Viser treff 61-80 av 159

    • Indigenous wellbeing in university spaces. Experiences of indigenous students at the Australian National University 

      Powell, Maeve Shirley (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This thesis aims to address the issue of Indigenous Australian conceptions of wellbeing in the context of university education. It will examine the role of an Indigenous student support unit in providing a space in which Indigenous wellbeing is enacted, supported and strengthened. The findings are based on discussions with six Indigenous students who were enrolled at the Australian National University ...
    • Educating the majority. How are the Norwegianization process and the Alta conflict presented in lower secondary school textbooks? 

      Tryndyuk, Iryna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      This thesis is devoted to the issue of education about the Sami in Norway. The aim of the study is to analyze how important events from Sami history are presented in Norwegian Social Studies textbooks. The study is based on an analysis of textbooks currently used in lower secondary schools following the National Curriculum. Textbook analysis is the main research method for the thesis. The cases ...
    • Behind the scenes of street begging. Karamojong women of North Eastern Uganda. 

      Musubika, Sarah (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      When one walks through the various streets of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, one encounters a diversity of beggars. Among them, are Karamojong women and children stationed at different places, and pleading with by-passers to offer them something. Scenes of Karamojong mothers breast feeding their babies while begging, and always set to run into hiding when they sight city authorities, are common ...
    • Clothes and ethnic identity: (re)constructing identity through cultural clothes as ethnic markers. The case of Siltie nationality of Southern Ethiopia 

      Ahmed, Kederala Mohammed (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Clothes and Ethnic Identity: (Re)Constructing Identity through Cultural Clothes as Ethnic Markers. The Case of Siltie Nationality of Southern Ethiopia is a project which investigates the new trends of “creating” costumes among ethnic groups in Ethiopia, with a focus on the interface between cultural costumes and ethnic identity. The project uses the Siltie people as its case. I am attracted to this ...
    • Coastal livelihoods in Northern Norway. Sustainable development of small-scale fishers and Sámi 

      Miller, Peter Michael (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      The sustainable development of small-scale fisher livelihood is important for the well-being and food security of millions of people around the world. However, factors that contribute to the sustainable development of this livelihood are under-developed in research (The World Bank, 2008; United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2007). Within this knowledge gap, this applied research project ...
    • Indentured servitude to post-freedom predicament. A study of oppression of young Tharu Kamlari women of Dang, Nepal 

      Basnet, Bhakta Bahadur (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      This study reflects on the predicament of the young Tharu Kamalri women after their legal emancipation in 2013, who had formerly been subjected to be the victims of bonded servitude in the name of the Kamlari system prevailing in Dang district of western Nepal. This study presents and analyses the accounts of the lives of young Kamlari women during their years in servitude, along with their ...
    • Health Seeking Behavior for Garo Children of Madhupur, Bangladesh 

      Navile, Tahura Enam (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      This master’s thesis explores the health seeking behaviors for children in the Garo indigenous community of Bangladesh drawing on medical pluralism theoretical framework. The thesis is based on one month-long fieldwork in a northern village of the country, Sainamari. In this village, different health care systems co-exist: the scientific medical system (missionary clinics, pharmacist, hospitals, ...
    • God speaks Skolt Sámi as well. Finnish Orthodox Church as a domain of language use among the Skolt Sámi in Sevettijärvi 

      Kosner, Lukas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      This study describes how the Finnish Orthodox Church in Sevettijärvi functions as a domain of language use and furthermore analyses what role the Church has had in the process of the Skolt Sámi language revitalization. Many researchers have expressed the importance of the Orthodox Church in everyday life of Skolt Sámi, however none have focused on the Church in the Skolt Sámi context from a ...
    • Negotiating an urban indigenous identity. Expectations, prejudices and claims faced by urban Sámi in two contemporary Norwegian cities 

      Vuolab, Siv Eli (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-03)
      Indigeneity is often assumed to be a rural condition, but globally, indigenous peoples are now increasingly characterized as urban populations. Research suggests that a large proportion of the Sámi population in Norway reside in urban areas and that new generations of Sámi are growing up in cities; a phenomenon coined as a geographical re-organization of Sápmi. This thesis is an investigation of ...
    • Political Mobilization using Indigenous Peoples’ Platforms: The Challenges and Paradox of Ogoni Mobilization for Self-Determination in Nigeria 

      Abdulsalam, Oluwatosin Al-Shakur (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-21)
      The inalienable right of all peoples’ to self-determination under international law equally applies to indigenous peoples and nations around the world. The study investigates what transnational civil mobilization at the global, the regional and local level have contributed towards Ogoni peoples’ mobilization for self-autonomy in Nigeria. Using the political theory of civil society and social ...
    • Resistance and change. A case study of economic changes and its effect on language, food habits and dress of the nomadic hunting-gathering Raute of Nepal 

      Paudel, Manoj Kumar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-20)
      Raute, an endangered indigenous group, are the last nomadic hunting-gathering tribe of Nepal who basically traverse through four districts: Dailekh, Salyan, Surkhet and Jajarkot of mid-west Nepal. Hunting monkeys and rhesus, foraging wild plants and fruits, and manufacturing woodenwares to barter for food and non-food items with the sedentary villagers are the primary economic sources of their ...
    • Educational Status of Santhal Community. A study of a school dropout in Santhal Children of Eastern Nepal 

      Chamalagain, Sitaram (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-21)
      The government of Nepal has taken initiatives to increase the enrollment of the students and keep them in school by making tuition fee free up to secondary level, offering various scholarship schemes for girls, marginalized and indigenous children; however, the dropout rate of children in Nepal is still high and, in the case of Santhal children, it is even higher. In this context, the current study ...
    • Changing Ways of Marrying: A study of the Dhimal Marriage Ritual of Damak, Nepal 

      Koirala, Santosh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-20)
      This thesis, entitled “Changing ways of marrying: A study of the Dhimal marriage ritual of Damak, Nepal” focuses on changes in the marriage patterns of Dhimal indigenous people. Dhimal represent one of the oldest indigenous groups of Nepal, residing in the easternmost lowland since time immemorial. For the study, the choice was made for Damak municipality, which is inhabited mainly by the Dhimal and ...
    • The New Scope: Forest Policy, Indigenous Involvement and Welfare Considerations. The case of Kyirayaso in the Ashanti Region of Ghana 

      Darku, Philomena Kafui (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-20)
      This study examines the Forest and Wildlife Policy of Ghana, how it involves the indigenous people of Kyirayaso in the management process of the forest reserve from which they derive their livelihood and how the forest policy takes into consideration the welfare of the people. The objective is to gain insight into the practicalities of managing the reserve based on the stories, views and reflections ...
    • Journeys to the Free World. Sámi and Norwegian border pilots during World War II in Nordland County 

      Pavall, Simon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      The Second World War had a great impact on. For Norwegians, the War contributed to create a national identity, based on a shared oppression from a military invasion and resistance. Because of the war, many people fled to Sweden. Most of those refugees needed help from border pilots. In some areas Sámi border pilots was important because they knew the area very well indeed. Some of them were closely ...
    • (Post) Colonial Relations on Display. Contemporary Trends in Museums and Art Exhibitions depicting Greenland 

      Brune, Vanessa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-17)
      This study describes how Greenlandic culture is represented in the arts sector of Greenland and Denmark, and furthermore analyses the political processes that those representations relate to. Greenland has been talked about a lot recently in the discussions about climate change, and also in the light of a possible independency of the country in the future. I therefore wanted to find out whether ...
    • Traditional medicine and healing among the Dagomba of Ghana 

      Kwame, Abukari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Traditional medicine and healing (TMH) is a major contributor to the healthcare needs of citizens of many countries, especially in developing countries and among the rural poor. This study of traditional medicine and healing among the Dagomba of Ghana seeks to answer the following questions: How is traditional medicine and healing practiced among the Dagomba of Ghana? What influences people to choose ...
    • Bark Food. The Continuity and Change of the Pine Inner Bark Use for Food by Sámi People in Northern Fennoscandia 

      Bogdanova, Sandra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-11)
      This thesis is a cultural document, a study of the Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) inner bark use, as a source of food and medicine among the Indigenous Sámi people of Northern Fennoscandia. The questions that drove this research centered on the methods and reasons people have developed over time for using Scots pine inner bark. It is still largely considered a ‘food taboo’ and is mostly associated ...
    • The role of the new Evenkiness in the Evenki language revitalization: the case of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) 

      Sivtseva, Mira (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-20)
      This thesis is devoted to the awakened indigenous identity of the Evenki people and its role in the Evenki language revitalization in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia. My personal experience of being an indigenous person in a multiethnic and multilingual society has become the main driving force for writing this thesis. I have personally experienced a rediscovery of my ethnic identity during the ...
    • Health Discourse in Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh 

      Tuhin, Md. Ahesanul Ameen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-21)
      The present study is about health discourse in Chittagong Hill Tracts; this research shows how different health intervention programs are conducted in Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh after the peace accord in 1997. This research also revealed how health becomes a development issue in Bangladesh especially in Chittagong Hill Tracts. Here, health discourse means how different agents, both government ...