Now showing items 201-220 of 1479

    • Management, markets and politics: Statistical screening for historical footprints in Arctic coal mining 

      Østbye, Stein; Sand, Jan Yngve; Westerlund, Olle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-29)
      The paper looks at the economic performance of the main (coal mining) company operating in Svalbard based on time series data from 1922 to 2006 and uses statistical techniques to detect structural breaks in economic indicators decomposed into components that the company control or influence and components that are exogenous. The analysis suggests distinctive historical periods and illustrates that ...
    • Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk - riktig intensjon, men feil virkemiddel 

      Ottesen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-02-11)
      Artikkelen stiller spørsmål om standardiserte læringsutbyttebeskrivelser på nasjonalt nivå kan hjelpe studenter til å oppnå et bedre kognitivt læringsutbytte. En endring i måten å utforme læreplaner på (input til undervisningsprosessen) leder ikke til økt læringsutbytte (output for studentene).<p> <p>Bruk av ISO 9001 som rammeverk for å styre en utdanningsinstitusjons tjenesteproduksjon avdekker ...
    • Økonomiske konsekvenser av økt skattekostnad for en havbruksaktør 

      Hansen, Rakel Ingeborg; Aamodt Grønlie, Sara (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-29)
      Havbruksnæringen er en av de mest lønnsomme næringene i Norge. De naturgitte fortrinnene i kombinasjon med reguleringer fra myndighetene gir opphav til en ekstraordinær avkastning. På bakgrunn av dette foreslår regjeringen å innføre grunnrenteskatt på havbruk. Innføring av grunnrenteskatt og endringer i verdsettelsesregler av havbrukstillatelser gjør at havbruksaktører og deres eiere stilles overfor ...
    • Influenseres påvirkning på intensjon til å spise fisk 

      Fredriksen, Espen; Ellevold, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-01)
      Bruk av influensere til markedsføring har vist seg å være svært effektivt til å påvirke forbrukere innenfor ulike kontekster. Ettersom det i dag er ønskelig å øke konsum av fisk blant nordmenn, vil det kunne være aktuelt å benytte influensere i markedsføring av fisk. Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan influensere påvirker holdning, sosial norm og intensjon til å spise fisk hos unge ...
    • Financial incentives in Norwegian somatic hospitals - An early look at how hospitals respond to the profit incentive in Norway 

      Hall, Sigurd Bjørkmo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-01)
      Background: The cost brought about by healthcare systems in western society is high and likely to increase in the future. Governments with activity-based funding (ABF) systems attempt to increase efficiency by introducing financial incentives, using internal market mechanisms for hospitals under the umbrella of new public management. The prospective payment system in Norway nudges hospitals into ...
    • Can machine learning beat the Norwegian stock market? 

      Aronsen, Martin; Markussen, Christian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      Multiple studies on the performance of machine-learning stock portfolios have shown the efficacy of machine-learning portfolios on large stock exchanges, especially the American- and Chinese market. Fewer studies have been conducted on smaller cap markets, which consists of smaller, less-liquid investment options. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to explore the possibilities to beat the ...
    • Taksonomiens betydning for nordnorsk næringsliv - en revolusjon eller evolusjon? 

      Angell, Louise Marie Solberg; Snekvik, Ragnhild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      For å finansiere overgangen til klimanøytralitet innen 2050, har EU utarbeidet en handlingsplan for bærekraftig finans. Tiltakene i handlingsplanen skal bidra til å styre kapital mot bærekraftige aktiviteter, øke transparens i finansmarkedene og redusere risikoen for grønnvasking. Det mest sentrale virkemidlet for å oppnå dette er opprettelsen av taksonomien for bærekraftige økonomiske aktiviteter. ...
    • Næringsklynger i nord - hvilke barn leker best, og hvem vinner mest? 

      Buarø, Niklas; Josefsen, Sindre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      I senere år har dannelsen av formaliserte næringsklynger økt i omfang, blant annet for å fremme innovasjon og bidra til en bærekraftig økonomi for Norge etter oljen. Denne mastergradsavhandlingen har som formål å undersøke hvordan strukturelle forhold i næringsklynger påvirker samarbeidet mellom medlemsbedriftene, samt hvilke effekter medlemmene opplever som følge av klyngemedlemskapet. Oppgaven ...
    • In search of Safe Havens for US and Scandinavian stock indices. 

      Gulljord, Arild; Miron, Danu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-24)
      Using correlation and rolling correlation, we determine that Gold, Bitcoin, Silver, Brent crude oil, Gas, and Corn fail as Safe haven assets for the US, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish stock markets during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Instead, these assets act as weak/strong diversifiers for selective indices during the sample period 2014-2023. In the long-term perspective ...
    • How risky is it? Perceived risk among Norwegian backcountry riders 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Jordy, Hendrikx; Markus, Landrø; Martin, Ahrland Stefan (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      We use a hypothetical choice scenario to analyzefactors that affect the perceived risk of potentially risky backcountry terrain.Our results show thatfactors, which are expected to affect the objective level of risk (e.g., backcountry travel skills and experience), are correlated with the perceived level of risk. However, we also find suggestive evidence that social factors, which should not affect ...
    • Are they experts? Self-assessed backcountry skills among backcountry skiers in Norway and North America 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Hendrikx, Jordy; Johnson, Jerry (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      We analyze how backcountry skiers’ perceived ability to manage avalanche terrain correlate with more objective measures of experience and skills, among 1209 backcountry riders in Norway and North America. We further analyze if self-assessed backcountry skills are affected by past experience of avalanches and close calls, risk attitudes, and demographics. Our results suggest that self-assessed skill ...
    • Do recent trends in forecasted avalanche danger affect our perception of the current avalanche hazard? 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Hovem, Finn Kristoffer; Terum, Jens Andreas (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
    • Conditions for Implementing Innovating Telemedicine Procedures After Hip Arthroplasty 

      Kamecka, Karolina; Engelseth, Per; Staszewska, Anna; Kozlowski, Remigiusz (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-10-13)
      Telemedicine technology offers a wide range of possibilities for improving various forms of healthcare services. These technologies can support and economize healthcare service processes including medical consultations, preparation for medical treatment and in the post-operative period. The increasing number of older people in developed countries increases the importance of telemedicine as a way ...
    • Contagious behaviour or not? Tourists' skills and practices in a Norwegian church 

      Smørvik, Kjersti Karijord (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-23)
      Tourist-to-tourist interaction takes place in many forms at attractions such as museums, churches and historical sites. In many settings, this interaction is a well-functioning part of the tourist experience, where tourists conform to the social norms that govern the attraction. However, interaction with other tourists can also devalue the experience; their presence may be perceived as challenging ...
    • Trust-based management control in inter-organizational relationships 

      Wærness, Kristian; Solstad, Elsa Anita; Bertheussen, Bernt Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-05)
      High levels of trust can reduce the risk of inter-organizational relationships failing. Also, high levels of trust between business partners can be advantageous as less time and effort are spent controlling the motives and behavior of a company’s counterpart. This case study explores the management control systems between two small Norwegian salmon farming companies engaged in a joint venture. ...
    • Hvordan forholder styret seg til aksjelovens forsvarlighetskrav under restruktureringer i norske offshorerederi? 

      Tobiassen, Niklas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-09-03)
      Fallet i oljeprisen våren 2014 markerte starten på det som skulle vise seg å bli en svært krevende periode for oljeservicenæringen. Oljekrisen medførte betydelige tap for norske offshorerederi og som et resultat av dette har mange selskap sett seg nødt til å gjennomføre restruktureringer for å styrke kapitalstrukturen og begrense sin tap. Aksjelovens bestemmelse i § 3-4 om forsvarlig egenkapital ...
    • Suicide as globalisation's Black Swan: global evidence 

      SARI, Emre; Er, S. Tolga; Demir, Ender (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-28)
      Objectives - This empirical study investigated the relationship between globalisation and suicide rates. We examined whether there is a beneficial or harmful relationship between economic, political and social globalisation and the suicide rate. We also estimated whether this relationship differs in high-, middle- and low-income countries.<p> <p>Study design - Using panel data from 190 countries ...
    • Time-varying market efficiency of safe-haven assets 

      Okoroafor, Ugochi Chibuzor; Leirvik, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-29)
      This study investigates the hedge and safe-haven possibilities with bitcoin, gold and crude oil in different equity markets in the presence of time-varying market inefficiency. Our results indicate that periods of market inefficiency for the Bitcoin, gold and crude oil price positively influence their function as a hedge asset for the equity markets of Japan, China, the US, Europe and emerging ...
    • Clinical placement education during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic shapes new nurses: A qualitative study 

      Ravik, Monika; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Wighus, Marianne; Mofossbakke, Randi Garang; Haanes, Gro Gade (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-17)
      Background - Many newly qualified nurses experience transition challenges because they feel unprepared for the reality of the nursing profession owing to the theory-practice gap. Transition challenges amongst newly qualified nurses have profound consequences for the nursing profession and patient care. A detailed and nuanced understanding of the complexity in transition-related challenges during ...
    • Telling the story of a sustainable business model in Arctic luxury food tourism 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Luxury gastronomy can be relevant to tourism in terms of sustainability. This study adopted the perspective of business models (BMs) as narratives to explore luxury gastronomy and sustainability in the case of a food project in Arctic Norway. This study focused on the story that drives, communicates and legitimises the project’s BM and its sustainability. The main findings suggest that the specific ...