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dc.contributor.advisorFredriksen, Åshild
dc.contributor.authorAntonsen, Tarjei
dc.description.abstractTwo sounding rocket payloads were launched from Andøya Space Centre (69.29 N, 16.02 E) during the summer of 2016 within the MAXIDUSTY campaign. Their payloads contained instrumentation aimed at investigating the characteristics of nanoscale aerosols in the upper summer mesosphere, and the role of these particles in phenomena like noctilucent clouds and polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE). The mesopause region, situated between $\sim 80$ and 90 km, contain a variety of different particle types such as ice particles, meteoric smoke particles (MSPs) and hybrids of these. The role of such particles in a number of processes in the mesopause and further down in the atmosphere is not well understood. This work aims to close some of the gaps in our current understanding mainly by using aerosol detectors of the Faraday cup type. For this purpose, we have developed new observational techniques using such probes, which makes it possible to obtain information on intrinsic particle properties such as charge state, size and number density of both ice and MSPs. The configuration and technical capabilities of the probes on MAXIDUSTY also allows for observation of spatial structures in the dusty plasma down to scales of $\sim 10$ cm. Notably, we are able to calculate the size distribution and charge state of ice particles on scales well below 1 metre. With the impact probe MUDD, we are able to infer the size distribution and volume content of MSPs embedded in larger ice particles. We moreover present the first observations of mesospheric clouds situated well below the summer mesopause, at altitudes between $66$ and 78 km, which implies a significant updraft in this region. From a thorough investigation into spatial fluctuations on different length scales, we find that the aerosol-electron coupling is changing throughout a cloud system and not strictly anti-correlated. We also find that a simple relationship between PMSE and dusty plasma parameters is not possible to obtain from MAXIDUSTY measurements.en_US
dc.description.abstractTo sonderaketter ble skutt opp fra Andøya Space Center (69.29 N, 16.02 E) under MAXIDUSTY-kampanjen sommeren 2016. Deres nyttelaster inneholdt instrumentering med mål om å undersøke karakteristika av nanoskala aerosoler i den øvre mesosfære, og rollen til disse partiklene i fenomener som nattlysende skyer og polare sommer-mesosfæriske ekko (PMSE). Mesopausen, lokalisert i høydeområdet $\sim 80$ til 90 km, inneholder mange forskjellige partikkeltyper som ispartikler, meteoriske røykpartikler (MSP) og hybrider av disse. Rollen til slike partikler i mange prosesser i den øvre atmosfære er ikke godt forstått. Dette arbeidet sikter på å besvare noen av de ubesvarte spørsmål om mesosfæriske aerosoler ved å hovedsaklig bruke såkalte Faraday-bøtter. Vi har utviklet nye observasjonsteknikker for slike prober som gjør det mulig å få informasjon om egenskaper som ladning, størrelse og nummertetthet til både is og MSP. Konfigurasjonen og de tekniske egenskapene til probene på MAXIDUSTY-nyttelastene gjør det også mulig å måle romlige fluktuasjoner i støvplasmaet på skalaer ned til $\sim 10$ cm. Spesielt nevnes at vi har målt størrelsesfordelingen og ladningstilstanden til ispartikler på skalaer vel under 1 meter. Med proben MUDD kan vi estimere strørrelsesfordelingen til MSPer som er innevokst i større ispartikler. Vi presenterer den første observasjonen av mesosfæriske skyer vel under mesopausehøyder i sommermesosfæren -- mellom 66 og 78 km. Dette impliserer en signifikant oppdrift i denne regionen. Fra en undersøkelse av fluktuasjoner på forskjellige lengdeskalaer, finner vi at aerosol-elektron-koplingen endrer seg gjennom et skylag og ikke strengt anti-korrelert. Vi finner også at et enkelt forhold mellom PMSE og støvplasmaparametere ikke er mulig å finne fra målingene gjort under MAXIDUSTY.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractThis work describes the launch of two rockets during the MAXIDUSTY campaign in the summer of 2016. The rocket payloads comprised instrumentation aimed at analysing nanoparticles of ice and meteoric material in situ, that is, where they occur naturally ¬– at heights between 80 and 90 km in the summer mesosphere. The particles are elusive, and their role in many chemical and physical processes in the upper atmosphere is poorly understood. The successful MAXIDUSTY launches, which were supported by ground-based measurements, showcased new measurement techniques which can be used to measure sizes of ice particles at height resolution down to 10 cm. The work also presents a method for the estimation of the size distribution of meteoric smoke particles, which has previously only been modelled. Through comparison of rocket and radar data, it is found that the relationship between fundamental parameters of mesospheric nanoparticles and radar profiles is probably more complex than previously thought. The thesis also reports on a new phenomenon, Rare Low Summer Echoes, which are clouds visible for rockets and radars in the summer at heights from 67 to 78 km – well below what has previously been reported on.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe MAXIDUSTY rocket campaign and the construction of the rocket instrumentation was supported by grants from the Norwegian Space Centre (VIT.04.14.7, VIT.02.14.1, VIT.03.15.7, VIT.03.16.7) and the Research Council of Norway (Grant no. 240065).en_US
dc.identifier.isbn978-82-8236-326-6 (trykt) og 978-82-8236-327-3 (pdf)
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper I: Antonsen, T. & Havnes, O. (2015). On the detection of mesospheric meteoric smoke particles embedded in noctilucent cloud particles with rocketborne dust probes. <i>Review of Scientific Instruments, 86</i>(3), 033305. Also available at <a href=> </a> This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing.<p> <p>Paper II: Antonsen, T., Havnes, O. & Mann, I. (2017). Estimates of the Size Distribution of Meteoric Smoke Particles From Rocket-Borne Impact Probes. <i> Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122</i>(22), 12353–12365. Also available at <a href=> </a><p> <p>Paper III: Antonsen, T., Havnes, O. and Spicher, A. (2018), Multi-scale Measurements of Mesospheric Aerosols and Electrons During the MAXIDUSTY Campaign. (Submittted manuscript). Under review for the journal <i>Atmospheric Measurement Techniques</i>. Discussion paper available at <a href=> </a><p> <p>Paper IV: Havnes, O., Antonsen, T., Baumgarten, G., Hartquist, T., Biebricher, A., Fredriksen, Å., … Hedin, J. (2018). A new method to inference the size, number density, and charge of mesospheric dust from its in situ collection by the DUSTY probe. (Submitted manuscript). Under review for the journal <i>Atmospheric Measurement Techniques</i>. Discussion paper available at <a href=> </a><p> <p>Paper V: Havnes., O., Latteck, R., Hartquist, T., & Antonsen, T. (2018). First simultaneous rocket and radar detections of rare low summer mesospheric clouds. <i>Geophysical Research Letters, 45</i>(11), 5727–5734. The article is available in the thesis introduction. Also available at <a href=> </a><p>en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2019 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Fysikk: 430::Rom- og plasmafysikk: 437en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Mathematics and natural science: 400::Physics: 430::Space and plasma physics: 437en_US
dc.titleIn-situ Measurements of Mesospheric Aerosols - On the observable characteristics of nanoscale ice and meteoric smoke particlesen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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