Now showing items 561-580 of 33247

    • Situational Cues in Thoughts About the Future: Relationships With Self-Reported and Actual Self-Regulation Success 

      Kristiansen, Ingar Mikkola; Martiny-Huenger, Torsten; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J. (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-02-13)
      Based on stimulus-response learning accounts, we argue that including situational cues in thought about intended actions is an important aspect of self-regulation success in general and in successfully implementing delayed intentions. Accordingly, in Study 1 (N = 328) we replicate a previous study and show a positive relationship between the self-reported inclusion of situational cues in thoughts ...
    • The role of entrenchment and schematisation in the acquisition of rich verbal morphology 

      Kosutar, Sara; Hrzica, Gordana; Botica, Tomislava Bosnjak; Milin, Petar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-30)
      Entrenchment and schematisation are the two most important cognitive processes in language acquisition. In this article, the role of the two processes, operationalised by token and type frequency, in the production of overgeneralised verb forms in Croatian preschool children is investigated using a parental ques tionnaire and computational simulation of language acquisition. The participants ...
    • Associations between cognitive test scores and pain tolerance: The Tromsø study 

      Melum, Tonje Anita; Steingrímsdóttir, Ólöf A.; Jacobsen, Henrik B.; Johnsen, Bente; Stubhaug, Audun; Schirmer, Henrik; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B.; Nielsen, Christopher S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-18)
      The aim of this study is to assess this relationship in a large population-based sample.<p> <p>Methods ‒ We included 5,753 participants (aged 40–84 years) from the seventh wave of the population-based Tromsø Study who had been examined with cognitive tests and experimental pain assessments, and for whom informa tion on covariates were available. Cox regression models were fitted using standardized ...
    • Permagov D3.2 Report on the Development of Diagnostic Tool: An overview of PERMAGOV’s tool co-development process 

      Flannery, Wesley; West, Lindsey; Nielsen, Kåre Nolde; Knol-Kauffman, Maaike; Passarello, Cristian; Boteler, Benjamin; Coelho, Nelson F.; Cole Seeberg Dyremose, Sun; Haapasaari, Päivi; Hegland, Troels Jacob; McLaughlin, Shannon; Toonen, Hilde; Varjapuro, Riku; van Leeuwen, Judith (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)
      Institutional barriers are critical obstacles to policy implementation. Such barriers hamper the performance of marine policies and may also limit the potential for adapting governance arrangements in order to improve policy performance. Instigating transformation within longstanding governance arrangements is very challenging and is often hampered by institutional barriers such as path dependency, ...
    • Integrating environmental DNA into marine management 

      Guri, Gledis (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-05-14)
      Human-induced factors such as pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change, have precipitated a concerning decline in marine biodiversity, challenging the health and sustainability of marine ecosystems. While international conservation efforts have been initiated to address this crisis, they have frequently fallen short of achieving their objectives, mainly due to the lack of ...
    • Experiments With Sea Spray Icing: Investigation of Icing Rates 

      Deshpande, Sujay; Sæterdal, Ane Solbakken; Sundsbø, Per-Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-11)
      Sea spray icing on ships and marine structures depends on a complex correlation between metocean parameters and vessel characteristics. Sea spray icing rates have mostly been investigated and given as a function of general metocean parameters. The existing models suffer from the lack of experimental data. More experimental data are required for better prediction models and understanding of the icing ...
    • Tracing the Ontological Beliefs of Norwegian Educators Concerning Technology use in Early Childhood Education and Care 

      Undheim, Marianne; Kucirkova, Natalia; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-24)
      Nested in the socio-cultural theory and the related concepts of dialogue in thinking (Mercer & Littleton, 2007) and dialogic teaching in classrooms (Mercer & Howe, 2012), this study explored knowledge and technology as dynamic meaning-making processes in Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. Group-reflections from thirteen Norwegian early childhood educators and their ...
    • Open-door policy versus treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards: a pragmatic, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial in Norway 

      Rustad Indregard, Anne Marthe; Nussle, Hans Martin; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Vandvik, Per Olav; Tesli, Martin Steen; Gather, Jakov; Kunøe, Nikolaj (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-06)
      Background - Open-door policy is a recommended framework to reduce coercion in psychiatric wards. However, existing observational data might not fully capture potential increases in harm and use of coercion associated with open-door policies. In this first randomised controlled trial, we compared coercive practices in open-door policy and treatment-as-usual wards in an urban hospital setting. We ...
    • Kan imitasjon forklares av engasjement? En kvantitativ studie av imitativ atferd og engasjement hos barn ved 18 måneders alder. 

      Kristoffersen, Anne Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-04-29)
      Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke om imitasjon i løpet av de første leveårene kan forklares av engasjement. Dette ble undersøkt gjennom å kartlegge barnets blikk mot eksperimentet under demonstrasjonen av en objektrelatert handling, samt ved å kartlegge barnets håndteringer av objektet under eksperimentfasen. Deretter ble frekvens av imitative handlinger kartlagt basert på barnets håndteringer ...
    • Oppfølging av premature barn etter tidlig hjemreise fra nyfødt intensiv ved hjelp av videosamtale er familiesentrert omsorg 

      Madsen, Håkon Lind; Sæleset, Martha Lid (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-04-29)
      Abstract Background: In recent years, several neonatal intensive care units in Norway have begun to offer early discharge to families with premature infants and provide support through the use of video calls. Research in this area has previously been limited, especially when it comes to qualitative research from the perspective of nurses. The aim of the study was to gain increased knowledge about ...
    • EU-motstand i Norge og Danmark. EU-motstandernes organisasjoner 

      Heggen, Reidun Berntsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-03)
      Forholdet mellom Den europeiske union (EU) og Norge og Danmark er i stadig endring. Den europeiske union har ekspandert, både i antall medlemsland og i antall politiske saker (Heidar og Bakke, Politikk i Europa 2013). Utviklingen der grensen mellom de europeiske landene viskes ut, kalles Europeisering. Utviklingen mot at europeere utvikler felles mål, felles regelverk, handler mer med hverandre og ...
    • Kelvin-Helmholtz versus Gradient drift instability: which one "wins" in the high latitude ionosphere? 

      Kjørsvik, Amalie Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-01-14)
      The high latitude ionosphere is highly irregular, which is caused by plasma patches, flow shears and electron precipitation. These causes are not well understood, but it is thought to be three sources to these irregularities: density gradients, arcs/flow channels and electron precipitation. It is speculated that there are two main mechanisms for the formation of these irregularities. These mechanisms ...
    • Teknologi for automatisk sortering av tørrfisk 

      Nilsen, Heidi; Ortega, Samuel; Nyrud, Thomas; Karlsen, Amanda Katrine; Lindberg, Stein-Kato; Heia, Karsten; Joensen, Sjúrður (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024-04-15)
      Tørking av fisk ute på hjell er en tradisjonell og mye brukt metode for konservering av fisk. Kvaliteten på sluttproduktet blir i stor grad avhengig av værforhold under tørking og kvaliteten på råstoffet som henges. Når fisken tørkes ute blir den utsatt for variasjon i temperatur, vind, sol og fuktighet. Til sammen gir dette en tørket og modnet fisk som har karakteristisk lukt, smak og konsistens. ...
    • På Fontenehusene er medlemmene og miljtøterapeutene likestilte 

      Johannessen, Mona Stenhaug (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-22)
      Når aktiviteter er skapt av medlemmene selv, bidrar det til mestring, motivasjon og mening. Slik bidrar Fontenehusene til å fremme god psykisk helse.
    • Effect of Calanus finmarchicus Hydrolysate Inclusion on Diet Attractiveness for Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) 

      Bøgwald, Isak; Herrig, Simon; Pedersen, Alice Marie; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-13)
      Shrimp feed formulations have moved towards less fish meal and more of the readily available and cheaper plant proteins. To counteract the lower attractiveness and palatability of plant proteins, feeds are supplemented with ingredients known to have chemoattractive properties that will increase feed intake. This study investigated the putative chemoattractive effect of Calanus finmarchicus hydrolysate, ...
    • Causes and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer, What Do We Know for Sure? An Evidence Synthesis of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 

      Løyland, Borghild; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum; Grov, Ellen Karine; Utne, Inger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-20)
      Breast cancer affected more than 2.3 million women in 2022 and is the most diagnosed cancer among women worldwide. The incidence rates are greater in developed regions and are significantly higher among women with higher education and socioeconomic status. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the way women live their lives may impact their risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. This ...
    • Biodegradable plastics in Mediterranean coastal environments feature contrasting microbial succession 

      de Vogel, Fons A.; Goudriaan, Maaike; Zettler, Erik R.; Niemann, Helge; Eich, Andreas; Weber, Miriam; Lott, Christian; Amaral-Zettler, Linda A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-08)
      Plastic pollution of the ocean is a top environmental concern. Biodegradable plastics present a potential “solution” in combating the accumulation of plastic pollution, and their production is currently increasing. While these polymers will contribute to the future plastic marine debris budget, very little is known still about the behavior of biodegradable plastics in different natural environments. ...
    • Computer-Aided Optimisation in Additive Manufacturing Processes A State of the Art Survey 

      Henriksen, Tanja Emilie; Brustad, Tanita Fossli; Dalmo, Rune; Pedersen, Aleksander (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-15)
      Additive manufacturing (AM) is a field with both industrial and academic significance. Computer-aided optimisation has brought advances to this field over the years, but challenges and areas of improvement still remain. Design to execution inaccuracies, void formation, material anisotropy, and surface quality are examples of remaining challenges. These challenges can be improved via some of the ...
    • How mini–whiteboards can help teachers raise their level of communication in whole class plenary talks 

      Eidissen, Thomas Frantzen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This study investigates if using mini-whiteboards can change communication practices in a classroom using a before-and-after approach. Change in teaching practices was analysed using a framework described by Brendefur and Frykholm (2000). The data for this paper were collected on a lesson before the introduction of the mini-whiteboards, and a lesson three months after the introduction of the tools. ...