Problemy izucenija severnorusskogo slova DAK: dostizenija i nedostatki
Post, MargjeSammendrag
The word dak is one of several highly frequent particles, used in most
Northern Russian and some Siberian dialects. It can occur sentence initially,
sentence internally and sentence finally to connect two parts of the
discourse, such as words, sentences, and presuppositions.
This article describes the advantages and shortcomings of six different
perspectives which have been used to describe this unspecified,
multifunctional word: descriptions in traditional grammatical terms, in
syntactic terminology used for spontaneÓus speech, research on its role
in information structure, its use in discourse, the role of prosody, and
finally comparisons with parallel words in neighbouring and other
languages. I conclude that a combination of approaches is required for a
better understanding of the way dak functions. Studies in prosody
combined with research on dak's role in information structure appear to
be most fruitful, and modern theories of discourse structure, which are
almost completely ignored at present, could be helpful. Much research
remains to be done, especially to clarify the restrictions on the use of the
word dak and the way it functions in less obvious contexts.