Viser treff 641-660 av 33296

    • MedNoreg+: A possible contribution to systematic Information Retrieval and access for evidence-based-decision-making 

      Msomphora, Mbachi Ruth (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022-06)
      Description of the topic theme: To develop a database system called “MedNoreg+” that will enable: 1.Users to systematically search with Norwegian and Swedish terms, apart from English (room for expansion to other languages). 2.All PubMed posts will be loaded automatically into MedNoreg+. 3.Auto index MeSH terms on all the posts, which NLM has not yet been able to index manuall. Relevance of the topic ...
    • Fiskesøkker og hverdagens magi i steinalderens kystlandskap 

      Damm, Charlotte Brysting (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Kystlandskapet og dets ressurser har gjennom alle tider vært viktige for befolkningen i Nord-Norge. Det gjelder også for fangstfolk i periodene yngre steinalder (ca. 5000–1800 fvt.) og tidlig metalltid (1800–0 fvt.) som primært livnærte seg av fisk, sel og sjøfugl. Derfor er det litt av et paradoks at de avbildninger vi finner for eksempel i bergkunsten i utstrakt grad er av landpattedyr. Hvordan ...
    • ‘Enhance’ global utdanning: Aktiv læring for Integrering av internasjonalt perspektiv 

      Msomphora, Mbachi Ruth; Jørgensen, Mie Østergaard (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-02-15)
      Prosjekt Bakgrunn og Formål: Globaliseringen har ført til et presserende behov for en utdanning som reflekterer og forbereder individer for et internasjonalt arbeidsmarked og samfunn. Formålet med vårt prosjekt er å forbedre global utdanning innen helseprofesjonene ved å integrere internasjonale perspektiver gjennom aktiv læring. Vi sikter mot å utvikle studenter som er kulturelt bevisste og som kan ...
    • Exploring the Interconnected Realms of Multiphysics: Insights from My Research Journey 

      Khawaja, Hassan Abbas (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-04-02)
      In this talk, I present an in-depth exploration of multiphysics—a domain where physical processes or phenomena operate simultaneously and interact. My research encompasses the development and utilization of computational models to solve complex systems where interdependent physical processes coexist. From the fluid-structure interactions that play a critical role in various engineering applications ...
    • Cross-Linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition A longitudinal study on the acquisition of German morphosyntax by Norwegian high school students 

      Frank Bernstein, Katharina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
      This thesis aims to investigate how previously acquired languages influence the acquisition of a third language (L3); modes of transfer/cross-linguistic influence (CLI) (wholesale vs. property-by-property) and factors that select the source of transfer. This longitudinal empirical study contributes to the core questions of generative adult language acquisition and adds to the current discussion on ...
    • Actitudes lingüísticas y políticas en sociedades bilingües. Un estudio comparativo sobre la Comunidad Valenciana y Noruega 

      Hogsnes-Rødland, Marianne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-10-27)
      This master's thesis investigates potential connections between linguistic and political attitudes within a bilingual society. It specifically focuses on the contemporary Comunidad Valenciana in Spain, where both Spanish and Valenciano/Catalán hold official language status. It explores the dynamics between linguistic and political attitudes, with a particular emphasis on the divisions between ...
    • The phonological status of onsets with multiple articulations in Kalahari Basin Area languages 

      Harrison, Andrea (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-01)
      Languages spoken in the Kalahari Basin Area abound with phonetic complexity, particularly with regard to clicks and stops. In these languages, the root-initial onset position is the only position within a root that allows clicks and most egressive obstruents to occur. Some clicks and obstruents are produced phonetically as sequences of release bursts, such as a coronal stop followed by a dorsal ...
    • Erfaringer med norsk og engelsk blant internasjonalt ansatte på NTNU 

      Busby, Nicole Louise; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Nygård, Gro; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)
      92 % av de fast ansatte og 69 % av de midlertidig ansatte rapporterer å ha tatt norskkurs i større eller mindre grad. Likevel oppgir bare 54 % av fast ansatte at de føler de kan nok norsk til å gjøre jobben sin godt. • 36 % av fast ansatte rapporterer å ha tatt kurs tilsvarende minst B2-nivå i norsk. Av disse rapporterte 25 % at de fortsatt ikke følte at de kunne nok norsk til å gjøre jobben sin ...
    • The Eurasian Ice Sheet: Status and Challenges 

      Winsborrow, Monica Caroline Mackay; Hughes, Anna; Greenwood, Sarah L. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-03-15)
    • Modelling the Eurasian Ice Sheet 

      Patton, Henry Jared (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-03-15)
    • Adapting a linguistic constructicon resource to L2 learners and instructors: a challenging endeavor 

      Endresen, Anna; Zhukova, Valentina; Janda, Laura Alexis (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-03)
      We present the challenges faced and decisions made in creating the Russian Constructicon ( as a multifunctional resource. We focus on two crucial categories of target users, linguists and L2 learners & instructors, and show that they have somewhat conflicting needs and expectations. While linguists want a maximally comprehensive inventory and its description, ...
    • Construxercise! A new digital resource with construction-based exercises for L2 Russian 

      Endresen, Anna; Janda, Laura Alexis; Zhukova, Valentina (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-03)
      In this talk, we will discuss how we can bridge the gap between a constructicon resource and second language (L2) learners, drawing our insights from the actual practice of construction-based teaching. We suggest that having a constructicon resource, even with a user-friendly design, might not be enough to successfully engage L2 students with its content. We 1) summarize the accommodations for L2 ...
    • VRD versus VCD as induction therapy before autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: a nationwide population-based study 

      Nørgaard, Jakob Nordberg; Moore, Kari Lenita Falck; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Vik, Anders; Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson; Schjesvold, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-09)
      Induction therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is standard of care for young and fit patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) [1]. Induction therapy has evolved from doublet to triplet to quadruplet regimens over the last decades. The most common triplet therapy is either Bortezomib-Cyclophosphamide-Dexamethasone (VCD), Bortezomib-Lenalidomide-Dexamethasone ...
    • Una propuesta de producción de materiales para introducción de las perífrasis de fase en la clase de español (Spansk II) para hablantes noruegos 

      Gonzalez, Gonzalo Laguna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      Las perífrasis verbales son construcciones sintácticas que constan de dos o más verbos que constituyen un solo núcleo de predicado. El primero de ellos es el verbo auxiliar que aporta modo, tiempo, persona, número y aspecto; mientras que la forma verbal auxiliada escoge los argumentos. La carga semántica que conserva el auxiliar hace que se pueda hablar de perífrasis modales y tempoaspectuales. El ...
    • Mo i Rana-dialekten: En korpusanalyse 

      Furuheim, Veronica Lund (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-11-01)
      Mo i Rana er en nordnorsk industriby som spesielt på 1900-tallet gikk gjennom store samfunnsmessige endringer og dermed også en stor økning i folketallet, noe som igjen har påvirket talemålet. I denne masteroppgaven undersøker jeg hvilke dialektendringstendenser som kan spores i Mo i Rana-dialekten fra 1960-tallet og fram til i dag. For å besvare problemstillingen har jeg analysert korpusdata fra ...
    • The impact of L1 translation on vocabulary retention and immediate recall in Persian learners of English. 

      Kalantari Dehaghi, Parisa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-10-31)
      Objectives: The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of using the learners' first language (L1) as a translation tool on their foreign language vocabulary acquisition. The study aims to explore whether incorporating L1 translation activities into foreign language instruction could enhance vocabulary learning among young learners in an Iranian context. Methodology: The study follows ...
    • Deconstructive Destruction. Violence and Representation in Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy and The Collected Works of Billy the Kid: Left-Handed Poems by Michael Ondaatje 

      Årst, Christina Pernille (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-10-23)
      Violence is not outside the limits of representation; it remains intertwined in its very textual fabric. This thesis investigates the inherent violence of representation in Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy and The Collected Works of Billy the Kid: Left-Hand Poems by Michael Ondaatje. The thesis’ main objective is to compare the thematic violence in the text to ...
    • Skolt Sami language elements in the linguistic landscape in Norway and Finland: presence or absence? A study on Sami language policy and indigenous language reality in four settlements in the Skolt Sami homeland 

      Austad-Sivertsen, Nina Merete (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-16)
      The Skolt Sami people have their traditional homeland in Eastern Finnmark (Norway), Northern Lapland (Finland), and on the Kola Peninsula in Northwest Russia. Skolt Sami language is classified as a nearly extinct indigenous language according to the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger (Moseley and Nicolas, 2017), with just over 300 speakers (Jakhelln, 2021, p. 8). This thesis is ...
    • Treasure Trove UNCLOS – New Argumentative Ground for Climate Change Litigation? 

      Neumann, Jasper (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-10-13)
      Based on the premise that climate change litigation is a useful tool to bring States to intensify their efforts to mitigate climate change, the thesis follows the question whether the UNCLOS offers a useful tool in addition to the traditional fora for climate change litigation. The thesis looks at both the climate related obligations under the UNCLOS and the potential of the obligations to be used ...
    • Is There a Need for Legal Reinforcement in Norway – to Protect and Preserve the Marine Environment From Offshore Petroleum Activities? 

      Surchi, Mohammed (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-08-31)
      Denne avhandlingen dreier seg om hvorvidt det er nødvendig for ytterligere lovgivning i forbindelse med beskyttelse av det marine miljø fra den offshore oljeindustrien i Norge, ved å analysere hvor omfattende eksisterende nasjonalt lovverk er, i tillegg til de folkerettslige pliktene Norge har som en kyststat etter Havrettskonvensjonen. Denne analysen går ut på å gå gjennom Norges lovverk, etterfulgt ...