Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 575
Assessing climate-induced risks to urban railway infrastructure
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-14)Climate change and its severe impacts pose a number of challenges to transport infrastructure, particularly railway infrastructure, requiring immediate action. A railway system is a linear distributed asset passing different geographical locations and exposed to heterogeneous vulnerabilities under diverse environmental conditions. Furthermore, most of the railway infrastructure assets were designed ... -
A survey related to current technologies in Arctic region for autonomous driving
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-28)Autonomous driving has sparked an entire revolution in the vehicle sector, offering to increase the safety for road users, productivity, and convenience. However, using autonomous driving vehicles in hostile environments like the Arctic present’s challenges because of the bad weather, lack of infrastructure, rough terrain, poor vision, icy and unreliable road surfaces, and inaccessible locations. ... -
Maritime Object Detection by Exploiting Electro-Optical and Near-Infrared Sensors Using Ensemble Learning
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-11)Object detection in maritime environments is a challenging problem because of the continuously changing background and moving objects resulting in shearing, occlusion, noise, etc. Unluckily, this problem is of critical importance since such failure may result in significant loss of human lives and economic loss. The available object detection methods rely on radar and sonar sensors. Even with the ... -
Adaptive Kalman Filter-based Estimator with Sea Trail Data to Calculate Ship States in Complex Navigation Conditions
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)With the progress of innovative technologies, ships in future with different autonomy levels are anticipated to enter the realm of maritime transportation. As a result, the scenarios of multi-ship encounters at sea can become more complex and the risk of potential collisions can be difficult to elevate. To support navigation safety and guarantee the required situation awareness level, it is ... -
Operational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-08)In recent years, the concept of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASSs) has gotten attention both from the research community and shipping industry. The recent development in advanced sensing, communication, and control technologies makes it possible to operate such vessels remotely through Onshore Operation Centers (OOCs). However, there are still several challenges that need to be addressed ... -
Navigational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-05-08)To navigate, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASSs) must be able to determine their states. i.e., the positions and velocities, etc., by utilizing onboard IoT, and ship intelligence systems. Autonomous ship navigation can heavily rely on machine learning algorithms that can predict how vessels will maneuver in the future, based on past behavior, where vessel state estimation can play a main role. ... -
Functional Requirements for Onshore Operation Centers to Support Remotely Operated Ships
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-16)Autonomous shipping has received extensive attention from the maritime industry as well as the respective research, academic and training institutes, owing to its major benefits related to cost and safety over traditional shipping in many situations. In reality, the implementation of autonomous technology in shipping can face numerous challenges from the technology and regulatory perspectives. ... -
Study of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Trustworthiness: Hardware Point of View
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-16)Nowadays, the maritime industry, like other industries, is incorporating Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches in their applications. Since the rise of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) is on the horizon, such intelligent algorithms would replace conventional ship navigation with a higher level of autonomy. In other words, a digital navigator can be developed based ... -
An evolution in sustainable development: Integrating new semi-quantitative assessment model with strategic management (Insights from the mineral sector)
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-18)Sustainable development is crucial for ensuring the future of the environment, humanity, and industries. As a result, researchers across various disciplines have sought to expand sustainable practices within their fields. Since its introduction in 1992, sustainable development has made significant progress. Numerous models have been developed to assess sustainable development levels, with ... -
A Peridynamic Approach to Simulate Sea Ice Fracture with a Focus on its time-dependent material behaviour
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Sea ice exhibits time-dependent non-linear behaviour. This is evidenced by both lab and field experiments with known phenomena such as creep and stress relaxation. This time-dependent material behaviour becomes particularly pronounced at larger temporal scales. In this study, we present a novel approach to simulate time-dependent fractures in sea ice using peridynamics (PD), a particle integral ... -
Edward W. Said: Not so lost reflections On Lost Causes such as the one-state solution
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-22)The article examines the enduring relevance of Edward Said's perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, juxtaposing contemporary challenges with Said's visionary advocacy for a one-state solution. The analysis delves into the complexities of the evolving Middle East dynamics, emphasising the need to reconsider alternative frameworks. Central to our analysis is Said's intellectual ethos, which ... -
Converting for terrorist purposes: challenging the conceptual unidirectionality of the threat
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)Terrorism is typically included among the grave societal challenges resulting from radicalisation of certain groups. The phrase ‘radical converts’ typically evokes an image of a convert to Islam, whereas an individual converting from Islam to other religions is not associated with a terrorist threat. When it comes to threat assessment, the conversion of Christianity to Islam is typically deemed a ... -
Linking ship-associated emissions and resource development in the Arctic: Trends and predictions along the Northern Sea Route
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-09)Arctic ship traffic has increased significantly due to continuous sea ice loss and resource extraction. The shipping sector is an important contributor to atmospheric emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO<sub>x</sub>) and sulphur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>), and an increase in ship activity will lead to significant increases in these emissions. However, there is a lack of studies linking ship activities and ... -
Droplet characterization of a pressure-swirl atomizer by means of high-fidelity modelling based on DNS simulations
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-31)Liquid injection optimization is key to enhance the efficiency of many processes in a wide variety of fields. Combustion processes are one of the most challenging ones, due to the direct emissions and greenhouse gases implications. This work aims at studying the external two-phase flow produced when injecting fuel with a pressure-swirl atomizer in an operating condition typical of an academic ... -
Two decades of increasing functional and phylogenetic richness in a mountaintop flora in central Norway
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-27)Questions - Analysing how multiple facets of biodiversity vary across space and time can help to predict the vulnerability of mountaintop floras to future environmental changes. Here we addressed the following questions: (a) Are elevational patterns of mountaintop plant diversity consistent across taxonomy, function and phylogeny? (b) How have the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic dimensions ... -
An agent-based modelling framework for performance assessment of search and rescue operations in the Barents Sea
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-21)In recent years, the increase in Arctic offshore activities has raised concerns about the search and rescue (SAR) operations as mitigative measures to ensure the safety of shipping and cruise activities. Performing SAR operations in the remote Arctic offshore environment is exceptionally challenging due to the severe environmental conditions, including low temperatures, high waves, strong winds, ... -
Kulturens effekt på sikkerhetsatferd En kvalitativ studie av polske bygg- og anleggsarbeidere i Norge – forholdet mellom kultur, jobbkrav, ressurser og sikkerhetsatferd
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-28)Bygg- og anleggsbransjen utgjør en svært risikabel arbeidsplass, noe som gjenspeiler seg i omfanget av arbeidsulykker. Av berørte parter er utenlandske, og spesielt polske arbeidere, overrepresentert på skadestatistikken i forbindelse med de mest alvorlige arbeidsulykkene (Mostue et al., 2022). For å sikre en trygg arbeidsplass for alle aktører anses det som nødvendig å drive kontinuerlig ... -
Migrasjon - en radikal forandring? En eksplorativ litteraturstudie om samspillet mellom migrasjon, radikalisering og samfunnssikkerhet i Norge
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-03)Studien undersøker hvordan migrasjon påvirker samfunnssikkerheten i Norge med tanke på radikalisering. Problemstillingen belyses gjennom en eksplorativ litteraturstudie, basert på en dokumentanalyse av eksisterende forskning. Studien benytter internasjonalt anerkjente teorier for å analysere sammenhengen mellom migrasjon og radikalisering i norsk kontekst. Funnene viser at migrasjonens komplekse ... -
Utvikling av en positiv sikkerhetskultur gjennom økt risikoforståelse
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-30)Denne studien undersøker hvilke utfordringer organisasjoner i tunnelbransjen møter i utviklingen av en positiv sikkerhetskultur. En sektor som har en av de høyeste ulykkesratene i landet (Arbeidstilsynet, 2019). Sikkerhetskultur er identifisert som en viktig faktor i arbeidet mot en tryggere arbeidsplass. Tidligere forskning viser imidlertid at det fortsatt er behov for å utforske måter å optimalisere ... -
Revisiting Unsinkable Ships: From Titanic to Helge Ingstad, the Long-Standing Issues and Persistent Risks of Ship Disasters
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-03)The objective of this paper is to take a closer look at the theory of damage stability, i.e., origin, construction, organization and human developments, regulations, and in this context pinpoint a possible causal relationship between two specific ship losses: the losses of RMS Titanic and KNM Helge Ingstad. The paper does not discuss direct causes but rather tries to discuss possible causal links ...