Troublesome tools: How can Wikipedia editing enhance student teachers’ digital skills?
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Brox, HildeSammendrag
In schools and in higher education, we often understand digital skills as the ability to use various digital tools for learning. The article argues that in addition to viewing technology as means to acquire subject-related learning, teacher education also needs to include an explicit focus on technology as a topic in itself. This article presents a Wikipedia editing assignment in Social Science for a group of first-year student teachers. A range of data are used to analyze some of the self-reported insights that open up to the students when they themselves become contributors of content they normally deal with exclusively as consumers. The study shows that although the students make a series of discoveries after becoming editors, they do not fully comprehend all the complexities of a massively collaborative tool like Wikipedia. The article argues that the assignment nevertheless provides the students with a significant and rare opportunity to address the use of digital technology, in a way that is both relevant and feasible within the frames of subject teaching and of teacher education.
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