Viser treff 21-23 av 23

    • Building a Community Engagement Framework for the Nuclear Energy Industry in Canada’s North 

      Landrie-Parker, Dazawray (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-16)
      This study explores engagement with Northern and Indigenous peoples and communities, using principles and practices that are currently being used within and outside of the nuclear energy sector. The project seeks to identify gaps in current nuclear energy engagement, explore the legal requirements for proponents, and provide recommendations for improved engagement with the Indigenous community in ...
    • Fishing for Fishers: Recruitment of fishers in three communities in Nordland 

      Swensen, Marit Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      This thesis examines the development of recruitment within fisheries in recent years in three North Norwegian coastal communities. Recruitment of fishers is vital for the survival of coastal fishery communities, as well as for the cultural identity of the people living in them. Traditional fisheries have sustained coastal communities for centuries and were the reason the coast was inhabited in the ...
    • Clyde River and the National Energy Board: The Prospects for Legal Reconciliation 

      Moriarity, Catherine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-11-03)
      This thesis aims to address uncertainty within the legal regulatory environment of the duty to consult in Canada. It will examine the role of the National Energy Board in conducting consultations with Indigenous peoples when their rights may be adversely impacted by natural resource development projects. In Clyde River et. al. v. Petroleum Geo-Services Inc., 2017, the Supreme Court of Canada found ...