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dc.contributor.advisorFriborg, Oddgeir
dc.contributor.authorSæle, Rannveig Grøm
dc.description.abstractEducation is important for the individual and for society. One of the most important and stable predictors of educational dropout is academic performance, typically measured by grades. This thesis aims to investigate factors related to academic performance and student dropout. It comprises two projects. The first project, Young Will (Ung vilje), is based on a sample of adolescents entering upper secondary school in the autumn of 2010. The second project, Learning in Higher Education, studies a sample of students entering university in the autumn of 2013. In the upper secondary sample, the most important predictors for lower grade point averages were male gender, enrolment in the vocational track, lower self-reported task solving abilities, lower educational ambitions, less promotion focus and more literacy problems. In the university sample, the most important predictors for lower grade point averages were less reported use of deep and strategic learning approaches and lower incoming grades. Literacy problems and procrastination were not significant predictors in the university sample. Predictors for student dropout, measured two years after enrolment in a study programme at university, were higher age, less use of surface learning approaches, fewer hours spent on studying, lower grades achieved in the first year and enrolment in study programmes with shorter durations. The findings indicate that educational institutions should focus not only on what students learn, but also on how they learn. At upper secondary level this includes supporting students with literacy problems and paying attention to low academic performance. At the higher education level, it seems important to foster productivity and commitment from the beginning of the study programme.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractÅ ta utdanning er viktig både for den enkelte, for utdanningsinstitusjonene og samfunnet. Derfor er det problematisk når så mange mislykkes og faller fra utdanningen de begynte på. Vi har undersøkt hva som skiller de med lave og høye karakterer på videregående skole og på universitetet, og grunner til at mange faller fra universitetsstudiet de valgte. Data er innhentet via spørreskjema og offentlige registre. Blant videregående skoleelevene var karakterene gjennomsnittlig lavere blant guttene, de som valgte yrkesfag og rapporterte lese- og skrivevansker. Elever med gode problemløsningsferdigheter og planer for høyere utdanning gjorde det bedre. Blant universitetsstudentene var karakterene fra videregående viktigst for universitetetskarakterene det første året. I tillegg var strukturerte studievaner og fordypelse som læringstilnærming viktig. En av fem universitetsstudenter falt fra to år etter at de startet. Lave karakterer og valg av korte utdanningsløp var det tydeligste kjennetegnet på disse studentene, men de brukte også gjennomsnittlig mindre tid på studiene sine. Utsettelsesatferd (prokrastinering) spilte ingen rolle for verken karakterer eller frafall. Disse funnene viser at læringsprosessen er viktig, ikke bare resultatet. Lærere i videregående og på universitetet kan nyttiggjøre seg dette i møte med sine studenter.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFor paper I: Regional differensiert arbeidsgiveravgift (RDA) i Troms fylke and Sparebank 1 Nord Norge-stiftelsen Paper II and III: Internal financing, UiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.descriptionPaper II and III of this thesis is not available in Munin<br> Paper II: Sæle, R. G., Dahl, T. I., Sørlie, T., Friborg, O.: Relationships between learning approach, procrastination and academic achievement among first year university students. (Manuscript). Published version available in <a href=> High Educ. 2016. </a><br> Paper III: Sæle, R. G., Dahl, T. I., Sørlie, T., Friborg, O. (2016). Predictors of student dropout two years after enrolment at university. (Manuscript).en_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2016 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Social science: 200::Psychology: 260::Other psychology disciplines: 279en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Psykologi: 260::Andre psykologiske fag: 279en_US
dc.titleAcademic performance and student dropout. Results from two studies in upper secondary and higher education in Northern Norwayen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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