Institutt for reiseliv og nordlige studier: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 111
Problems and perspectives of tourism development in the high Arctic. Case of Franz Josef Land
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-27)Franz Josef Land, which is one of the most natural, pristine Arctic archipelagos is facing growing numbers of visitation and these numbers could continue to rise in the future. Despite its unique geographical position, nature and potential for tourism, it didn’t attract the attention of scientists investigating complex problems of tourism development in the high Arctic. This study aimed to identify ... -
Cross-border cooperation as a tool for enhancing the international competitiveness of tourism destinations. A case study of the Murmansk region in Northwest Russia as a part of the Barents tourism cluster
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-30)Establishing the multinational tourism cluster in the Barents region should be aimed at achieving sustainable and mutual profits for all participants through their cross-border cooperation on the global arena. The analysis of the competitive profile of the Murmansk region based on secondary sources and a qualitative research among its stakeholders confirms that it would be profitable for the destination ... -
Defining "face" in order to improve Chinese tourists' service satisfaction with respect to visiting Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-10-31)Chinese face is an important cultural concept deeply rooted in Chinese society. Face plays a significant role in Chinese peoples’ social interactions. As the Chinese economy grows, there is much opportunity arising from a related growing Chinese outbound tourism market. Subsequently, there is also opportunity for Norwegian tourism personals to explore the Chinese outbound tourism market. By ... -
What is the difference in the destination image of the Russian settlement of Barentsburg on Svalbard archipelago by tourists before they arrive and after they visited it? Recommendations to make Barentsburg more tourist friendly
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-10-29)This thesis explores the difference in destination image before and after tourists arrive at the Russian settlement, Barentsburg, in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. Different tourists, who had visited Barentsburg, were the focus of the project. The main concept used throughout this thesis is tourists’ images of the destination. The research that informed this paper also investigated aspects ... -
Sense of Svalbard. A study of place attachment through winter recreation on Svalbard
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-10-28)Even though Svalbard has been pronounced as “no place for humans”, primarily because of its location, climate and remote appearance, it has been recognized several times in books and articles. As a consequence, tourism in the archipelago started about 100 years ago. The biggest increase in tourism occurred during the last 25 years, due to technological advances and to symbiotic co-operation between ... -
Service co-production with customers in the framework of service-dominant logic in application to the hotel industry in Tromsø, Northern Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-08-31)This Master’s research introduces the concept of service co-production with customers in the framework of service-dominant (S-D) logic as a research paradigm in marketing management. The concept of service co-production was integrated into a tourism management setting and researched in application to the hotel industry in Tromsø, Northern Norway. The aim of this Master’s research was to investigate ... -
Indigenous cultural tourism in Chitwan, Nepal: Obtaining sustainability in Tharu culture and tourism
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)Cultural heritage is one of the most important elements of tourism. We can see remarkable efforts of concerned people and agencies to develop tourism potential and to discover new cultural sites in a number of places. Even the cultures of remote and less-discovered cultural sites are growing attraction to tourists. On one hand, people are trying to develop tourism on bases of cultural heritage but, ... -
The Role of Cosmopolitanism in Tourism Studies
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)The concept of cosmopolitanism plays an important role in our multicultural world, as it helps to understand and to find solutions to problems that can be caused by a globalized condition of the world. There is a lot of perspectives on interpretation of cosmopolitanism. In this Master thesis, cosmopolitanism is understood primarily as a competence or practice. The aim of the research is to explore ... -
Safe adventures. An ethnographic study of safety and adventure guides in Arctic Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-26)With numerous entrepreneurs already established within the area, adventure tourism is a growing industry within Arctic Norway. The continuously expanding interest for the phenomenon has gained universities’ attention with recent education programs for guides being established. A cultural change involving a more professionalized approach to adventure tourism has also been noticed. At the forefront ... -
Modes of entry to male immigrant entrepreneurship in a rural context: Start-up stories from Northern Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-30)Objective: The purpose of this article is to address rural and gender gaps in the immigrant entrepreneurship literature by analysing the start-up narratives of nine male entrepreneurs in Finnmark in northernmost Norway. <p>Research Design & Methods: The article is based on a qualitative fieldwork including business visits and in-depth interviews. The transcripts from the interviews were ... -
Naturen som rekreasjon og heteroseksuell romantikk: En studie av russiske kvinnelige migranters poetiske fortellinger om natur og kjønn
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2016-02-10)Denne artikkelen undersøker forbindelser mellom natur og kjønn. Vi analyserer data fra feltarbeid og intervjuer med kvinnelige russiske migranter som har bosatt seg i en liten by i Finnmark sammen med en norsk mannlig partner. I artikkelen bygger vi på nyere antropologiske forståelser av natur, samt studier om hvordan natur/sted, kultur og kjønn gjensidig konstituerer hverandre. Basert på denne ... -
Home or on the Road. A study of motorhome tourism as a Norwegian phenomenon
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-30)Motorhome tourism is a phenomenon seen on many Norwegian roads during the summer months. In the last two decades, motorhomes has increased in popularity in Norway, due to technological improvement and better comfort. The motorhome enables people to camp in various places, independent of tourism infrastructure and public transportation. This thesis aims to give meaning to the phenomenon of motorhome ... -
Making Lahore a better heritage tourist destination
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-31)In recent past, tourism has become one of the leading industries of the world. Whereas, heritage tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in tourism industry. The tourist attractions especially heritage attractions play an important role in heritage destination development. Lahore is the cultural hub of Pakistan and home of great Mughal heritage. It is an important heritage tourist destination ... -
Cross-border cooperation as a tool for enhancing the international competitiveness of tourism destinations. A case study of the Murmansk region in northwest Russia as a part of the Barents tourism cluster
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-31)Establishing the multinational tourism cluster in the Barents region should be aimed at achieving sustainable and mutual profits for all participants through their cross-border cooperation on the global arena. The analysis of the competitive profile of the Murmansk region based on secondary sources and a qualitative research among its stakeholders confirms that it would be profitable for the destination ... -
The image of the Arkhangelsk Region as a tourism destination
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-09-03)This research project is concerned with the investigation of the image of the Arkhangelsk Region among international tourists. It will include description of images that international tourists had during different stages of their visit in the destination from pre-travel stage to post-travel stage. Following that, I offer conclusions about image development and modification and about pre and post-image ... -
The image of Norway as tourist destination presented in the Russian travel blogs
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-09-03)destination image, international tourism, Norway as a tourist destination, Russian tourists, Russian tourists in Scandinavia, formation of destination image, destination brand, blogs, travel blogs, Russian tourist market, Russian blogosphere, content analysis, qualitative method, NVIVO, tourism and literature -
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-31)Visitors travel from all over the world to Northern Norway to view the natural spectacle, the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights during the wintertime. To increase the chances of visitors viewing the lights, they participate in a range of different activities. In order to get an understanding of how tourists perform during those activities, an ethnographic methodology informed by feministic research ... -
Greenlandic qajaq as heritage, activity and tourism
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-03)I will be using the Greenlandic name to what you know, as “kayak” which for me will be qajaq. (Note on Inuit terms: The word “kayak” is the English equivalent for a word spoken by Native Inuit. The word is made with the tongue against the uvula to produce a “q” sound (instead of a “k”). The “a” sounds are pronounced like the “a” in “father”. The word for Inuit watercraft should be spelled “qayaq” ... -
The geopolitics of northern travels: Enactments of adventure and exploration in the Norwegian-Russian borderland
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)Critical geopolitics is used in analysing discourses on a micro-social level in the performances and enactments taking place during fact-finding tours and leisure journeys in northernmost Europe. The cases of journeys focussed are those of Scandinavians travelling along, and sometimes departing from, the highway between the Norwegian village of Kirkenes and the Russian city of Murmansk. In travels ... -
The East Coast or the Death. Performing Expedition Tourism on the Greenlandic icecap
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-10-31)In 1888 Fridtjof Nansen led the first crossing over Greenland, this was seen as a huge accomplishment and the expedition gain great recognition. Today more than 125 years later we see that people still follows in the historical “footsteps” of polar explorers. Often led by tourism companies who provide various ski expeditions in the polar regions, both in the Arctic and Antarctica. This thesis ...