Viser treff 158-177 av 260

    • Nature Protection, Indigenous Rights, and Climate Action 

      Enyew, Endalew Lijalem; Poto, Margherita Paola (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Climate change is affecting indigenous peoples and their rights. However, indigenous peoples themselves are at the forefront of climate action, having protected nature for millennia, and now becoming increasingly aware of the active role they can play in the formulating and implementing processes of the international legal climate-change agenda.2 <p> <p>This chapter explores to what extent existing ...
    • Naval Blockade 

      Frostad, Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-13)
      Naval blockade is an old form of warfare where the current restatement of customary international law on this issue – the 1994 San Remo Manual – leaves something to be desired. The article considers the history of the concept and its current regulation like the requirements for establishing a naval blockade and addresses also issues in relation to its enforcement.
    • The NCLOS Blog: Conclusions of the Aurora Conference: “The limits and possibilities of sovereignty, as both the organizing logic and the central legal principle underpinning Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance (LOSOG)” 

      Gaunce, Julia Martha; Ahmad, Mazyar; Enyew, Endalew Lijalem (Others; Andre, 2021-11)
      This blog post summarizes the main findings of the Conference. The post is structured following the order of the three sessions of the Conference. Finally, the post offers overall concluding remarks
    • The New Horizons of Law and Science through the lens of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. Some Emerging Issues 

      Poto, Margherita Paola; Murray, Emily (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      The complex sustainability challenges of the 21st century need to be addressed through integrated interdisciplinary approaches, combining science, law, and ethics with concrete, timely, and effective solutions. This study offers a legal framework and a case study to the needs posited by the Agenda 2030 on sustainable development. Starting from an analysis of the first part of the Agenda, the article ...
    • New Russian Legislative Approaches and Navigational Rights within the Northern Sea Route 

      Solski, Jan Jakub (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-12-13)
      <p>The regulation of foreign navigation in the Northern Sea Route (NSR) has been dominated by the rules of international law applicable to merchant ships only. Neither the domestic set of rules of navigation on the NSR, based on Article 234 of UNCLOS nor the Polar Code applies to State-owned vessels. While the application of Article 234 has so far let Russia evade discussion on the navigational ...
    • The Nordic countries’ law on Sámi territorial rights 

      Allard, Christina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
    • Norske domstoler og samisk rett 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-21)
      "[...] I likhet med Sametinget har også Domstolkommisjonen satt fokus på samenes situasjon i domstolene (i NOU 2019: 17 og NOU 2020: 11) og etterlyst innsikt og kunnskap hos dommere og den enkelte domstol på samerettens område. Det gjenstår å se hvordan domstolene – og særlig vår høyeste rett – vil besvare bestillingene fra Sametinget og Domstolkommisjonen."
    • The Northern Sea Route in the 2010s: Development and Implementation of Relevant Law 

      Solski, Jan Jakub (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-09)
      The 2010s was a busy decade for the Northern Sea Route (NSR). It started with the first shipping season to feature the international use of the NSR for commercial purposes, followed by a significant reform of the domestic legal regime, as well as the adoption of the Polar Code. The traffic has gradually picked up, and although the expectations of a significant surge in trans-Arctic navigation have ...
    • Northern Sea Route Permit Scheme: Does Article 234 of UNCLOS Allow Prior Authorization? 

      Solski, Jan Jakub (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-20)
      The legislation of Russia and Canada includes a veiled requirement to obtain prior authorization from the coastal State for merchant ships to navigate through large areas in the Arctic. The coastal State concept of prior authorization presupposes that a coastal State may legally give or withhold its consent to the passage of a vessel. In areas where flag States enjoy navigational rights or freedoms, ...
    • Norway 

      Neves, Maria Madalena das (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-04-02)
    • Norway - Child Participation in Family Law 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-07)
      Norway has a population of 5.3 million people, of whom 1.1 million are children, i.e., under the age of 18. Almost half of marriages in the country end in divorce, the others end by the death of one of the partners. In 2018, the number of new mar-riages was 20,949, and there were 10,630 separations and 9,545 divorces. The number of minor children experiencing their par-ents’ divorce was 8,900. To ...
    • Norway and Its Obligations under ILO 169 – Some Considerations after the Recent Stjernøy Supreme Court Case 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11)
      The Norwegian Supreme Court recently pronounced its first ruling on a case which started with investigations by the Finnmark Commission. The Stjernøy Case1 arises from a title claim to land used as pasture by two groups of Sámi reindeer herders. A contributory reason for the claim was that there are mining activities on the island, from which the landowner is entitled to benefit according to the ...
    • Norway: An Insider Outside - or an Outsider Inside - European Civil Justice 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-19)
      Norway has stood on the doorsteps of the European Union (then the European Communities (EC)) for more than four decades. In 1960, Norway became one of the seven original members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), a trade-blocalternative to the European Economic Community (EEC). The Norwegian people voted against EC-membership in 1972 and 1994. In the late 1980's, a plan to create a single ...
    • The Norwegian Application of the Contracts Act Section 36 

      Hauge, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)
      The article presents the general clause in the Norwegian Contracts Act section 36. The background and the purpose are explained, and the article provides an overview over the relevant case law, which indicates that the general clause serves different functions in the Norwegian contract law.
    • Norwegian Civil Procedure - how to make fast Even Faster 

      Nylund, Anna (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016)
      <p>Norwegian civil procedure scores well on efficiency as measured in average time for case processing and for achieving high trust among the public. General litigious civil and commercial cases are on average processed in approximately six months and small claims civil cases in four months. On average, a case has passed through both the District Court and the Court of Appeal within 13 months. The ...
    • Nye bidrag til eiendomshistorien i Finnmark 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Eiendomshistorien og konstitusjonelle tilknytning for Finnmark, Norges nordligste fylke, skiller seg vesentlig fra resten av landet, for så vidt som en dominerende oppfatning frem til i dag har vært at staten har vært eier av Finnmark «fra Tidligste tider». Til tross for betydelige studier det siste halve tiåret, er den rådende oppfatning fortsatt at private eiendommer i Finnmark oppsto etter en ...
    • Nye bidrag til Finnmarks eiendomshistorie 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      I 1993 fremla Samerettsutvalgets rettsgruppe sin ut¬redning om retten til land og vann i Finnmark. I den ble det konkludert med at staten eide all usolgt jord i Finnmark, og videre at det hadde vært en sammenhengende myndighetsoppfatning om det tilbake fra 1693. Dette har fått stor betydning for eiendomsretten til den tidligere umatrikulerte grunnen i fylket, som aldri har vært prøvd av domstolene. ...
    • Nye perspektiver på retten til jorda i Finnmark 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-17)
      I 1993 fremla Samerettsutvalgets rettsgruppe sin utredning om retten til land og vann i Finnmark. I utredningen, som var et viktig bakgrunnsmateriale for utvalget, ble det konkludert med at staten ikke bare eide all usolgt jord i Finnmark, men at det hadde vært en sammenhengende oppfatning om det i om lag 300 år. Sentralt for rettsgruppas standpunkt var historieutredningen til professor Gudmund ...
    • Nødrett som rettsgrunnlag for akuttvedtak om samvær i barnevernsaker 

      Fause, Anett Beatrix Osnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-04)
      Barnevernloven har ingen bestemmelse som særskilt gir hjemmel for å stanse eller redusere samvær i tilfeller hvor gjennomføring av samvær kommer i en akutt og skadelig motstrid til barnets interesser. Under anerkjennelse av at det i slike tilfeller kan foreligge en folkerettslig plikt til å komme barnet til unnsetning, er det i juridisk litteratur antydet at nasjonalt rettsgrunnlag for akutte vedtak ...
    • Oceans Commons, Law of the Sea and Rights for the Sea 

      De Lucia, Vito (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-08)
      The aim of this paper is to re-activate certain layers of normative meaning that have been obscured, forgotten or rendered inoperative by the predominant traditions that engaged, from Grotius onwards, with the concept of <i>res communes omnium</i>. The hope and the purpose is that of offering a novel perspective on matters such as the protection and preservation of ocean commons that are of great ...