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dc.contributor.advisorLindemann, Beate
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Franziska
dc.description.abstract<p>Kontrastive Feldermodelle als didaktische Werkzeuge im universitären DaF-Unterricht für norwegische Muttersprachler <p>Um eine Brücke zwischen theoretischer Linguistik und praktischem Fremdsprachenunterricht zu schlagen, evaluiert die Arbeit, ob und wie der theoretische Rahmen der topologischen Felderanalyse für den universitären DaF-Unterricht norwegischer Muttersprachler greifbar gemacht werden kann. Obwohl in der Fachliteratur dafür argumentiert wird, dass der theoretische Rahmen ein Potenzial für die praktische Anwendung bereithält, fehlen konkrete Erfahrungswerte aus dem Fremdsprachenunterricht. Auf Grundlage einer kontrastiven Annäherung werden zwei Varianten des Feldermodells, das generalisierten lineare Satzmodells (Wöllstein & Zepter 2015) und das Verbalfeldmodell (Ørsnes 2009), in die Unterrichtspraxis geführt und durch eine Interventionsstudie mit 28 norwegischen DaF-Studenten ausgewertet. Eine Mischung der Forschungsmethoden aus Testaufgaben und Interviews verbindet eine quantitative und qualitative Herangehensweise, um somit das für die Studie entworfenen Unterrichtskonzept sowie das Potenzial der kontrastiven Feldermodelle für den norwegischen DaF-Unterricht zu evaluieren. Der Großteil der Teilnehmer entwickelte eine positive Haltung sowohl gegenüber der Felderanalyse als auch gegenüber einer kontrastiven Unterrichtsform und zeigte einen Punktezuwachs von Vor- zu Folgetest. Weiter legen die Aussagen der Teilnehmer nahe, dass die meisten von ihnen die Visualisierung und Gegenüberstellung struktureller Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten auf Satzebene als nützlich und hilfreich empfanden und dass die gemeinsame und kontrastive Arbeit mit den Modellen ihre Sprachbewusstheit fördern konnte. Hierbei waren es vor allem die leistungsschwächeren Lerner, die von einem durch das jeweilige Modell erworbene Sicherheitsgefühl profitierten. Ihnen diente das Feldergerüst als ein Rahmen dafür, was in der Zielsprache und häufig entgegen ihrem Sprachgefühl richtig oder falsch sein musste. Es wird demnach konkludiert, dass eine Arbeit mit den Modellen bereits frühzeitig im Lernprozess zu begrüßen ist und dass eine Einführung schon im schulischen DaF-Unterricht angestrebt werden sollte.en_US
dc.description.abstract<p>Kontrastive feltmodeller som didaktiske verktøy i tysk-som-fremmedspråk-undervisning for norske morsmålsbrukere på universitetsnivå <p>For å bygge bro mellom teoretisk lingvistikk og praktisk fremmedspråkundervisning, drøfter arbeidet hvorvidt og hvordan det teoretiske rammeverket av topologisk feltanalyse kan gjøres praktisk tilgjengelig for norske morsmålsbrukere i tyskundervisningen på universitetsnivå. Det er blitt hevdet at det teoretiske rammeverket innehar stort potensial for anvendelsen i praksis, men det mangler konkrete empiriske verdier fra fremmedspråkundervisningen. Basert på en kontrastiv tilnærming blir to varianter av feltmodellen, den generaliserte lineære setningsmodellen (Wöllstein & Zepter 2015) og verbalfeltmodellen (Ørsnes 2009), utprøvd i undervisningspraksis og evaluert gjennom en intervensjonsstudie med 28 norske tyskstudenter. En flermetodisk fremgangsmåte med bruk av testoppgaver og intervjuer kombinerer kvantitative og kvalitative undersøkelsesmetoder for å evaluere studiens undervisningsopplegg, samt potensialet til de kontrastive feltmodellene for den norske tyskundervisningen. Flertallet av deltakerne utviklet en positiv holdning overfor både feltanalysen og en kontrastiv undervisningsmetode, samtidig som de viste en økning i poeng fra kartleggings- til oppfølgingstesten. Dertil indikerer deltakernes uttalelser at de fleste opplevde språkenes sammenligning og visualiseringen av den norske og tyske setningsstrukturen som nyttige og hjelpsomme, samt at det felles og kontrasterende arbeidet med modellene kunne fremme deres språkbevissthet. I denne sammenheng var det hovedsakelig de mindre dyktige innlærerne som nevnte en nyvunnet sikkerhetsfølelse. Feltanalysen ga dem et rammeverk for å avgjøre hva som måtte være riktig eller feil i målspråket, selv om dette ofte kunne være i strid med deres språkfølelse. Det konkluderes med at arbeidet med modellene er ønskelig allerede på et tidlig stadium i læringsprosessen, og at det derfor anbefales innført i skoleundervisningen også.en_US
dc.description.abstract<p>Contrastive field models as didactic tools for the instruction of German as a foreign language (GFL) to Norwegian native speakers at university level <p>To build a bridge between theoretical linguistics and practical foreign language teaching, this thesis evaluates whether and how the theoretical framework of the topological field model can be applied for teaching GFL to Norwegian native speakers at university level. It has been argued that the theoretical framework holds a great potential for practical application, but there is a lack av empirical values from the foreign language classroom. Based on a contrastive approach to foreign language teaching, an intervention study with 28 Norwegian learners of German investigates and evaluates two field models, the generalized linear sentence model (Wöllstein & Zepter 2015) and the verbal field model (Ørsnes 2009). By using mixed methods, the study combines grammar tests and interviews, and hereby quantitative and qualitative approaches to rate the designed teaching concept and the potential of the contrastive models for GFL instruction in Norway. The majority of the participants developed a positive attitude towards the field analysis as well as towards a contrastive approach to language learning, and they showed a point gain from pre- to post-test. Furthermore, the statements of the participants suggest that most of them found the language comparison and the visualization of the Norwegian and German sentence structure to be useful and helpful, as well as the collective and contrastive work with the models could stimulate their language awareness. As opposed to their often-misleading feel for grammatical correctness, especially the under-performing students could benefit from the field framework giving them a sense of security for what had to be right or wrong within the target language. It is therefore concluded that working with the models should be promoted at an early stage in the learning process, and that an introduction should take place in GFL instruction at school already.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractContrastive field models as didactic tools for the instruction of German as a foreign language to Norwegian native speakers at university level For the theoretical description of the German language as well as in the foreign language classroom there has been a long tradition of dividing the sentence into different fields. The so-called field model constructs its framework around the verbs as the main building blocks of the sentence. In this manner the field model visualizes the sentence structure and can help the learner to understand the connections between the different parts of the sentence. Recent attempts to extend the field model make it possible to use it for the comparative analysis of several languages as well. In this respect, the framework holds a great potential for the foreign language classroom. Though not all languages follow restrictions for word order that can be represented within the model, theoretical linguistics account for the fact that both Norwegian and German fit into this framework. As the main research question, the thesis evaluates the potential of two slightly different comparative models for teaching German as a foreign language to Norwegian native speakers at university level. For this purpose, a teaching concept was designed that put these two comparative models into use and which was analysed by using both quantitative and qualitative measurements. 28 Norwegian university students, divided into different groups, took part in an intervention study. By using mixed methods, the study-design focused on a contrastive teaching concept that was evaluated via a pre- and a post-test, followed by a qualitative interview. The instruction consisted of three teaching sections using the different comparative models as a tool for comparing German and Norwegian verb placement. According to the test results, the students showed an improvement in different grammar exercises concerning German verb placement. These exercises focused on challenges Norwegian learners are often faced with in comparison to their native language. Since the test could not measure the use of the models in practice, the interview investigated the question of whether and how the model could function as a useful tool for the Norwegian learners, as well as shedding light on their attitude towards the model and the contrastive teaching concept in general. The majority of the learners developed both a positive attitude towards the model as well as a positive attitude towards a contrastive teaching concept in general. However, there were also students who were either only positive towards the model or only positive towards the concept, and that despite of the model being contrastive by itself. Furthermore, there was no difference between the two models tested in the different groups. However, depending on the two variants of the model, all learners developed a preference for the one they were presented with first. This indicates that the overall concept has a greater relevance for the learner than a certain representation of the different fields. By giving all participants a voice, the study takes into account the individuality of every learner. On the one hand, it shows that some learners prefer to trust their feel for language when it comes to finding the correct word order, and if they were already able to develop a feel for the correct use of the target language, they do not need the model as a tool. On the other hand, it shows that by visualizing different fields of the sentence the model creates an awareness for the differences and similarities between German and Norwegian verb placement. In this way, especially the under-performing learners benefit from the framework by giving them a sense of security for what must be right or wrong within the target language. Some learners stated furthermore that the model was giving them a useful framework for their writing process in the target language. These learners also expressed a wish to have learnt about it earlier. Therefore, the study concludes that there is indeed a great potential for contrastive field models in language learning. In this respect, not only university students, but also younger learners in school could benefit from the visualizing and awareness-raising effect of a contrastive field model.en_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2021 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Humanities: 000::Linguistics: 010::Applied linguistics: 012en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Humaniora: 000::Språkvitenskapelige fag: 010::Anvendt språkvitenskap: 012en_US
dc.subjectKontrastive Feldermodelleen_US
dc.subjectDaF in Norwegenen_US
dc.titleKontrastive Feldermodelle als didaktische Werkzeuge im universitären DaF-Unterricht für norwegische Muttersprachleren_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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