Now showing items 661-680 of 33296

    • The role of due diligence obligations in climate change litigation to fill in the corporate climate accountability gap 

      Leoro Toscano, Victoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      This thesis aims at answering the following legal question: to what extent can due diligence legislation be used in climate governance to fill in the corporate climate accountability gap through climate change litigation? The objective of this research is to critically assess the legal potential of due diligence legislation within corporate climate litigation cases. In other words, the research ...
    • The Influence of Verbal Instructions on Action Control 

      Damanskyy, Yevhen (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-04-26)
      Prior research on action control has primarily focused on action-effect learning through behavioral experiments. However, another line of research has demonstrated that verbal information can serve as an alternative route for forming these associations, even without any active behavior. This thesis explores whether verbal instructions framed in an effect-response manner can provide an additional ...
    • Patient-reported outcome measures in hip fracture patients data on 35,206 patients from the Norwegian Hip Fracture Register, 2014 to 2018 

      Kjærvik, Cato; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Stensland, Eva; Dybvik, Eva Hansen; Søreide, Odd (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-01)
      Aims - The aims of this study were to assess quality of life after hip fractures, to characterize respondents to patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), and to describe the recovery trajectory of hip fracture patients.<p> <p>Methods - Data on 35,206 hip fractures (2014 to 2018; 67.2% female) in the Norwegian Hip Fracture Register were linked to data from the Norwegian Patient Registry and ...
    • Allmenningsretten i Norge - Ulike regler for like arealer 

      Eriksen, Gunnar Ketil; Ravna, Øyvind (Book; Bok, 2023)
      Denne boka omhandler forvaltningen av de offentlig eide utmarks- og allmenningsområder i Norge. Fremstillingen gir en beskrivelse og undersøkelse av eksisterende ordninger for disse områdene, nærmere bestemt statsallmenninger forvaltet etter fjellova og lov om skogdrift i statsallmenningene, statsgrunnen i Nordland og Troms og Finnmarkseiendommen. Videre beskrives historikk, bruksrettigheter og ...
    • Diffracting Dementia Co-creative Experiments with Agential Realism and Multisensoriality in a Residential Care Home in Northern Norway 

      Lukic, Dragana; Mittner, Lilli (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias (ADD) challenge Western economies, in which biomedical human-centric understandings of ADD as deficit dominates. To imagine lives with ADD differently, we have facilitated and researched co-creative art sessions rooted in feminist posthumanities in residential care homes in Northern Norway. We have experimented with Karen Barad’s diffractive methodology, ...
    • Cross-population evaluation of cervical cancer risk prediction algorithms 

      Elvatun, Severin; Knoors, Daan; Nygård, Mari Kiens; Uusküla, Anneli; Võrk, Andres; Nygård, Jan Franz (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-24)
      Background - Cervical cancer is a preventable disease, despite being one of the most common types of female cancers worldwide. Integrating existing programs for cervical cancer screening with personalized risk prediction algorithms can improve population-level cancer prevention by enabling more targeted screening and contrive preventive healthcare innovations. While algorithms developed for cervical ...
    • The Role of International Environmental Obligations in the Interpretation and Invocation of the Two-year Rule for the Approval or Disapproval of Plans of Work in the Exploitation Phase 

      Honarvar Shahroodi, Mohsen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
      This thesis has begun its text by introducing the general importance of the Area and then explaining the general legal framework in international law. In particular, environmental obligations that have already existed in international law are introduced. These obligations have been considered between states and the ISA, aware of the fact that the prospective contractors are supposed to conduct ...
    • The Role of RFMOs in the Conservation of Shortfin Mako Sharks in the Northern Atlantic Ocean 

      Hohrjakova, Anastasia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
      The aim of the thesis was to assess the role of the RFMOs in the conservation of shortfin makos in the Northern Atlantic. Initially, the study examined and analysed the framework of conservation and management measures guiding the conservation of the shortfin makos. Subsequently, the thesis explored the mechanisms relating to how the RFMOs have operationalised the relevant measures. Lastly, the ...
    • The IMO’s approach to climate change mitigation: Regulatory and policy framework for reducing GHG emissions 

      Ludwig, Anke (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
      Based upon the topicality of GHG emissions and the IMO’s involvement, my thesis will investigate and examine the regulatory and policy framework of the IMO for reducing GHG emissions and its alignment with the international legal framework to provide a better understanding of where we currently stand in the mitigation of the climate crisis.
    • A Law of the Sea perspective on the discharge of nuclear wastewater-using Fukushima as an example 

      Wang, Yingqiu (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
      In the tenth year after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident caused by the Great Earthquake in Japan, the Japanese government announced that it would discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea in 2023, which is this year. According to recent news, Japan has completed an undersea pipeline and is preparing to officially discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea through the pipeline at the end of ...
    • To what extent is the use of underwater surveillance equipment for security and military purposes in conformity with the Law of the Sea? 

      Bro, Martin Abbas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-08-29)
      The master thesis examines to what extent the use of underwater surveillance equipment for security and military purposes is in conformity with the Law of the Sea.
    • Legally analysing and addressing the Effects of Ocean Acidification in a European Union law context through the lens of the Ecosystem Approach 

      Dreßler, Inken (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)
      Ocean Acidification (OA) continues to have an increasing impact on the marine waters of the European Union (EU). Nevertheless, there is no legal framework in place that addresses OA sufficiently enough to reduce or even halt it. Therefore, it has become necessary to consider possible avenues and legal instruments that can tackle the consequences of OA. As the current sectorial approach to ...
    • Einleitung 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres; Bergner, Marit; Henningsen, Bernd (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-01)
      Im Jahr 2023 jährte sich zum 250. Mal der Geburtstag des dänisch-norwegischen Naturwissenschaftlers, Philosophen, Schriftstellers und Universitätsreformers Henrik Steffens (1773–1845),1 der sein gesamtes Berufsleben in dem seinerzeit politisch noch nicht existierenden Deutschland verbrachte – als Freund Schel-lings und Schleiermachers, als Professor, als Literat und als aktiver ...
    • Decision-making styles and trust across farmers and bankers: Global survey results 

      Svenson, Wolf Jost Frithiof Erten-Alexa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-15)
      Understanding in which contexts professionals come to trust their gut is critical both for human relations as well as for human–computer interaction. A prominent viewpoint promotes a deliberate trust development approach for professionals in all industries and at all levels of organizations (people use good thinking). The use of intuition has also been related to trust development. There is little ...
    • Jesu ord på korset - forlatt eller fornærmet? 

      Krøger, Helga (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-10-31)
      Allerede få tiår etter Jesu død verserte det ulike tradisjoner som skildret Jesu ord på korset. Av de tekstene vi i dag kjenner til, er Markusevangeliet det tidsmessig nærmeste korsfestelsen av Jesus. I evangeliet er Jesu siste ord Eloi, Eloi, lama sabaktani? Ytringen er en translitterasjon fra arameisk som oversettes til gresk av evangelisten Markus, før den får norsk språkdrakt i "Min Gud, min ...
    • Die "gesetzgebende Gewalt" der Chemie. Henrik Steffens und die chemische Geologie um 1800 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Der Beitrag handelt davon, wie Steffens sein Interesse an chemischen Prozessen in der Natur mit zeitlichen Prozessen in der Geologie zusammenbringt. Durch die Fokussierung chemischer Prozesse gelingt es ihm – so die These – die Prozessualität organischer und anorganischer Erscheinungen nachzuweisen und dadurch sein Projekt einer „innern Naturgeschichte der Erde“, die sowohl Anorganisches als Organisches ...
    • Minnet om Narviks krigshistorie 1940 «Krigshistorisk landskap-Narvik 1940» i et minnepolitisk perspektiv 

      Hangeland, Marcus Celius (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-02-15)
      I denne masteroppgaven går jeg gjennom "Krigshistorisk landskap Narvik 1940" i et minnepolitisk perspektiv. "Krigshistorisk landskap Narvik 1940" er en serie monumenter som er reist på veien mellom Bardufoss og Narvik. Oppgaven tar for seg hvem som har vært sentrale minneaktører i etableringen av dette prosjektet. Oppgaven kommer også til å se prosjektet "krigshistorisk landskap-Narvik 19040" i ...
    • Trondenes prestegård: Et arkeologisk puslespill 

      Trælnes, Ida Rabben (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      Fra 1962 – 1964 ble det utført en utgravning av Trondenes prestegård. Grunnet lite erfaring og mangel på metode har dokumentasjonen fra denne utgravningen vist mye problematikk som har ført til lite forskning på gården. Tilstanden til dokumentasjonen m.m. har også ført til at materialet er delvis uprosessert. Det har tidligere blitt gjort en undersøkelser av keramikkmaterialet på Trondenes av Trude ...
    • «Tore Hunds čehporis» – en samifiseringsfortelling i «Nasjonaljubileet 2030 – Norge i tusen år» 

      Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-14)
      Det samiske senteret Várdobáiki sámi guovddáš har i jubileet «Nasjonaljubileet 2030 – Norge i tusen år» som mål å fremme kunnskap om samenes rolle og posisjon i middelalderen. I denne artikkelen presenterer jeg hvordan de gjennom prosjektet «Tore Hunds čehporis» og ved aktivering av duodji (samisk håndverkstradisjon) åpner for nye blikk på nasjonale fortellinger. Jeg diskuterer hvordan «Tore Hunds ...
    • COVID-19 psychological impact in general practitioners: A longitudinal study 

      Lange, Marie; Licaj, Idlir; Stroiazzo, Rhéda; Rabiaza, Andry; Le Bas, Jeanne; Le Bas, François; Humbert, Xavier (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-04-07)
      <p><i>Introduction</i> COVID-19 may have negatively impacted the mental health of front-line healthcare workers, including general practitioners (GPs). This study sought to assess the psychological impact (stress, burnout and self-efficacy) of the COVID-19 outbreak in French GPs. <p><i>Methods</i> We carried out a postal-based survey of all GPs who worked in the French region of Normandy (departments ...