Institutt for elektroteknologi: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 181-200 av 210
Quadrotor attitude estimation using adaptive fading multiplicative EKF
(Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017-07-03)This paper presents the implementation of an adaptive fading multiplicative extended Kalman filter (AFMEKF), applied to the problem of attitude estimation in the context of quadrotors. The extended Kalman filter is adapted for use with quaternions and made adaptive to account for inaccurate measurement information. Simulations have been conducted in order to validate the filter performance. -
Smarte nett - Framtidas fleksible energisystem
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016) -
Smarte nett - Framtidas fleksible energisystem
(Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2016-03-16) -
Smarte løsninger for integrering av fornybar energi
(Konferansebidrag; Conference object, 2017) -
Smart grid solutions for integration of renewable energy in remote communities
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017) -
Advanced Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Inverters as a Low-cost Solution in ZynQ
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016) -
Experimental study of relative permittivity of atmospheric ice
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)Atmospheric icing on onshore and offshore structures is problematic, if we don’t detect and remove it. Despite of various ice detection techniques, capacitor based ice sensing technique is interesting one, as it is based on dielectric properties of material. This technique of measuring icing event is simple and cost- effective. Based on the dielectric concept, an experi mental ... -
Classification of electroncephao-graph signals by convolutional neural network
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)This thesis presents a brief introduction to epilepsy diagnosis use convolution neutral network. The datasets create through Electroencephao-graph(EEG) signal.Electroencephao-graph(EEG) is one of the most commonly signals recorded from humans like electrocardiogram(ECG). In this thesis give a short introduce about the EEG signal. Because EEG recordings are important in the diagnosis of epilepsy. But ... -
Parabolic reflector for focusing of underwater acoustic waves
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)Kongsberg Maritime has produced a transponder placed on the seabed designed for receiving and transmitting sound waves from vessels and ROVs. The soundwaves contain data regarding depth and location, and can be transformed to energy thus increasing the transponder battery lifetime. The transponder can only receive a small amount of energy, since its receiving area is small. This project aims to ... -
Optimization of the mass of a sandwich plate that TAM is producing
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)In this report the possibility to optimize the mass of a sandwich plate that TAM produces have been reviewed. Dimensions of the plate is 2602mm x 2404mm with a core thickness of 40mm, top facing of 3mm and bottom facing of 1mm. To simplify the computations they calculate with uniform facings of 1mm. The function of the sandwich plate is to lift livestock with wires that are fastened in the four ... -
General purpose process control unit
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)The main purpose of the thesis is to make a control unit where different models can be tested with a number of motors, sensors, indicators, control devices which are used by Fischertechnik in training models. This work observes different types of speed motor control and investigates most useful method that could be implemented at the PLC Lab. It would be very useful to simulate separated parts of ... -
Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer in Blocks with Thin Pipes
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)"The report presents modified Stokes equations and natural convection-diffusion equations that are needed to implement a system which uses natural convection to transport energy from one area to another. The thesis also includes results from a numerical simulations that used these equations as arguments." -
Genetic algorithms (GA) for adaptable design
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)This thesis discusses the process of implementing and testing of a creative web element design system using a combination of genetic algorithms and K-nearest neighbor classification. Classification will be used as a learning mechanism to give the system the ability to absorb quality measures in regards to visual aesthetics, and utilize this knowledge to evaluate generated designs. In addition, some ... -
A study of hydro and pumped storage hydropower in Northern Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)"The role of renewable sources of energy in combating climate change cannot be over-emphasized. Profound measures taken especially by the European Union (EU) in reducing global rising temperatures has seen massive development of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. This strategic plan taken by the EU has led to the an increase in national efforts to promote further development of ... -
Analysis and Optimization of Sandwich Panels. Final report.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)"The first part of this project, are general about sandwich structures. A sandwich construction, consist of two plate outsides (facings) glued to a core in the middle. Sandwiches are used in construction that must have a low weight, but a high stiffness. This indicated racing cars, aeroplane, ship shelters. To understand a sandwich construction, the basis, is to understand the sandwich beam. The are ... -
First aid equipment for use in cold climate environment: stretcher
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)"There is a need for a stretcher, which can also function as a sledge, especially for rescue missions in arctic climate, as the extraction point may only be accessible by people by foot or on skies. Existing solutions have some flaws, and some are not specifically designed for arctic conditions. The task is to develop a multi-purpose stretcher, operable by two members of the rescue team. In ... -
Modular Design of Integrated Duct Fan Quadrotor Structure
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)This thesis will continue the work done by Sethuram Balakrishnan in his master thesis “Duct fanned shielding design for quadrotors”. It includes studies of integrating Balakrishnan’s solution to the outer structure of the DJI Flame Wheel F450 Quadrotor in order to save weight. A report with preliminary work will cover investigation of existing solutions and technology, setting design requirements ... -
Re- design of a multipurpose snowmobile sled for Norwegian volunteer (SAR organizations)
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)"This master thesis is written for Norwegian volunteer organization “Hjelpekorpset” that is a search and rescue organization. The organization performs different kinds of activities in addition to rescue missions. During wintertime, they transport materials, furniture and other cargo to local huts to raise funds for the organization. This is the basis for the thesis, where the aim was to redesign a ... -
Augmented Reality Application for Training in Maritime Operations. A Proof of Concept AR Application Developed for Microsoft HoloLens
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-27)Augmented reality (AR) is an advanced technology that integrates augmentations with the real world. This technology has been used to provide training and education along with other purposes. This work has been focused on enriching the learning experience of the maritime trainee by applying AR technology. In this work, a proof of concept AR application (App) is developed for the training of the ... -
Artificial Intelligence based narrative generation for games
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-15)This Master thesis presents an approach on using Artificial Intelligence to create stories for games. The Master thesis explores the posibility of using Augmented Transition Network and Ontology as a solution.