Viser treff 441-460 av 575

    • Children with dyslexia show cortical hyperactivation in response to increasing literacy processing demands 

      Morken, Frøydis; Helland, Turid; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Introduction: Northern Nature 

      Bigell, Werner (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Gender and noun inflection: The fate of ‘vulnerable’ categories in Northern Norwegian 

      Sollid, Hilde; Conzett, Philipp; Johansen, Åse Mette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Kompetanse Tromsbarnehagene 2014 

      Habbestad, Helge; Walberg, Renate Mari (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2014)
    • Creative use of LMS, wikis and mobile technologies for learning. Proceedings 

      Konovalova, Eeya; Tamistove, Ekaterina; Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2011)
    • Redirecting, progressing, and focusing actions-a framework for describing how teachers use students' comments to work with mathematics 

      Drageset, Ove Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      n order to describe and analyze teachers’ orchestrating of classroom discourse, detailed descriptions of teachers’ comments and questions are critical. The purpose of this article is to suggest new concepts that enable us to describe in detail how teachers use or do not use students’ comments to work with the mathematical content. Five teachers from upper primary school (grades five to seven, students ...
    • Sami Culture and Values - A Study of the National Mathematics Exam for the Compulsory School in Norway 

      Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Nystad, Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Norway ratified the ILO convention 169 concerning indigenous and tribal people in independent countries in 1990. In accordance with the convention the education programs for the Sami shall address their value systems and their cultural aspirations. Our aim is to investigate the implementation of this convention. The focus is on how Sami values are reflected in the national mathematics exam for the ...
    • Internet-enabled pulmonary rehabilitation and diabetes education in group settings at home: a preliminary study of patient acceptability 

      Burkow, Tatjana; Vognild, Lars Kristian; Østengen, Geir; Johnsen, Elin; Risberg, Marijke Jongsma; Bratvold, Astrid; Hagen, Tord; Brattvoll, Morten; Krogstad, Trine; Hjalmarsen, Audhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Background: The prevalence of major chronic illnesses, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes, is increasing. Pulmonary rehabilitation and diabetes self-management education are important in the management of COPD and diabetes respectively. However, not everyone can participate in the programmes offered at a hospital or other central locations, for reasons such as travel ...
    • Darwin’s Perplexing Paradox : Intelligent Design in Nature 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Øhrstrøm, Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Today, many would assume that Charles Darwin absolutely rejected any claim of intelligent design in nature.However, review of his initial writings reveals that Darwin accepted some aspects of this view. His conceptualization of design was founded on both the cosmological and the teleological ideas from classical natural theology. When Darwin discovered the dynamic process of natural selection, ...
    • Indigenous teachers’ experiences of the implementation of culture-based mathematics activities in Sámi school 

      Nutti, Ylva Jannok (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The goal of Indigenous education is that it should be approached on the basis of the Indigenous language and culture; this is also the case with Sámi education. The Sámi School Board has stated that all teaching in Sámi schools should be culturally based, despite the fact that Sámi culture-based teaching is not specifically defined. Therefore, teachers themselves must adapt the teaching and as ...
    • Hvordan forbedre studentenes faglige prestasjoner i kjemi? Erfaringer fra FoU-arbeid ved Universitetet i Tromsø 

      Køller, Hans-Georg; Olufsen, Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      En betydelig andel studenter på begynnerkurset i kjemi ved Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT) har i en årrekke hatt store problemer med det faglige nivået på kurset. Strykprosenten på eksamen i kurset har vært høy i flere år, og helt oppe i over 50%. Årsakene til dette er sammensatte, men viktige bidrag til den høye strykprosenten ser ut til å være at studentene har mangelfulle forkunnskaper i kjemi og ...
    • Effect of high intensity activity on children’s aerobic power 

      Brøgger, Rein Magnus Jensen; Mathisen, Gunnar; Pettersen, Svein Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Several studies in recent years have reported significant fitness improvements in children after exercise interventions, given sufficient training intensity, frequency and duration. However the knowledge of how fast children respond to exercise is limited and most research protocols are performed on cycle ergometers or other training devices using exercise programs are not applicable for practical ...
    • Amnesi på Ordkalotten 

      Moi, Ruben (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013)
      Hva husker vi? Hvordan vet vi at minnet er riktig og autentisk? Hvem husker det som er glemt? Minnet, hukommelsen og glemselen er begreper som er sammensatte og underfundige. Prosesser knyttet til disse begrepene er komplekse. Ordkalotten, Tromsøs internasjonale litteraturfestival, utforsker disse prosessene denne uka under headingen Amnesi.
    • Foreword 

      Gaupseth, Silje; Federhofer, Marie-Theres; Aspaas, Per Pippin (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2013)
      “Travels in the North” is the title of a symposium that was hosted by the Centre franco-norvégien en sciences sociales et humaines, in Paris, 5–6 October 2011. The Centre is owned by the Norwegian Universities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Tromsø, and constitutes a part of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. The symposium took place in conjunction with the annual meeting of the ...
    • Hvem tar ansvar? 

      Danielsen, Karin Helene; Frenning, Ingrid (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013-02-15)
      Svømmeferdigheter. Over tid har barns grunnleggende ferdigheter i svømming blitt svakere. Nå bør de ansvarlige ta grep for å bedre situasjonen.
    • What Characterises High Achieving Students’ Mathematical Reasoning? 

      Haavold, Per Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This study investigates high achieving students’ mathematical reasoning when given an unfamiliar trigonometric equation. The findings indicate that the students’ way of thinking is strongly linked with imitative reasoning and only when they received some form of guidance, were they able to display flexible and creative mathematical reasoning.
    • Problematiske merkelapper på barnehagebarn. 

      Sollied, Sissel; Worum, Kirsten Sivertsen (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013-11-22)
      Vi ønsker å rette et kritisk blikk på rutiner og rutinemateriell som brukes i overgangen fra barnehage til skole. Fokuset er på kartleggingspraksis og konsekvensene dette kan få for det enkelte barn.
    • Communication Development - working with adolescents with multiple disabilities: A Norwegian study. 

      Sollied, Sissel (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2013)
    • Exploring the quality of special education. Final report. Report no 6. 

      Stangvik, Gunnar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2002)
    • A study of special education in the United States of America. Report no 4. 

      Stangvik, Gunnar (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2002)