Blar i forfatter "Anderson, R. Scott"
Refining Holocene sea-level variations for the Lofoten and Vesterålen archipelagos, northern Norway: implications for prehistoric human–environment interactions
Balascio, Nicholas L; D'Andrea, William J.; Creel, Roger C.; Marshall, Leah; Dia, Moussa; Wickler, Stephen Kent; Anderson, R. Scott; Austermann, Jacqueline; Vasskog, Kristian; Nielsen, Pål Ringkjøb; Dahl, Svein Olaf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-04)The Lofoten and Vesterålen archipelagos are located off the outer coast of northern Norway far from the center of the former Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and near the continental shelf edge. Existing relative sea‐level (RSL) data indicate a pronounced mid‐Holocene transgression and interesting connections with the region's prehistoric human settlement history. Here we present seven new sea‐level index ... -
Vegetation changes and plant wax biomarkers from an ombrotrophic bog define hydroclimate trends and human-environment interactions during the Holocene in Northern Norway
Balascio, Nicholas L.; Anderson, R. Scott; D’Andrea, William J.; Wickler, Stephen; D’Andrea, Robert; Bakke, Jostein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-17)Holocene climate records from northern Europe improve our understanding of important North Atlantic ocean and atmospheric circulation systems to long-term insolation-driven changes, as well as more rapid forcing and feedback mechanisms. Here we assess Holocene climate and environmental changes in northern Norway based on the analysis of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, plant macrofossils, and plant ...