in a Box (FLAPIBox)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)Most musical instrument augmentations aim to only fit one specific instrument and depend on an external sound system to work as intended. In a more acoustic concert setting this often alienates the electronic sound component. The FLAPIBox is an integrated solution that fits most acoustic instruments and use its own resonance for playing electronic sound in a more organic way—through the instrument ... -
When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), including mapping of its mitogenome, leads to the description of four new pseudocryptic species
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-14)Background - The small genus Coelophthinia Edwards, 1941 of the subfamily Gnoristinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) is so far known to harbour four species from the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical Regions. Extensive DNA barcoding of fungus gnats of the family Mycetophilidae through the International Barcode of Life project (iBOL) have initiated integrative studies resulting in taxonomic upgrades ... -
The Ervika Runestone and Other Evidence for the Early Christianization of Northern Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)In the early 1980s, a runestone fragment with a Christian inscription from the early eleventh century was discovered in Harstad town, northern Norway, in excavated masses originating from the farm Ervika. Runestones are very rare archaeological finds in this region, but, despite being included in runological overviews, the Ervika stone has not been studied or published by archaeologists or historians. ...