Now showing items 221-240 of 389

    • Effekter av forurensning på bestandsutviklingen til måser 

      Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Erikstad, Kjell Einar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2007-06)
      Måser er toppredatorer i det marine miljø, og er svært utsatt for miljøgifter. Hos arter som sildemåse (Larus fuscus), svartbak (Larus marinus) og polarmåse (Larus hyperboreus) er det dokumentert høye nivåer av organokloriner (OC), som nedsetter immunforsvaret og gir økt forekomst av sykdom, noe som medfører både redusert hekkesuksess og overlevelse av voksne. Selv om det er dokumentert en rekke ...
    • SEAPOP studies in the Lofoten and Barents Sea area in 2005 

      Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barrett, Robert T.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Erikstad, Kjell E; Fauchald, Per; Lorentsen, Svein Håkon; Steen, Harald; Strøm, Hallvard; Systad, Geir Helge Rødli; Tveraa, Torkild (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2006)
      This is the first annual report from SEAPOP, a long-term seabird programme aiming to provide and maintain base-line knowledge needed for an improved management of marine areas. For several reasons, the activities in the initial year were restricted to the Lofoten and Barents Sea area, but the programme is designed for implementation on the full national scale within a few years. The report ...
    • SEAPOP studies in the Barents and Norwegian Seas in 2007 

      Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barrett, Robert T.; Bustnes, J.O.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Erikstad, K.E.; Fauchald, Per; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Steen, Harald; Strøm, H.; Systad, Geir Helge; Tveraa, Torkild (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2008-04)
      This is the third annual report of the SEAPOP programme, which was initiated in 2005. In 2007, the work continued at full scale in the Lofoten-Barents Sea area, and similar studies were initiated in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. The report is divided into three sections. The first is an executive summary, the second presents five selected highlights from the studies in 2007, whereas the ...
    • Levedyktighetsanalyser for norske lomvibestander 

      Erikstad, K.E.; Reiertsen, T.K.; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barrett, Robert T.; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Strøm, H.; Systad, G.H. (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2007-03)
      Hekkebestandene av lomvi (Uria aalge) langs norskekysten har hatt en sterk nedgang i løpet av de siste 45 årene. Den norske fastlandsbestanden utgjør i dag ikke mer enn ca 15 000 par, mens den til sammenligning ble beregnet til 120-160 000 par i begynnelsen av 1960-årene. Den største bestanden i norske områder finnes i dag på Bjørnøya hvor det hekker ca 100 000 par, men også her er bestanden ...
    • SEAPOP studies in the Lofoten and Barents Sea area in 2006 

      Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barrett, Robert T.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Erikstad, Kjell Einar; Fauchald, Per; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Steen, Harald; Strøm, Hallvard; Systad, Geir Helge; Tveraa, T (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2007-04)
      This is the second annual report of the SEAPOP programme, which was initiated in 2005. In 2006, the programme was extended to the near full scale in the Lofoten-Barents Sea area, but it is aimed for implementation at the national level within few years. The report is divided into three sections. The first is an executive summary, the second presents five selected highlights from the studies in ...
    • Gamnes, Sør-Varanger k. Forvaltningsutgravning av en lokalitet fra eldre steinalder, id. 158956 og en gammetuft id. 158949 

      Oppvang, Janne; Kjellman, Erik; Niemi, Anja Roth; Lind, Keth Elisabeth (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2017)
      I løpet av 5 uker i august-september 2015 ble det undersøkt en registrert gammetuft, id.158949 og en åpen steinalderboplass,id.158956 på Gamnes i Sør-Varanger. Gammetufta viste seg å være et ishus/laksegamme fra nyere tid. Steinalderboplassen er en åpen sadellokalitet med aktivitetsområder og materiale som knyttes til første del av eldre steinalder. Dateringer fra lokaliteten vitner om en bruk også ...
    • Saamelaisten ja Australian alkuperäiskansojen kouluhistorian erityispiirteet 

      Nyyssönen, Jukka; Keskitalo, Pigga Päivi Kristiina; Linkola, Inker-Anni; Paksuniemi, Merja; Turunen, Tuija; McIntosh, Leonie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
    • Sjøfugl og marine økosystemer. Status for sjøfugl og sjøfuglenes næringsgrunnlag i Norge og på Svalbard 

      Fauchald, Per; Barrett, Robert T.; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Erikstad, Kjell E; Nøttestad, Leif; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2015)
      Denne synteserapporten beskriver hvordan endringene og fluktuasjonene i økosystemene i norske havområder påvirker næringsforholdene for sjøfugl. Disse endringene har konsekvenser for sjøfuglsamfunnene langs kysten, og tilstanden for mange bestander har blitt betegnet som kritisk. Selv om mange bestander går tilbake, er bildet langt fra entydig, og vi finner ingen enkle sammenhenger mellom tilstanden ...
    • Sameleire i Tromsø som turistmål, fotomotiv og møteplass 

      Baglo, Cathrine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015)
      Sameleiren i Tromsdalen var lenge det mest besøkte turistmålet i Tromsø. Betydningen Tromsdalen og andre sameleire fikk som fotomotiv og møteplass i siste del av 1800-tallet, og hvordan dette skulle bidra til å bygge opp om interessen for reindriftssamenes levesett, er mindre kjent. Et resultat av den økte interessen var at sameleire ble gjenskapt i kommersiell og folkeopplysende øyemed, både nasjonalt ...
    • Arctic trophy hunters, tourism and masculinities, 1827-1914 

      Aarekol, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-12)
      Trophy hunting in the Arctic happened in an intersection between tourism, expeditions and hunting. This study contributes to a discrete history of masculinity within the context of trophy hunting organized from North Norway and to a broader understanding of Arctic masculinity in general. As trophy hunting expeditions are primarily a male, even masculinist, tourist practice, an analysis from ...
    • Upwind or downwind: the spring arrival of Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea at Troms, north Norway 

      Barrett, Robert T. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-07-13)
      Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea have a record-long migration between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and wintering areas in the Antarctic. Nevertheless, return dtaes to north Norway were remarkably constant over a 35-y period (1981-2015), arriving in Troms within a 13-d time window in mid to late May. Since 1993, arrival dates have advanced by about four days. No relationships were found between ...
    • Visual Anthropology in Sardinia: review 

      Ragazzi, Rossella (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2016-11-18)
      Based on a number of Carta’s previously published articles and a doctoral thesis on the subject of Sardinian documentary and ethnographic cinema, this volume investigates the distinctive qualities of Sardinian anthropological filmmaking and sheds light on the history of non-fiction film in the island, articulating some of the paradigms characterising Sardinia as an ethnographic object par ...
    • Borg - mellom høvdingdømme og kongemakt. 

      Storli, Inger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
    • Stepperøyrkvein Calamagrostis purpurascens i Wijdefjorden på Svalbard - einaste lokalitetar i Europa 

      Elvebakk, Arve; Nilsen, Lennart (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-24)
    • Identification of bird species used to make a Viking Age feather pillow 

      Dove, Carla J.; Wickler, Stephen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-04)
      A grave containing the remains of a wooden boat was discovered in 1934 under a low mound in a bog at Øksnes in the Vesterålen islands of northern Norway. The boat grave dates to the 10th century in the Viking Age, and grave goods placed in the boat include an iron axe, a cowhide in which the body was wrapped, and pillow remains consisting of feather stuffing and a wool textile cover. A microscopic ...
    • Fern rhizomes as fodder in Norway 

      Alm, Torbjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-06)
      Background: Although ferns are often known under collective names in Norway, e.g. blom, a substantial number of vernacular names for individual fern species are known, in particular for useful or poisonous taxa. In the past, the rhizomes (Norwegian: moldfôr) of selected species were collected for fodder. Only scattered records of such use are available from southern Norway, and the tradition’s ...
    • The role of sea ice for vascular plant dispersal in the Arctic 

      Alsos, Inger Greve; Ehrich, Dorothee; Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig; Bennike, Ole; Kirchhefer, Andreas; Geirsdottir, Aslaug (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09)
      Sea ice has been suggested to be an important factor for dispersal of vascular plants in the Arctic. To assess its role for postglacial colonization in the North Atlantic region, we compiled data on the first Late Glacial to Holocene occurrence of vascular plant species in East Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Svalbard. For each record, we reconstructed likely past dispersal events ...
    • Lake sedimentary DNA accurately records 20th Century introductions of exotic conifers in Scotland 

      Sjøgren, Per Johan; Edwards, Mary Elizabeth; Gielly, Ludovic; Langdon, Cathrine; Croudace, I.W.; Merkel, Marie Kristine Føreid; Thierry, Fonville; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-09-28)
      Sedimentary DNA (sedDNA) has recently emerged as a new proxy for reconstructing past vegetation, but its taphonomy, source area and representation biases need better assessment. We investigated how sedDNA in recent sediments of two small Scottish lakes reflects a major vegetation change, using well-documented 20th Century plantations of exotic conifers as an experimental system. We used next-generation ...
    • A cosmopolitan, Sami-friendly scholar? Väinö Tanner on the best way to treat the Sami 

      Nyyssönen, Jukka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The topic of this article is Väinö Tanner’s views on Sami policies, which are searched from numerous contexts, including his personal career and Nordic Sami policies. Also the discur-sive resources, which he re-produced, are charted. Of the contemporaneous Sami policies, he ad-vocated the Swedish variant, which suited better his agendas in his scholarly production on the Skolt Sami. The origin of ...
    • Circumpolar Arctic vegetation: a hierarchic review and roadmap toward an internationally consistent approach to survey, archive and classify tundra plot data 

      Walker, D. A.; Daniels, F.J.A.; Alsos, Inger Greve; Bhatt, U S; Breen, A L; Buchhorn, M; Bultmann, H; Druckenmiller, L A; Edwards, M E; Ehrich, Dorothee; Epstein, Howard E.; Gould, W.A.; Ims, Rolf Anker; Meltofte, H; Raynolds, M. K.; Sibik, J; Talbot, SS; Webber, P. J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-10)
      Satellite-derived remote-sensing products are providing a modern circumpolar perspective of Arctic vegetation and its changes, but this new view is dependent on a long heritage of ground-based observations in the Arctic. Several products of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna are key to our current understanding.Wereview aspects of the PanArctic Flora, the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation ...