Now showing items 121-140 of 2059

    • Fra partikkelverb og preposisjoner til verbavledninger og kasus. Brukerstudie av ei nordsamisk-norsk-nordsamisk ordbok 

      Dominczak, Katarzyna Zofia; Antonsen, Lene; Trosterud, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-29)
      The article discusses challenges facing the bidirectional North Saami–Norwegian e-dictionary Neahttadigisánit when used as a production dictionary, based upon a set of writing and translation tasks presented to second term students and logging of their dictionary use. The dictio¬nary's ability to both analyse and generate Norwegian and Saami forms is of great help to the students. The dictionary ...
    • Normative language work in the age of machine learning 

      Trosterud, Trond (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Neural nets have, during the last few years, given us both an improved Google Translate, better search algorithms, better speech technology and doubtless many other things. The approach dominates current language technology to the extent that no other approach is visible. Being data driven, the hidden assumption behind this approach when used in proofing tools is that the language is used correctly ...
    • Strengthening the Literacy of an Indigenous Language Community: Methodological Implications of the Project Čyeti čälled anaraškielân, 'One Hundred writers for Aanaar Saami' 

      Olthuis, Marja-Liisa; Trosterud, Trond; Sarivaara, Erika Katjaana; Morottaja, Petter; Niskanen, Eljas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-05-03)
      Aanaar Saami literacy is weaker than majority languages, in the sense that reading and writing Aanaar Saami is less common. In order to strengthen literacy, we argue for an approach that represents a methodology for participatory research from a community and from an in-group perspective. We also discuss the implications this has for indigenous research. The article presents a strategy for producing ...
    • Ulike veger fra nordsamisk til lulesamisk 

      Trosterud, Trond; Antonsen, Lene; Mikkelsen, Inga Lill Sigga; Lorentsen, Anders Viel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-28)
      The present article evaluates different approaches to the construc-tion of a North Saami-Lule Saami dictionary. The pivot method (via Norwegian) gives rise both to a low coverage and to a massive overgeneration and requires other methods in order to distinguish between good and bad candidate pairs. We show that it is possible to distinguish reliably between good and bad pairs ...
    • Mental simulation of the factual and the illusory in negation processing: evidence from anticipatory eye movements on a blank screen 

      Vanek, Norbert; Matić Škorić, Ana; Kosutar, Sara; Matějka, Štěpán; Stone, Kate Stone (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-03)
      How do comprehenders process negative statements such as The fish is not jumping out of the water? Opinions vary. Some argue for two steps, namely that processing starts off with the representation of the positive/illusory [fish jumping out of the water] and then shifts to the (f)actual. To test this idea, we measured fixations on the factual (fish not jumping) versus the illusory (fish jumping) ...
    • Lexical and morphosyntactic variation in Persian heritage language outcomes 

      Bayram, Fatih; Gharibi, Khadijeh; Guajardo, Gustavo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-10)
      Individual variation in heritage language (HL) outcomes does not seem to be random. Instead, this variation can be related to the specific exposure and use patterns heritage speakers (HSs) have with their languages in the contexts they reside. In this study, we present data from 38 child HSs of Persian in English dominant contexts (in New Zealand and the UK), their mothers as well as a control group ...
    • Role of bilingualism in neurodegenerative disease II. Beyond Alzheimer's. 

      Voits, Toms (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Over the past decades, bilingualism has emerged as a potential factor having a significant impact on cognition and brain structure. Such research typically examines the effects of bilingualism in healthy children and adults. Conversely, the body of literature examining bilingualism effects in ageing populations remains comparatively small. This holds especially true with regards to effects of ...
    • Defining bilingualism as a continuum: Some tools and consequences for the study of bilingual mind and brain effects 

      Rothman, Jason; Bayram, Fatih; DeLuca, Vincent; Gonzalez Alonso, Jorge; Kubota, Maki; Puig-Mayenco, Eloi (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Prior to the early 1960s, the idea that children in bilingual contexts were somehow disadvantaged for linguistic and cognitive development was popularly held. Without consideration of socio-economic inequalities across groups, often co-occurring with ethnic/racial minority status, it was argued that simultaneous language exposure resulted in confusion, delaying the process of language acquisition ...
    • Full Transfer Potential in L3/Ln Acquisition Crosslinguistic Influence as a Property-by-Property Process 

      Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen; Mitrofanova, Natalia; Rodina, Yulia; Slabakova, Roumyana (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-07-13)
      This chapter discusses L3/Ln acquisition as a step-by-step acquisition process, where crosslinguistic influence is considered to be the result of co-activation of lexical items and syntactic structures of the previously acquired languages in processing. That is, as argued by the Linguistic Proximity Model and the Scalpel Model, L3/Ln acquisition is learning by parsing/processing. The main focus of ...
    • LOS CONDES DE CARRIÓN. Comedia burlesca anónima 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
    • Words as archaeological objects: A study of marine lifeways, seascapes, and coastal environmental knowledge in the Yagan‑English dictionary 

      Eidshaug, Jo Sindre Pålssønn; Bjerck, Hein Bjartmann; Lohndal, Terje; Risbøl, Ole (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-21)
      Reverend Thomas Bridges’ Yagan-English dictionary (1879) has hitherto been little explored outside of linguistics but is highly valuable as a complementary source to archaeological, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic records in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile). The dictionary contains 22,800 entries and yields rich information concerning the marine lifeways of the Yagan and their and ...
    • Por solo sol difunto en el ocaso: Un epitafio poético de Juan del Valle y Caviedes contra el duque de la Palata 

      Cabanillas Cárdenas, Carlos F. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      En 1691, camino hacia la metrópoli, murió en Portobelo Melchor de Navarra y Rocafull, duque de la Palata, luego de dejar el cargo de virrey del Perú. Las noticias de su muerte fueron recibidas con algunas composiciones en su contra escritas por Juan del Valle y Caviedes. En ellas utilizando, principalmente, el modelo de la poesía fúnebre se hace una serie de acusaciones contra el Duque en las que ...
    • El asunto de las murallas de Lima en clave de sátira política (1684-1687) 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Un repaso por las incursiones piratas contra la Ciudad de los Reyes de Lima —y en general contra el Virreinato del Perú—, desde las tempranas acciones de Francis Drake (entre 1578 y 1579) hasta las últimas de la alianza de filibusteros comandada por Edward Davies (entre 1684 y 1687), nos permite ver que todos estos ataques fueron sometidos por las armadas de mar y las defensas del puerto del Callao. ...
    • "Dei tidville baklengslogikkane. Analepsar og analeptiske grep i Therese Tungens 'Flaumen'" 

      Auklend, Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Noko som slår ein som les Therese Tungen sine noveller, er alle analepsane, altså tilbakeblikk eller retrospeksjonar i tekstane.i I dei to samlingane Ein gong var dei ulvar (2017) og Kjærleik og det som liknar (2019) vender narrasjonen, det vil seie tekstforteljaren, stadig attende til fortidige hendingar, samtaler, møte og livsfasar i karakterane si fortid for å rekonsteksualisere refleksjonar, val ...
    • Dikt uten bandasjer. Fire haikuer fra Tomas Tranströmers Den stora gåtan 

      Auklend, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-22)
      I artikkelen diskuteres vanskeligheten i og viktigheten av å kunne lese korte litterære tekster, i dette tilfellet fire haikudikt fra den siste diktsamlingen Tomas Tranströmer utga, Den stora gåtan (2004). Vanskeligheten tvinger – og lærer – undervisere og studenter å lese tekster med tilsynelatende lav informasjonsgrad, mens viktigheten består i at dette korte formatet kan lære oss å stille spørsmål ...
    • Polysemy of affixes: A Slavic Perspective 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Polysemy is defined as a multiplicity of related meanings connected by a single linguistic form. Polysemy can be understood in relation to both homonymy and contextual variation. Homonymy presents unrelated inventories of meanings connected by a given form, while contextual variation describes meanings that can be attributed to the effects of context. Polysemy borders on both homonymy and contextual ...
    • "Kruttrøyk og en ubrukt øks. Novellistiske dråper i Bak skapet står øksen" 

      Auklend, Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Det er vanskelig å plassere Torborg Nedreaas’ noveller på et bestemt sted – hører de hjemme i realismen, modernismen eller impresjonismen? Per Thomas Andersens forsøk på å klebe realisme-merkelappen på Nedreaas ved å omtale skrivemåten hennes som «tradisjonell, innlevende og realistisk» (Andersen 2001:461) finner liten konsensus i den øvrige forfatterskapsresepsjonen. Øystein Rottem skriver i sin ...
    • Gray Illuminations: Foucault and Warburg in the Kingdom of Shadows 

      Gustafsson, Henrik Isak Immanuel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      ‘Genealogy is gray, meticulous and patiently documentary.’1 The opening statement of Michel Foucault’s 1971 essay ‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History’ reiterates Friedrich Nietzsche’s polemics against ‘the genuinely English type’ of genealogy, ‘gazing around haphazardly in the blue,’ launched in the preface to On the Genealogy of Morals.2 As the antidote to the ethereal realms of the soul and sky ...
    • The acquisition of the semantics of Japanese numeral classifiers: The methodological value of nonsense 

      Kubota, Maki; Matzuoka, Yuko; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-26)
      This study examined the acquisition of numeral classifiers in 120 monolingual Japanese children. Previous research has argued that the complex semantic system underlying classifiers is late acquired. Thus, we set out to determine the age at which Japanese children are able to extend the semantic properties of classifiers to novel items/situations. Participants completed a comprehension task with ...
    • Samisk i norskfaget – fra plan til praksis 

      Johansen, Åse Mette; Sollid, Hilde (Book; Bok, 2023)
      Gjennom opplæringa skal elevene i den norske skolen få innsikt i samenes historie, kultur, samfunnsliv og rettigheter. De skal også lære om mangfoldet og variasjonen i samisk kultur og samfunnsliv. Denne ressursboka skal bidra til at lærere får et godt grunnlag for å undervise om urfolkstematikk, og den skal hjelpe lærerstudenter og lærere til å ivareta intensjonene i gjeldende planverk om samisk i ...