Det juridiske fakultet: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 41-60 av 1529
Between Exploitation and Sustainability: A Critical Environmental Analysis of Norway's Seabed Mining in Light of UNCLOS and Domestic Law
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-08-31)This thesis explores the balance between Norway’s ambitions for seabed mining and accompanying environmental and legal obligations, rooted in both domestic and international law. -
Is Europe’s nature allowed to evolve? A research on natural dynamics within the Habitats Directive’s Special Areas of Conservation
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)The thesis asks whether the Habitats Directive allows natural dynamics of succession and natural disturbances to alter habitats in special areas of protection (Natura 2000 sites). A literature review of relevant ecological papers discusses the context, function and role of these dynamics. The ecological findings provide the necessary perspective for the interpretive legal doctrinal research used in ... -
The linkage between legislation and adjudication: The impact of arbitration tribunal decisions on energy policy and regulatory framework
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)With the proliferation of Investor-State Dispute Settlement cases pertaining to renewable energy, it has been observed that arbitration tribunals are gradually assuming the role of de facto contributors to energy and climate policymaking, exerting influence on the regulatory framework. In light of this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the impact of international arbitration cases ... -
State responsibility and liability in the context of Carbon Capture and Storage
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-30)Before the Northern Lights project, carbon capture and storage (CCS) were a matter between operator and State, whereas it now includes other parties in the equation. How does this change the rules regarding responsibility? And how do international environmental rules on environmental pollution liability and principles like the ‘polluter pays principle’ and 'no transboundary harm' relate to a ... -
Managing And Conserving Living Resources In Warming Waters: How To Adapt Fisheries Management To Impacts Of Climate Change
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-30)Climate change effects in the oceans are changing the marine environment and its ecosystems. These changes are impacting, and will continue to do so, the fish populations in unpredictable ways. One of the regions that is and will be more affected by the impacts on climate change on fish populations, and therefore fisheries, is the Arctic region. Fisheries is one of the key components of local and ... -
Ensuring sustainable hydropower development in the Nordic Region: balancing the promotion of renewable energy production and the “non-deterioration” principle.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-28)The world’s aquatic environment is at risk of irreversible environmental damage and most of Europe’s lakes and rivers have shown signs of degradation from pollution and the changing climate. Water sources are not only essential for human life but crucial for the earth’s biodiversity. The introduction of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the EU has been essential in providing its member states ... -
Opportunities, challenges, and risks relating to the EU and domestic regulations of energy efficiency in buildings in Ireland and Finland
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-28)According to statistical data, almost three-quarters of global GHG emissions belong to the energy sector. In these terms, developing energy efficiency tools in the building sector is a vital key to reaching the Paris Agreement goals. What is more, the development of energy efficiency contributes toward accomplishing sustainable development goals. This thesis presents a comparative study of energy ... -
A chance for a paradigm shift in the dichotomy of common-pool resources management and biodiversity protection? The examples of bottom trawling, the Baltic Sea, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-14)The goal of this thesis is to explore how the law is structured to deal with the dichotomy between biodiversity protection and common-pool resources. To do so, it utilizes bottom trawling as an example of an anthropogenic activity that benefits from the exploitation of the latter but is known to be detrimental to the former. As bottom trawling is a fishing technique, it also examines how fisheries ... -
The Legal Study on the Regulation of Wind Power in the Light of the Renewable Energy Strategy and the Protection of Biodiversity in the European Union with a Case Study on Implementation in Sweden.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-30)Abstract Renewable energy plays a leading role in phasing out fossil fuels and achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050 in the EU. As a sustainable renewable energy source, the wind energy sector is growing steadily, and onshore wind energy represents the highest percentage of electricity demand over offshore wind energy. The key legal instrument is Renewable Energy Directive II, which promotes ... -
Adapting ocean governance to the impacts of climate change : The challenges of sustainable management of Arctic shipping
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-30)Climate change is severely affecting the Arctic and accelerating the melting of the ice. Among other things, it is leading to the emergence of new polar routes. This will shorten the distances between Europe and Asia. These new Arctic lanes have led to an increase in maritime traffic in the High North. This new shipping traffic represents economic opportunities for the region, but can cause irreversible ... -
Increasing the participation of citizens in energy production, A comparison of the legal regimes on prosumers in Italy and Norway
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-28)A comparison of the legal regimes of Italy and Norway on prosumerism. -
Crowdsourcing ‘citizen digital evidence’: participation of civilian population during the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-09-20)There is an ongoing proliferation of armed conflicts and international crimes around the world. While states and multinational organisations often fail to resolve these conflicts through traditional channels of diplomacy and mediation, more active participation of the civilian population in the collection, verification, and preservation of digital evidence (e-evidence) on core international crimes ... -
Fiskarlagskonflikten: Et ultimatium som er vanskelig å forstå
(Chronicle; Kronikk, 2024-11-26)Mitt spørsmål er om ikke partene er tjent med å ta et skritt tilbake og se nærmere på prosessen, råder innsender. Han ber dem stille seg selv tre testspørsmål. -
Charting the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in Tuna RFMOs: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Conservation of Non-Target Species
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-11-27)Fishing alters marine biodiversity. This has been widespread knowledge for decades. Eliminating adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems and modifying fishing practices, so as to reduce the effects of fisheries on ecosystems, non-target species, and stocks, is together considered one of the main targets to safeguard global biodiversity (see COP CBD 2010). This highlights the need for urgent ... -
Panthavers stilling under konkurs og rekosntruksjonsforhandlinger
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-20)Panthavers stilling under konkurs og rekosntruksjonsforhandlinger -
Forbudet mot ruspåvirket kjøring etter vegtrafikkloven § 22
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-03)Avhandlingen omhandler forbudet mot føring av motorvogn under påvirkning av den psykoaktive komponenten THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) som finnes i cannabis. Forbudet er hjemlet i vegtrafikkloven § 22.I forskrift er det fastsatt faste grenser for straffbar konsentrasjon av THC i blodet under føring av motorvogn. Det reises tre problemstillinger i avhandlingen. Den første problemstillingen er hvorvidt ... -
Advokaters undersøkelses- og rapporteringsplikt etter hvitvaskingsloven
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-03)En analyse av advokaters undersøkelses- og rapporteringsplikt etter hvitvaskingsloven, herunder praktiske problemstillinger og forholdet til advokaters øvrige plikter. -
Innsyn i e-postkasse i arbeidsforhold: Når kan en arbeidsgiver foreta innsyn i arbeidstakers e-postkasse?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-03)Oppgaven behandler spørsmålet om når en arbeidsgiver kan foreta innsyn i arbeidstakers e-postkasse. Fremstillingen tar særlig sikte på å redegjøre for og analysere de materielle innsynsvilkårene etter e-postforskriften § 2 første ledd. -
Påtalemyndighetens adgang til å anvende skjulte tvangsmidler for å avverge alvorlig kriminalitet etter straffeprosessloven § 222 d
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)En analyse av påtalemyndighetens adgang til å anvende skjulte tvangsmidler med formål om å avverge alvorlig kriminalitet. -
Bør det være aldersangivelser i lovgivning knyttet til barns rett til å bli hørt? En rettslig fremstilling og vurdering av bruken av aldersangivelser i lovgivning.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)Denne avhandlingen skal analysere og redegjøre for bruken av aldersangivelser i lovgivning knyttet opp mot barns rett til å bli hørt. Avhandlingen tar sikte på å besvare problemstillingen ‘bør det være aldersangivelser i lovgivning knyttet til barns rett til å bli hørt’? Avhandlingen tar for seg rettslige reguleringer som prøver å ivareta barns rett til medvirkning som ledd i saksbehandlingen. Dette ...