Now showing items 65-84 of 107

    • Organisasjonsendring sett fra arbeidstakers perspektiv 

      Andersen, Betina Skovly (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-04)
      Studien utforsket arbeidstakeres tanker og erfaring med organisasjonsendring i arbeidslivet. Studien søkte å innhente generelle refleksjoner fra arbeidstakere rundt emnet, og især om de opplever organisasjonsendring som episodisk eller kontinuerlig. Forskningen benyttet kvalitative intervju til innhenting av data fra ni arbeidstakere ansatt ved fire ulike organisasjoner på Østlandet i Norge. Deltakerne ...
    • Parenting an Adolescent with Severe Emotional Difficulties – A Qualitative Study of Family Experiences with DBT-A 

      Rolandsen, Christina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-01)
      Parenting an adolescent with severe emotional difficulties is challenging, and research shows that when parents do not receive adequate support it can have adverse consequences for the parents, the adolescents, and their siblings. Dialectical behavioral therapy for adolescents (DBT-A) is a treatment method that has an increased focus on parental support, and by including parents in treatment DBT-A ...
    • Personality, passion, self-esteem and psychological well-being among junior elite athletes in Norway 

      Bauger, Lars (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-02)
      Personality research among athletes seems to have obtained less interest in recent years after much focus until the 1990s. This decline was obviously a result of ill conducted “personology” research, and a greater focus on psychological state versus trait in the sport psychology community. The present study explored personality dimensions, as measured by the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory, ...
    • Personlighetsendring hos foreldre og barn 

      Iversen, Trond (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-02)
      I denne oppgaven ble personlighetsendringer hos en kohort foreldre og barn fulgt med tre repeterte målinger, en måling ved inklusjon og en etter tre og seks års oppfølging. Målingene ble foretatt med spørreskjemaet NEO-PI som måler de fem (Big Five) personlighetsfaktorene nevrotisisme, ekstraversjon, åpenhet, medmenneskelighet og planmessighet. Det ble inkludert 219 personer, 113 kvinner (51,6 %), ...
    • Positive og negative konsekvenser for barn av psykisk- og somatisk syke. Gruppeforskjeller for barn som pårørende 

      Karlsen, Malin Cecilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-02)
      Formålet med denne retrospektive studien var (1) å undersøke om det er forskjeller i opplevde positive og negative konsekvenser mellom pårørende barn av psykisk og somatisk syke foreldre, (2) å undersøke om det forelå en sammenheng mellom foreldrenes sykdomsstatus, og type oppgaver som barn av de ulike pårørendegruppene utførte i oppveksten, og (3) å se om disse oppgavetypene har en sammenheng med ...
    • Predictors of mental health problems among adolescents. The relationship between life events, bullying, and resilience 

      Jakobsen, Karine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-01)
      This thesis examined predictors of mental health problems such as demographic variables, life events, bullying, cyber-bullying and resilience, in addition to estimate the prevalence of different mental health problems among adolescents in a small municipality in Northern-Norway. The sample (N =158) were pupils’ attending primary schools (46% girls and 54% boys, response rate 31%). The participants ...
    • Primingseffekten fra helsepåstand relatert til individuelle forskjeller i personlighet 

      Rydning, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-05-04)
      Hensikten med studien var å se om studenter lar seg påvirke i liten eller stor grad av helseartikler. Det skrives mange artikler om helse og kosthold og ikke alle artiklene er like seriøse. Dette ble gjenspeilet i eksperimentet ved at artiklene i eksperimentet kun omtalte fabrikkerte forskningsfunn. Det viste seg at det var en primingseffekt av artikkelen, men ikke slik som forventet. For aroniagruppen ...
    • Procrastination and it's Negative Emotional Consequences. How are procrastination related to negative emotional consequences of procrastination and how can it be measured? 

      Blikra, Amund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Forskning på prokrastinering har flere utfordringer som hindrer oss fra å forklare relasjonen mellom prokrastinering og variabler som prokrastinering har kjente relasjoner med. Denne studien har forsøkt å måle direkte konsekvenser av prokrastinering og videre analysere sammenhengen mellom prokrastinering og dens kjente relasjoner med negative konsekvenser av prokrastinering. På denne måten kan vi ...
    • Procrastination: The Role of Interest: A quantitative study of individual interest role in student’s procrastination level 

      Kraugerud, Jesper (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Procrastination describes a phenomenon where people voluntarily delay working on a task despite being aware of potential negative consequences. It’s been associated with negative consequences related to performance, well-being, and physical and mental health. One potential solution research has somewhat neglected in procrastination research is Interest. What research exist on this topic indicates ...
    • The Psychology of leisure experiences. A closer look at liminality and a comparison of (the seemingly very different) activities of friluftsliv and video gaming 

      Torjul, Ingelin Settemsdal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-02)
      This thesis explored the nature of liminality and experiences, by collecting responses from a sample of 155 Norwegians who partook in the leisure activities friluftsliv or video gaming, by responding to an online questionnaire consisting of various scales measuring liminality, and variables we believed to be more, or less, related to liminality. The variables included, in addition to liminality, ...
    • Psychometric validity and reliability of the Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales (SSIS-RS) 

      Klaussen, Thor; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari P. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-04-30)
      The Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales (SSIS-RS: Gresham & Elliott, 2008) assesses social skills and problem behavior in children and adolescents from three perspectives (teacher, parent, and student). The SSIS-RS is a revised version of the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS: Gresham & Elliott, 1990). Both instruments have been validated in the US. In Norway, a Norwegian translation of ...
    • Quantitative measure of evaluative labeling in news reports: Psychology of communication bias studied by content analysis and semantic differential 

      Stefansson, Jon Karl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-02)
      Two studies examined partisan word-connotations in news reports. They focused on what, if any, normative judgements were conveyed through the choice of referent terms of key agents and examined if the usage of terms differed systematically in emotional connotations according to which agents they were applied to. Study 1 used content analysis of every article posted on the Norwegian state news media’s ...
    • Rationality: Can it be predicted by cognitive effort, ability and thinking disposition? On the role of willingness to exert cognitive effort, thinking disposition and executive function on deliberate reasoning tasks both with and without a heuristic response. 

      Klevjer, Kristoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-02)
      Å bruke intuisjon og magefølelsen, når det som egentlig kreves er nøye resonnering kan føre til feilaktige vurdering og beslutninger, ikke bare på quiz, men også ha store konsekvenser i hverdagen. Så hvorfor gjør vi det? En vanlig forklaring er at vi gjøre det fordi det er strevsomt og krever innsats å bedrive nøye resonnering, innsats vi til vanlig ikke liker. In denne studien kastet vi lys over ...
    • The relationship between perceived ethnic discrimination and ethnic identity exploration as mediated by ethnic identity crisis 

      Adubofour, Millicent (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-10-31)
      In the adolescent identity formation literature, negative experiences of stress in particular, gender discrimination, and difficulties with work, relationships, finances, health, and experiences with death have been associated with increased identity exploration (Anthis, 2002a,b). Despite these findings, little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between ethnic identity discrimination ...
    • Replicating the effect of brain stimulation on mind wandering: A pre-registered study 

      Alexandersen, Andreas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      Mind wandering (MW) is a common mental phenomenon. Despite this, there is still much we don’t know about this pervasive mental state. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been proposed to be able to modulate mind wandering propensity, but a large variability in results paints an inconclusive picture in the current brain stimulation literature, and a satisfactory conclusion is still ...
    • The Role of Need for Cognition in the Association Between Work Demands and Home Outcomes 

      Rødfjell, Lenita Benedicte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-28)
      Kjærlighetsrelasjoner er en viktig del av våres liv og forskning viser til at kontekstuelle utfordringer (f.eks., arbeidsmengde), kan negativt påvirke slike relasjoner–et eksempel på jobb–til–liv konflikt. Arbeidet man utfører blir stadig mer komplekst og ansatte må utføre oppgaver som er både ukjente og utfordrende. Selv om slik kvalitativ arbeidsmengde er utbredt blant ansatte, vet vi lite om ...
    • The role of ultrasonic vocalizations in the formation of rat groups in a semi-natural environment 

      Skagen, Bjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-03)
      This study investigated if ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) had an effect on the formation of groups of rats in a semi-natural setting that allowed the rats to live closer to their natural state in the wild. This was done by letting four groups of rats into a semi-natural environment. Where prior to release into the environment, all the rats received surgery. Where some of the rats had the nerve to ...
    • Safety in Avalanche Terrain: A mixed method study on how Norwegian backcountry skiers plan, conduct and evaluate trips 

      Stette Haarberg, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-04)
      Every year backcountry skiers are victims of avalanches, and human errors are recognized as one of the most important factors in explaining why these accidents happen. We used an embedded mixed method design, in which the qualitative data was given priority, in order to investigate how backcountry skiers plan, conduct and evaluate trips in avalanche terrain. In all, a sample of 23 backcountry skiers ...
    • Sammenheng mellom mindset og tankestrategi 

      Gonzalez, Nathalie Zahra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-09)
      Prefaktiske tanker – tanker om konsekvenser av tenkte handlinger før de utføres – kan være gunstig for å forstå hvordan fremtidige mål kan oppnås. (Epstude, Scholl & Roese, 2016), mens kontrafaktisk tanker – tanker om hva som alternativt kunne skjedd – er funksjonell ved å hjelpe individet med atferdsregulering (Epstude & Roese, 2008). Denne studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom studenters prefaktiske- ...
    • Sense of coherence as a mediator of stress among high school students in Tromsø, Norway. 

      Mellem, Lise Sand (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-07)
      School adaptation seems to have an impact on social, psychological, and behavioural outcomes. Empirical evidence on the stress moderating role of the sense of coherence (SOC), which implies to which degree one find life meaningful, comprehensible and manageable, may offer a scope for development of prevention policies. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship and interactions between ...