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dc.contributor.advisorBrækkan, Sigrid K.
dc.contributor.authorBjøri, Esben
dc.description.abstractVenous thromboembolism (VTE), encompassing both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is a major public health concern due to substantial morbidity and mortality. Around half of all VTE cases are hospital-related. Importantly, VTE also has life-long implications, as a large proportion of VTE-patients suffer either a recurrent event or chronic complications. The first aim of the thesis was to investigate hospitalization as a trigger of incident VTE. Secondly, we aimed to provide new insights to the epidemiology of recurrence, and to identify novel risk factors for recurrent VTE. The study population was derived from one or more of the first six surveys of the Tromsø Study, with nearly 40.000 participants. All potential cases of first lifetime and recurrent VTE events during this time-period were recorded. The target population for all papers were participants who had suffered a first lifetime VTE in the in the period 1994-2012. We found that hospitalization was a major trigger factor for incident VTE, and that the VTE risk was mainly influenced by the length of hospital stay rather than the frequency of hospital admissions in the 90-days prior to VTE. Furthermore, hospitalization was a high-risk situation also in the absence of immobilization, although immobilization contributed substantially to the VTE risk among hospitalized patients. Secondly, we discovered that the rates of recurrence and mortality after a first VTE remain high, particularly in the following year after a VTE. In paper III, we found that patients with a VTE related to hospitalization for medical illness had a high risk of recurrence, even after the competing risk of death was taken into account. Finally, we identified that d-dimer, measured at first VTE diagnosis, could be a potential biomarker to identify patients at low risk of recurrence, in whom short-term anticoagulant therapy could be sufficient.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractVenous thromboembolism (VTE), encompassing both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is a major public health concern due to substantial morbidity and mortality. Around 50% of all VTE cases are hospital-related, and hospital-acquired VTE is considered a leading cause of VTE-related deaths. Importantly, VTE also has life-long implications, as a large proportion of VTE-patients suffer either a recurrent event or VTE-related chronic complications. The first aim of the thesis was to investigate hospitalization as a trigger factor for incident VTE. Secondly, we aimed to provide new insights to the epidemiology of recurrence, and to facilitate better recurrence prediction through identification of novel risk factors for recurrent VTE. The study population was derived from one or more of the six surveys (Tromsø 1-6) of the Tromsø Study, with nearly 40.000 participants who were followed from 1994 through 2012. All potential cases of first lifetime and recurrent VTE events during this time-period were recorded. The target population for papers I and II were participants recruited from Tromsø 4 who had suffered a first lifetime VTE in the course of follow-up, whereas the target population for papers III and IV comprised of subjects participating in either of the first six surveys (Tromsø 1-6) who suffered an incident VTE in the period 1994-2012. First, we found that hospitalization was a major trigger factor for a first VTE, and that the VTE risk was mainly influenced by the length of hospital stay rather than the frequency of hospital admissions in the 90-days prior to VTE. Furthermore, hospitalization was a high-risk situation also in the absence of immobilization, although immobilization contributed substantially to the VTE risk among hospitalized patients. Secondly, we discovered that the rates of recurrence and mortality after a first VTE remain high, particularly in the following year after a VTE, despite recent advances in the diagnostics and treatment of VTE patients. In paper III, we found that the risk of recurrence among patients with a hospital-related first VTE appeared to be dependent on the reason for hospitalization, although not when the competing risk of death was accounted for. In the final model, patients with a VTE related to hospitalization for medical illness had a high risk of recurrence, similar to that of patients with a non-hospital-related VTE, which may imply a favorable risk-benefit-profile for prolonged treatment. Finally, we identified that d-dimer, measured at first VTE diagnosis, could be a potential biomarker to identify patients at low risk of recurrence, in whom short-term anticoagulant therapy could be sufficient.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipStiftelsen Kristian Gerhard Jebsenen_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.relation.haspart<p>Paper I: Bjøri, E., Johnsen, H.S., Hansen, J.-B. & Brækkan, S.K. (2019). Hospitalization as a trigger for venous thromboembolism – Results from a population-based case-crossover study. <i>Thrombosis Research, 176</i>, 115-119. Also available at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper II: Arshad, N., Bjøri, E., Hindberg, K., Isaksen, T., Hansen, J.-B. & Brækkan, S.K. (2016). Recurrence and mortality after first venous thromboembolism in a large population-based cohort. <i>Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 15</i>, 295-303. Also available at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper III: Bjøri, E., Arshad, N., Johnsen, H.S., Hansen, J.-B. & Brækkan, S.K. (2016). Hospital-related first venous thromboembolism and risk of recurrence. <i>Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 14</i>, 2368-2375. Also available at <a href=></a>. <p>Paper IV. Bjøri, E., Johnsen, H.S., Hansen, J.-B. & Brækkan, S.K. (2017). D-dimer at venous thrombosis diagnosis is associated with risk of recurrence. <i>Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 15</i>, 917-924. Also available at <a href=></a>.en_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2020 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Klinisk medisinske fag: 750en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Clinical medical disciplines: 750en_US
dc.titleTriggers and risk factors of first and recurrent venous thromboembolismen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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