Viser treff 21-40 av 112

    • ZeroComm: Decentralized, Secure and Trustful Group Communication 

      Witharanage, Yasiru Rathsara (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      In the context of computer networks, decentralization is a network architecture that distributes both workload and control of a system among a set of coequal participants. Applications based on such networks enhance trust involved in communication by eliminating the external author- ities with self-interests, including governments and tech companies. The decentralized model delegates the ownership ...
    • Sneak 

      Syversen, Torkel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Secure multiparty computation (SMC) is a technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function while keeping their inputs private. This technique has gained significant attention due to its potential applications in various fields, including privacy-preserving healthcare, politics and finance. SMC involves a set of protocols that enable parties to achieve secure computation and ...
    • Presenting CODS (Cell Organelle Dynamic Simulation) 

      Celeste, Aaron (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The interactions between organelles within living cells have an effect on the health of the organism [1]. One way to study this behavior is to develop algorithms which can automatically detect and track objects in microscopy video data. A large amount of data is needed to train algorithms to identify particular behaviors in subcellular machinery. If the case of segmentation is considered, videos of ...
    • Interactive visualizations of unstructured oceanographic data 

      Kirkvik, Simen Lund (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-02-15)
      The newly founded company Oceanbox is creating a novel oceanographic forecasting system to provide oceanography as a service. These services use mathematical models that generate large hydrodynamic data sets as unstructured triangular grids with high-resolution model areas. Oceanbox makes the model results accessible in a web application. New visualizations are needed to accommodate land-masking and ...
    • Designing and presenting digital nudges on mobile phones Building an app based on system requirements and usability heuristics 

      Kristoffersen, David (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-15)
      The environment is progressively affected by global warming and pollution, whereas fossil fuel transportation is one of the major causes. This thesis describes a system that aims to support users in choosing environmentally friendly transportation alternatives. The system uses digital nudging to motivate behavioral change in a non-intrusive manner. This project focuses on the presentation of ...
    • Record linkage of Norwegian historical census data using machine learning 

      Park, Narae (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-02)
      The Historical Population Register (HPR) is a project to build the longitudinal life history of individuals by integrating the historical records of the people in Norway since the 19th century. This study attempted to improve the linking rate between the 1875-1900 censuses in HPR, which is currently low, using machine learning approaches. To this end, I developed a machine learning model for linking ...
    • Nudging according to user’s preferences 

      Saleem, Sufyan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-15)
      Physical inactivity has been identified as a global pandemic, physical inactivity causes multiple health outcomes in different demographic group such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon, and breast cancer. A physical inactive person takes less than 5000 steps a day. To try to reduce physical inactivity along individual for healthy lifestyle, this thesis provides personalized digital ...
    • Triggering the next nudge 

      Ottestad, Thomas Forsgren (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-26)
      The aim of this thesis is to establish if a smart nudging system using triggers could be used to better understand the user and their situation as well as aiding in selecting a target activity as part of a complete smart nudging system. Explore how such a system can be used to determine when a user should be nudged and how it can learn from feedback from the user to make changes to itself and ...
    • Privacy-Preserving and Secure Pilot Self-Assessment 

      Eide, Kim Grønning (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      There is a strong culture for using safety risk management tools to monitor the different parts of the operation in the aviation industry. However, most of the monitoring that is being done is done on the technical conditions of the aircraft rather than on the pilot. While there is an expectation that the pilots self-assess their health regarding how fit the pilot is to operate an aircraft, all the ...
    • Improving audio training for Cochlear Implant users 

      Opdahl, Christer Hagenes (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      A Cochlear Implant(CI) is an implant that replaces the functionality of the inner ear with an electronic prosthesis. The prosthesis stimulates the auditory nerves within the cochlea so that people with auditory disabilities regain hearing. While the medical process of inserting the implant is relatively straightforward, learning how to use the implant may be difficult. This thesis proposes a ...
    • Management of large geospatial datasets 

      Lau, Ka Hin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)
      In large simulations, like predicting the movement of ocean particles, it is common that simulation executions are related when they share one or more inputs. When the number of simulations increases, it becomes harder for users who run the simulations to keep track of all the simulations. Also, more storage spaces are wasted if there are multiple copies of the same input files. This thesis ...
    • Budget-aware scheduling algorithm for scientific workflow applications across multiple clouds. A Mathematical Optimization-Based Approach 

      Ziagham Ahwazi, Amin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Scientific workflows have become a prevailing means of achieving significant scientific advances at an ever-increasing rate. Scheduling mechanisms and approaches are vital to automating these large-scale scientific workflows efficiently. On the other hand, with the advent of cloud computing and its easier availability and lower cost of use, more attention has been paid to the execution and scheduling ...
    • Building a Neighborhood Resource Map for IoT and Cyber-Physical systems in Resource-Constrained Environments 

      Sønvisen, Sindre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-12)
      Creating and maintaining a shared resource map between observation nodes that have a behavior where they are mostly sleeping, and have a wake up schedule that are determined at each node locally is challenging. This thesis looks at these challenges, and possible solutions have been proposed to overcome them. Previous research on the topic of constrained IoT networks have looked at the network, ...
    • Continious Synchronization of Conflict-Free Replicated Relations 

      Iversen, Gustav Heide (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-12)
      Local-first software is an attempt to use the benefits of cloud service while reducing its drawbacks. Local-first software gives the clients ownership and control of their data and makes the service always available. It is achieved by having the primary copy of the service at the client. The most common way to implement local-first software is by utilizing Conflict-free Replicated Datatypes or CRDTs, ...
    • Gurret: Decentralized data management using subscription-based file attribute propagation 

      Johansen, Sivert (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-13)
      Research institutions and funding agencies are increasingly adopting open-data science, where data is freely available or available under some data sharing policy. In addition to making publication efforts easier, open data science also promotes collaborative work using data from various sources around the world. While the research datasets are often static and immutable, the metadata of a file ...
    • Personalized Nudges with Edge Computing 

      Andersen, Elisabeth Sie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-02)
      This thesis aims to investigate the role of edge computing in a smart nudging system. A smart nudging system has requirements for efficient data processing of personal and context-aware data from heterogeneous sources. Furthermore, a smart nudging system needs to protect and preserve the privacy of data within the system. Edge computing has been proposed as a computing paradigm in a smart nudging ...
    • The Mask: Masking the effects of Edge Nodes being unavailable 

      Zhakun, Ilia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-11-15)
      The arctic tundra is observed to collect data to be used for climate research. Data can be collected by cyber-physical computers with sensors. However, the arctic tundra has a limited availability of energy. Consequently, the nodes rely on batteries and sleep most of the time to increase the battery-limited operational lifetime. In addition, only a few nodes can expect to be in reach of a back-haul ...
    • How to use an app to Nudge people to choose more green transportation? 

      Myrvang, Ingvild Kristiane (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-10-02)
      Making green transport choices are more important than ever to save the environment. To accomplish this there must be a reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. How to make people choose green transportation, when it is inconvenient, is an interesting challenge. Most would rather take the easy way out to avoid the extra planning and estimation of how to reach their destination. ...
    • Slicer 

      Knutsen, Øystein (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-09-15)
      Explorative data visualization is a widespread tool for gaining insights from datasets. Investigating data in linked visualizations lets users explore potential relationships in their data at will. Furthermore, this type of analysis does not require any technical knowledge, widening the userbase from developers to anyone. Implementing explorative data visualizations in web browsers makes data analysis ...
    • Combination of satellite imagery and wind data in deep learning approach to detect oil spills 

      Borhaug, Hans Berg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-09-15)
      The ocean is vulnerable to oil related activities such as oil production and transport that can harm the environment. Environmental damages from oil spills can be large if not dealt with. Satellite images from radar are useful to detect oil spills because they cover both day and night and penetrates clouds. However, detecting oil spills in ocean areas from satellite images are not a trivial task due ...