Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 1417
MedNoreg+: A possible contribution to systematic Information Retrieval and access for evidence-based-decision-making
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022-06)Description of the topic theme: To develop a database system called “MedNoreg+” that will enable: 1.Users to systematically search with Norwegian and Swedish terms, apart from English (room for expansion to other languages). 2.All PubMed posts will be loaded automatically into MedNoreg+. 3.Auto index MeSH terms on all the posts, which NLM has not yet been able to index manuall. Relevance of the topic ... -
‘Enhance’ global utdanning: Aktiv læring for Integrering av internasjonalt perspektiv
(Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-02-15)Prosjekt Bakgrunn og Formål: Globaliseringen har ført til et presserende behov for en utdanning som reflekterer og forbereder individer for et internasjonalt arbeidsmarked og samfunn. Formålet med vårt prosjekt er å forbedre global utdanning innen helseprofesjonene ved å integrere internasjonale perspektiver gjennom aktiv læring. Vi sikter mot å utvikle studenter som er kulturelt bevisste og som kan ... -
Older people enacting resilience in stories about living alone and receiving home care
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-17)Although older people who live alone might be in a vulnerable situation, they have often managed their everyday life for a long time, frequently with health challenges. In this article, we explore how nine older persons who live alone, who receive home care and are identified by home care professionals as being frail, manage their everyday lives by inquiring into their stories about living alone and ... -
The timescapes of older adults living alone and receiving home care: An interview study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-02)In this study, we drew on Barbara Adam's (1998) timescape perspective and applied a timescape lens to our analysis of how nine older adults who live alone, receive home care and are considered by home care professionals to be frail, experience living (in) time. Over a period of eight months, we conducted three interviews with each of the nine participants. We analysed the data using reflexive thematic ... -
Critical physiotherapy: a ten-year retrospective
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-09)Critical physiotherapy has been a rapidly expanding field over the last decade and could now justifiably be called a professional sub-discipline. In this paper we define three different but somewhat interconnected critical positions that have emerged over the last decade that share a critique of physiotherapy’s historical approach to health and illness, while also diverging in the possibilities for ... -
Aboriginal children and family connections to primary health care whilst homeless and in high housing mobility: observations from a Nurse Practitioner-led service
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-21)Aim: This article documents the impact of a Nurse Practitioner-led primary health service for disadvantaged children living in housing instability or homelessness. It identifies that First Nations children miss out on essential primary care, particularly immunisation, but have less severe health conditions than non-First Nations children living in housing insecurity. Background: Health services ... -
Occupational therapy students’ concepts of learning: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations with deep, strategic, and surface study strategies
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-12)This study aimed to gain knowledge about the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between learning concepts and approaches to studying among occupational therapy students. A repeated cross-sectional design was combined with a longitudinal study design. Self-report questionnaires assessed sociodemographic variables, learning concepts, and approaches to studying (deep/strategic/surface). ... -
Exploring Aboriginal aged care residents’ cultural and spiritual needs in South Australia
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-12)Background: Attention to culture and its impact on health care can improve the quality of care given, add to our understanding of health care among culturally diverse populations, and encourage a more holistic approach to health care within general care. Connection to culture is important to Aboriginal peoples, and integrating Aboriginal culture into general care in residential aged care facilities ... -
Decision making in vaccine hesitant parents and pregnant women – An integrative review
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-15)Objectives: : Vaccine refusal is increasing in Australia and is a major concern in high- and middle income countries. There is evidence to suggest that some parents, even those who elect to immunise, may be vaccine hesitant with some manipulating the schedule by excluding or delaying some vaccines. The aim of this review was to gain an understanding of factors that influence vaccine decision-making ... -
‘It looks like a breadbox’: a pilot study investigating implementation of the Pepi-Pod® program with Aboriginal families in metropolitan South Australia
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-10)Aims: To collaboratively explore the cultural acceptance of the Pepi-Pod® program as an alter nate safe sleep space and to explore the process of implementing the Pepi-Pod® program in a mainstream health service for Aboriginal families living in urban South Australia. Background: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants continue to die from sudden infant death syn drome (SIDS) and sudden ... -
Sámi language in Norwegian health care: ‘He speaks good enough Norwegian, I don’t see why he needs an interpreter’
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-04)Introduction: The Indigenous people of Norway are legally entitled to use their Sámi language in encounters with healthcare services, yet these encounters are generally con ducted in Norwegian language. The right to Sámi language and culture in health is par ticularly relegated when Sámi healthcare personnel is not present. This neglect of Sámi language and culture in the Norwegian healthcare ... -
Jordmødres erfaringer med å jobbe både som hjemmejordmor og på sykehus- en kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-03-16)<p>Hensikt: Å Undersøke hvilke erfaringer jordmødre har ved å arbeide med hjemmefødsler og på sykehus i Norge. <p>Metode: Kvalitativ studie. Ni semistrukturerte individuelle dybdeintervjuer ble gjennomført med jordmødre som hadde erfaring fra både å ha jobbet som hjemmejordmor og som jordmor på sykehus i ulike deler av Norge. Dataene ble analysert ved hjelp av Malteruds systematiske tekstkondensering. ... -
Staff perceptions of support for early menarche in Australian primary schools: a qualitative study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-11)The age of the onset of menstruation, termed menarche, has been declining for decades worldwide. Approximately 12% of Australian girls reach menarche between eight to 11 years of age. Current health and physical education subject guidelines from the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority state that puberty education should be introduced to students between year levels five to six ... -
Mental health, wellbeing, and support needs of nursing students – ‘Help! I’m overwhelmed, I need an extension’
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-27)High and increasing prevalence rates of mental health problems among young people mean that youth mental health is a key priority for policymakers worldwide. -
Pushed to the Fringe – The Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy on Children and Families
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-15)Vaccine hesitancy has been described as any delay or refusal of vaccines despite their availability and is increasing in Australia and other middle to high-income countries. The aim of this study is to gain a deep understanding of the experiences and influences on vaccine hesitant children and their families. A qualitative interview approach was undertaken with vaccine hesitant parents and pregnant ... -
First Nations people often take on the ‘cultural load’ in their workplaces. Employers need to ease this burden
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-31)It’s good practice for employers to consult staff when forming policies or guidelines. However, for some staff from diverse backgrounds, this creates extra work and pressure. -
Jordmødres bruk av fødestillinger i forløsning av barnet og sammenhengen med egen preferanse, kvinners brukermedvirkning og rammefaktorer relatert til klinisk praksis - en tverrsnittstudie
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-03-18)Abstrakt Tittel: Jordmødres bruk av fødestillinger i forløsning av barnet og sammenhengen med egen preferanse, kvinners brukermedvirkning og rammefaktorer relatert til klinisk praksis. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er gjennom å kartlegge selvrapporterte fødestillinger jordmor har brukt siste året, å undersøke hvilke faktorer som påvirker bruk av fødestilling. Metode: Tverrsnittstudi ... -
Jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-03-15)Hensikt: Å utforske norske jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk. Metode: Kvalitativ metode med åtte individuelle intervju. I dette studiet ble det brukt en hermeneutisk tilnærming og data ble analysert etter livsverden hermeneutikk. Funn: Funnene presenteres gjennom fem temaer: språkbarrierer kan gi disharmoni og hindre deltakelse, ... -
"Det handler jo om hvordan en spør" : en kvalitativ metasyntese om fysioterapeuters tverrsektorielle samhandling
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-20)Bakgrunn: Helsetjenestens organisering med en inndeling i spesialist- og kommunehelsetjeneste krever i stor grad samhandling på tvers av sektorene. Fysioterapeuters praktiske tilnærming til faget kan skape utfordringer for samhandling på tvers av organisatoriske grenser med ulike kontekstuelle og kulturelle rammer. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke fysioterapeuters intraprofesjonelle ... -
Utøvelse og utvikling av radiografifaget i Norge. En kvalitativ studie
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)Innledning - Økt arbeidstempo og mer krevende arbeidsoppgaver gjør at radiografer har behov for å videreutvikle kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvordan norske radiografer opplever arbeidshverdagen og hvilke muligheter de har for å opprettholde og øke egen fagutvikling. <p> <p>Materiale og metode - Vi gjennomførte semistrukturerte intervjuer av ti radiografer fra ...