Comprehensive Analysis of Blood Test Results Predicting Prognosis in Patients Undergoing Whole-brain Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases
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Journal articleTidsskriftartikkel
Peer reviewed
Patients and Methods: This retrospective analysis included 132 patients managed with primary whole-brain radiotherapy. Additional tests, such as liver enzymes, lymphopenia, hyponatremia, and others, were also conducted. Extracranial disease extent was also analyzed.
Results: According to forward conditional Cox regression analyses, blood tests (albumin, hemoglobin, lymphopenia, hyponatremia) in conjunction with the number of organs affected by extracranial metastases (at least two, such as liver and bones) provided the best prognostic model. Based on these parameters, at least four prognostic strata can be assigned (median survival between 4.6 and <1 months, p=0.0001).
Conclusion: This initial pilot study in a limited number of patients suggests that numerous blood test results may contribute to further refinement of existing prognostic models, and provides justification for additional large-scale studies.