Avhandlingen undersøkte kamp- og treningsbelastning hos kvinnelige fotballspillere på toppnivå i Norge. Ved å samle data fra fire Toppserien lag over to sesonger, analyserte vi spillernes aktivitetsnivå i kamp og i typiske treningsuker. Resultatene avslørte store forskjeller i aktivitet mellom ulike spillerposisjoner, spesielt med tanke på høyhastighetsløp og sprinter. Videre kom det frem at treningsbelastningen i typiske treningsuker følger et pyramideformet mønster, med høyere belastning midt i uken, og lavere belastning i etter- og i forkant av kamp. Imidlertid oppnådde spillerne ikke samme topphastighet under trening som under kamper. Disse funnene gir verdifull innsikt for trenere og spillere, og understreker viktigheten av å tilpasse treningen for å møte de fysiske kravene i kamp.
The thesis aimed to investigate the activity profiles and training loads of highly trained female football players amidst the growing interest in women's football. Data were collected from four Norwegian premier division teams over two seasons. One paper analyzed players' activity profiles by position, while another established reference values for deviations in these profiles. Results showed players covered great distances during matches, with notable differences between positions. A normally large match-to-match variability in high-speed running and sprinting were observed, which has implications for player monitoring. The training load distribution in typical cycles followed sound principles, with a high concentration of load in the mid-week, and lower loads following and preceding match day. Despite this however, players did not achieve maximal running speeds during training. These findings underscore the importance of tailored training strategies to match the activity levels of competitive play while recognizing potential performance gaps in training sessions.
Has part(s)
Paper 1: Winther, A.K., Baptista, I., Pedersen, S., Randers, M.B., Johansen, D., Krustrup, P. & Pettersen, S.A. (2022). Position specific physical performance and running intensity fluctuations in elite women’s football. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 32(S1), 105-114. Also available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/28691.
Paper 2: Baptista, I., Winther, A.K., Johansen, D., Randers, M.B., Pedersen, S. & Pettersen, S.A. (2022). The variability of physical match demands in elite women’s football. Science and Medicine in Football, 6(5), 559-565. Also available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/24598.
Paper 3: Winther, A.K., Baptista, I., Pedersen, S., Brito, J., Randers, M.B., Johansen, D. & Pettersen, S.A. (2023). An analysis of training load in highly trained female football players. (Accepted manuscript). Now published in PLoS One, 2024, 19(3), e0299851, available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/33763.