Review of Peltier and Resistive Heating Elements through Infrared Imaging
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The study includes the review of the heating elements to develop the fundamental understanding. The heating elements to be investigated are Peltier and Resistive types. Both have different working principles and they are used in various industrial applications for cooling and heating purposes. The Infrared (IR) wavelength is emitted by each object at a temperature above absolute zero. IR light is electromagnetic radiation that has a longer wavelength as compared to the visible light. It has a spectral range starting from the edge of the visible red light from 0.74μm to 300μm. The infrared spectral band has four sub-bands; near infrared (0.75–3μm), medium wavelength infrared (3–6μm) MWIR, long wavelength infrared (6–15μm) LWIR and very long wavelength infrared (15–1000μm) VLWIR. The working principle of IR camera is based on the thermographic imaging. A thermal signature is produced based on the emitted infrared radiations. These thermal radiations are captured by the detector elements of an imaging device such as an IR camera. In this work, the heat fluxes will be observed and compared using LWIR imaging. LWIR imaging will shed light on the thermal capability of the heating elements.
Poster presented at The International Conference of Multiphysics. Arranged by The International Society of Multiphysics, in Zurich, 08.12.16 - 09.12.16.